Future Food Utrecht Seed Money Grants Awarded

The board of Future Food Utrecht has awarded six interdisciplinary teams a seed money grant. Each project receives 10.000€ for preliminary research and writing time to prepare a proposal for an external call. In a first seed money call already eight grants were awarded. The aim of the seed money calls is to stimulate new food-related collaboration within Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht and to support joint food-related proposals in external calls.

In this second call for seed money, the jury received 11 proposals. They were judged on potential contribution to strengthen FFU, potential in successfully acquiring external funding, the extent of their interdisciplinary collaboration and new collaboration, scientific quality and innovativeness and track record of the applicants.

The awarded grants are:

  • Cross-kingdom communication via food: Does breast milk contain dietary-derived extracellular vesicles. Marca Wauben, Corné Pieterse and Ruurd Jorritsma (Veterinary Medicine/Science). Summary
  • HLA-based Exclusion of Patients suspected for Peanut Allergy. André Knulst, Can Kesmir and Henny Otten (UMC Utrecht/Sciences). Summary
  • Can caffeine promote healthy food choices by mitigating sleep-loss induced deficits in inhibitory. Nynke van der Laan, Jeroen Benjamins, Paul Smeets (UMC Utrecht/Social and Behavioural Sciences). Summary
  • The Skills of Food. Cristina Grasseni, Birgit Meyer (Social and Behavioural Sciences/Humanities). Summary
  • The interaction effect of individual and environmental characteristics on eating behaviors. Marieke Adriaanse, Maartje Poelman (Social and Behavioural Sciences/Geosciences). Summary
  • Pet & owner at healthy weight (POWER). Mirjam Nielen, Ronald Corbee, Denise de Ridder, Floor Kroese, Evelyn Monninkhof (Veterinary Medicine, Social and Behavioural Sciences, UMC Utrecht). Summary

Future Food Utrecht

Future Food Utrecht brings together fundamental research of Utrecht University related to health, behaviour, and innovations for future food production. By connecting our knowledge we aim to provide sustainable and healthy food solutions for the next generations.