Dr. Helen Toxopeus on Livecast Financing nature in the city

Barcelona passeig San Joan green corridor

Who pays for biodiversity in the urban environment? Dr. Helen Toxopeus explains strategies for more urban nature in a livecast from the Sustainable Finance Lab, organised by Pakhuis de Zwijger.

The city is getting fuller, hotter and more vulnerable - seen in the current pandemic. The solution: more nature. Urban nature not only provides biodiversity, but also contributes to climate objectives, health, social cohesion and water management. Only: who will pay for it? The benefits of nature reach various parties in a fragmented way, they are difficult to measure and maintenance costs are a stumbling block.

In this livecast, the Sustainable Finance Lab, as part of the European NATURVATION project, is launching the results of a major European research into financing nature in the city. Researcher Helen Toxopeus will discuss this with an insurance company, a bank and a municipality. They discuss the feasibility of various strategies to realize the financing of urban nature in smart ways, in order to be able to scale up drastically.

Please note that this event is in Dutch.

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Online, via Zoom

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