

''What I really like is that you can pick one specialisation and combine this with courses from different specialisations.''

During my Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, I missed the connection to major natural hazards we experience today. I choose to study Earth Surface and Water at Utrecht University, because the programme connects the technical aspects of my Bachelor’s to real-life problems in the surface water and subsurface.

The part of the programme which I really like is that you can pick one specialisation and combine this with courses from different specialisations. For example, I follow the Environmental Geochemistry track but I also understand hydrological processes in the soil and know how to map these in advanced geographical modelling systems.

My graduation project is a cooperation between the university and The French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development, for which I am investigating the suitability of irrigation techniques for small-holder farmers in Senegal.


''This Master’s allowed me to view hydrological problems from a wide range of topics, not just physical hydrology, which really appealed to me.''

During my Bachelor’s Earth Sciences in Utrecht my focus was on hydrology. Because of this, the Master’s programme Earth Surface and Water was the choice for me. This Master’s allowed me to view hydrological problems from a wide range of topics, not just physical hydrology, which really appealed to me.

The first year of my Master’s has taught me more about hydrological processes. Furthermore, research skills and technical skills were focussed on, allowing me to become a better researcher. The second year is focussed on doing research myself. Allowing me to use the skills gained to work on my thesis in a professional research environment.

The most valuable thing I am getting out of my Master’s is the ability to use my knowledge of hydrological processes to solve water related problems in future in both a theoretical and practical way.


‘’With Earth Surface and Water, there is plenty of room to tailor the Master’s to your interest.’’

During my Bachelor’s in Earth Sciences in Utrecht, I was overwhelmed by the amount of subjects we learned. I was mainly interested in processes on the Earth’s surface, but I found it difficult to choose one subject. Luckily, with Earth Surface and Water, there is plenty of room to tailor the Master’s to your interest.

I choose the Geohazards and Earth Observation track, because all processes have their hazards, and earth observation can be applied in a wide range of subjects too. Moreover, in this track I develop a lot of skills in programming, modelling and different tools for earth observation, which is needed more and more in this field of work. Besides that, this Master’s has the freedom to choose courses from other tracks as well. This combination of in depth courses on processes and courses teaching general skills makes that I am able to study the Earth’s surface and all its aspects in detail and learn how to look at all these processes from different perspectives.


''Studying Earth Surface and Water at Utrecht University offers you the opportunity to learn from and contribute to a broad field of academic and high-level research''

After my Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences, I started the Master’s programme in Earth Surface and Water. Because I am fascinated by the key role of water in many physical processes and socio-economic issues, during my Master’s I specialised in hydrology and hydrogeology. After a year of in-depth courses, I completed my Master’s thesis at the research institute Deltares. My subject was land subsidence around New Orleans induced by deep groundwater extractions. Currently I am doing an internship at Witteveen+Bos. This is a large engineering and consultancy firm, where I am studying the effects of a flood bypass on the local groundwater regime. In my experience, studying Earth Surface and Water at Utrecht University offers you the opportunity to learn from and contribute to a broad field of academic and high-level research.


''The programme gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizon by following a course on Arctic glaciers at the University Centre in Svalbard''

I recently finished my Master’s degree in Earth Surface and Water specialising in Coastal Dynamics and Fluvial Systems. The programme allowed me to specialise in the topics I am interested in. This was possible by following certain courses, being able to choose my own topic for my thesis and designing my own research for my internship at Deltares. Furthermore, the programme gave me the opportunity to broaden my horizon by following a course on Arctic glaciers at the University Centre in Svalbard. And, of course, through the interaction with staff and fellow students, which made studying this programme even more fun.