14th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law

IUCN AEL conference banner

Prof.dr. Tineke Lambooy and Aikaterini Argyrou LLM, researchers of the Utrecht Centre for Water, Oceans and Sustainability Law, attended the 14th Annual Colloquium of the IUCN Academy of Environmental Law. This event was held in Oslo, in 20-24 June and it was hosted by the Law Faculty of the University of Oslo.

The topic of the 2016 Colloquium was “The Environment in Court”. The conference proceeding sought to address procedural and substantive aspects of environmental law and adjudication, in national, regional and international courts, tribunals and panels.

Workshops and sessions

Tineke Lambooy and Aikaterini Argyrou attended and participated actively in various side events. Argyrou attended a teaching workshop on Environmental Law and a research workshop on Methods of non-doctrinal research in Environmental Law. Lambooy participated actively in a session organised by the International Forum for Environment Judges regarding the challenges that environmental adjudicators encounter internationally.

IUCN AEL workshop

Tineke Lambooy had also the opportunity to attend the session with the title “Limiting Dangerous Climate Change: The Emerging Importance of Domestic Courts and Human Rights Tribunals – Especially After Paris” during which Roger Cox, a Dutch attorney, spoke about the Urgenda Foundation Case in the Netherlands. 

Book launch

Finally, Tineke Lambooy and Aikaterini Argyrou contributed to the book launch event of the book V. Mauerhofer, (Ed.) Legal Aspects of Sustainable Development: horizontal and sectorial policy issues, Springer 2016. The book launch was organised as a side event to the IUCNAEL conference proceedings on the 20th of June.  

IUCN AEL book launch

Lambooy and Argyrou jointly presented the content of the book chapter with the title “An empirical investigation of supportive legal frameworks for social enterprises in Belgium: A cross-sectoral comparison of case studies for social enterprises from the social housing, finance and energy sector perspective” by Argyrou, A., Lambooy, T., Blomme, R., Kievit, H., Kruseman, G., Siccama, D.H. (2016).