Scholarly publications
Kröner, L., Mazrekaj, D., van der Lippe, T., & Poortman, A. R. (2024).
Profiles Among Women Without a Paid Job and Social Benefits: An Intersectional Perspective Using Dutch Population Register Data.
Social Policy and Administration. Advance online publication. Trajtenberg, N., Fossati, S., Diaz, C.
, Nivette, A. E., Aguilar, R., Ahven, A., Andrade, L., Amram, S., Ariel, B., Arosemena Burbano, M. J., Astolfi, R., Baier, D., Bark, H. M., Beijers, J. E. H., Bergman, M., Borges, D., Breeztke, G., Cano, I., Concha Eastman, I. A., ... Eisner, M. P. (2024).
The heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on crime across the world.
Crime Science,
13(1), Article 22., M. J. M.
, van der Lippe, T., & Derks, B. (2024).
Why Neighbors Would Help: A Vignette Experiment on Reciprocity in Informal Helping.
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly. Advance online publication., L., Jaspers, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2024).
Not leaving your unsatisfactory job: analyzing female, migrant, elderly and lower-educated employees.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion,
43(9), 18-38. 2023
Scholarly publications
Weessies, N., Bouma, J.
, Van der lippe, T., & T. porsius, J. (2023).
Verschillen in houding ten aanzien van milieu en klimaat in Nederland.
B en M : tijdschrift voor beleid, politiek en maatschappij,
50(3), 143-165., M. J. M., Verbakel, E., Kraaykamp, G.
, & van der Lippe, T. (2023).
More or less help? A longitudinal investigation of positive and negative consequences of divorce for informal helping.
Community, Work and Family. Advance online publication., M., Derks, B., Ellemers, N., & van der Lippe, T. (2023).
All is nice and well unless she outshines him: Higher social status benefits women's well‐being and relationship quality but not if they surpass their male partner.
Journal of Social Issues,
79(1), 494-527. Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., van Steenbergen, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2023).
When work-family guilt becomes a women's issue: Internalized gender stereotypes predict high guilt in working mothers but low guilt in working fathers.
British Journal of Social Psychology,
62(1), 12-29. Vink, M., Derks, B., Ellemers, N., & van der Lippe, T. (2023).
Penalized for challenging traditional gender roles: Why heterosexual relationships in which women wear the pants may be more precarious.
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research,
88(3-4), 130–154. van der Put, A., Mandemakers, J. J., Wit, J. B. F. D., & Lippe, T. V. D. (2023).
Worksite health promotion for employees working from home: A vignette experiment examining intentions to participate.
Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being,
15(3), 1065-1084. 2022
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T., & Poortman, A.-R. (2022). Van sprint naar marathon. De inhaalslag van vrouwen. In J. van den Berg, M. Ham, R. Bosman, & G. Engbersen (Eds.), Raadselen van de maatschappij. Honderd jaar sociologie in Nederland (pp. 67-76 ). Van Gennep.
Brom, F., de Hoog, J., Knottnerus, J. A., Mampuys, R.
, & van der Lippe, T. (2022).
Coronavirus disease 2019 scenarios for a long-term strategy under fundamental uncertainty.
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology,
148, 196-199. Jaspers, E., van der Lippe, T., & Evertsson, M. (2022).
Gender inequality, households, and work. In
Handbook of Sociological Science (pp. 176-195). Edward Elgar Publishing. Fang, C., Poortman, A.-R., & van der Lippe, T. (2022).
Family rituals in postdivorce families: The role of family structure and relationship quality for parents' and stepparents' attendance at children's birthdays.
Journal of Family Research,
34(2), 697–723. Vink, M., van der Lippe, T., Derks, B., & Ellemers, N. (2022).
Does national context matter when women surpass their partner in status? Frontiers in Psychology,
12, 1-13. Article 670439. Arat, E., van der Lippe, T., & Poortman, A.-R. (2022).
Parental involvement in stepfamilies: Biology, relationship type, residence, and gender.
Journal of Marriage and Family,
84(3), 773-790. Koster, T., van der Lippe, T., Poortman, A.-R., & Kleingeld, P. (2022).
Fairness Perceptions of the Division of Household Labor: Housework and Childcare.
Journal of Family Issues,
43(3), 679–702. 2021
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T. (2021). Waar blijft mijn tijd? Waarom we zoveel willen, moeten en kunnen. Prometheus.
Nivette, A. E., Zahnow, R., Aguilar, R., Ahven, A., Amram, S., Ariel, B., Burbano, M. J. A., Astolfi, R., Baier, D., Bark, H. M.
, Beijers, J. E. H., Bergman, M., Breetzke, G., Concha-Eastman, I. A., Curtis-Ham, S., Davenport, R., Díaz, C., Fleitas, D., Gerell, M., ... Eisner, M. (2021).
A global analysis of the impact of COVID-19 stay-at-home restrictions on crime.
Nature Human Behaviour,
5(7), 868-877. van der Put, A., Mandemakers, J., de Wit, J., & van der Lippe, T. (2021).
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Workplace Social Relations and Worksite Health Promotion Use.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
63(7), 614-621. ter Kuile, H., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. (2021).
Relational Processes as Predictors of Relationship Satisfaction Trajectories Across the Transition to Parenthood.
Family Relations,
70(4), 1238-1252. ter Kuile, H., Finkenauer, C., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. (2021).
Changes in Relationship Commitment Across the Transition to Parenthood: Pre-pregnancy Happiness as a Protective Resource.
Frontiers in Psychology,
12, Article 622160. van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2021).
Same-Sex Couples’ Division of Labor from a Cross-National Perspective.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies,
17(2), 150-167. Koster, T., Poortman, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kleingeld, P. (2021).
Parenting in Postdivorce Families: The Influence of Residence, Repartnering, and Gender.
Journal of Marriage and Family,
83(2), 498-515. Aarntzen, L., van der Lippe, T., van Steenbergen, E., & Derks, B. (2021).
How individual gender role beliefs, organizational gender norms, and national gender norms predict parents’ work-Family guilt in Europe.
Community, Work and Family,
24(2), 120-142. Robeyns, I., Buskens, V., van de Rijt, A., Vergeldt, N., & van der Lippe, T. (2021).
How Rich is Too Rich? Measuring the Riches Line.
Social Indicators Research,
154(1), 115–143. Visser, M.
, Lössbroek, J. J. H., & van der Lippe, T. (2021).
The Use of HR Policies and Job Satisfaction of Older Workers.
Work, Aging and Retirement,
7(4), 303–321.össbroek, J. J. H., Lancee, B., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2021).
Age Discrimination in Hiring Decisions:A Factorial Survey among Managers in Nine European Countries.
European Sociological Review,
37(1), 49–66. 2020
Scholarly publications
Begall, K., & van der Lippe, T. (2020).
The educational gradient in company-level family policies. In R. Nieuwenhuis, & W. Van Lancker (Eds.),
The Palgrave Handbook of Family Policy (pp. 575-602). Palgrave Macmillan. Roeters, A., de Ruijter, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2020).
A Transaction Cost Approach to Informal Care. In VI. Buskens, R. Corten, & C. Snijders (Eds.),
Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation (pp. 483-498). De Gruyter. Settersten, R. A., Bernardi, L., Härkönen, J., Antonucci, T. C.
, Dykstra, P. A., Heckhausen, J., Kuh, D., Mayer, K. U., Moen, P., Mortimer, J. T., Mulder, C. H., Smeeding, T. M.
, Van Der Lippe, T., Hagestad, G. O., Kohli, M., Levy, R., Schoon, I., & Thomson, E. (2020).
Understanding the effects of Covid-19 through a life course lens.
Advances in Life Course Research,
45(9), Article 100360. der Lippe, T., & Lippényi, Z. (2020).
Co-workers working from home and individual and team performance.
New Technology, Work and Employment,
35(1), 60-79. van der Put, A. C., & van der Lippe, T. (2020).
Work Environment and Worksite Health Promotion in Nine European Countries.
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,
62(4), 272-278. van der Put, A. C., Mandemakers, J. J., de Wit, J. B. F., & van der Lippe, T. (2020).
Worksite health promotion and social inequalities in health.
SSM - Population Health,
10, Article 100543. van der Lippe, T., & Lippényi, Z. (2020).
Beyond Formal Access: Organizational Context, Working From Home, and Work–Family Conflict of Men and Women in European Workplaces.
Social Indicators Research,
151, 383–402. de Regt, S., van der Lippe, T., & Jaspers, E. (2020).
On the relation between age and the importance attached to historical events.
Memory Studies,
13(6), 969-987. ten Berge, J. B., Lippenyi, Z., van der Lippe, A. G., & Goos, M. (2020).
Technology implementation within enterprises and job ending among employees: A study of the role of educational attainment, organizational tenure, age and unionization.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility,
69, Article 100548. Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Lippényi, Z., Martens, T. A. M., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2019).
Collecting Cross-Country Comparative Multilevel Data in Organizations: The Research Design of The European Sustainable Workforce Survey. In T. van der Lippe, & Z. Lippényi (Eds.),
Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe (1 ed., pp. 37-56). (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Routledge. van der Lippe, T. (2019).
A Sustainable Workforce in Europe: Bringing The Organization Back in. In T. van der Lippe, & Z. Lippényi (Eds.),
Investments in a Sustainable Workforce in Europe (1 ed., pp. 3-16). (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Routledge. Van Hek, M., & Van Der Lippe, T. (2019).
Are Female Managers Agents of Change or Cogs in the Machine? An Assessment with Three-Level Manager–Employee Linked Data.
European Sociological Review,
35(3), 316-331. van der Lippe, A. G., & Lippényi, Z. (2019).
Investments in a sustainable workforce in Europe. (1 ed.) (Routledge Advances in Sociology). Routledge. Blommaert, L., Van Der Lippe, T., Maas, I., & Jaspers, E. (2019).
Vrouwen in leidinggevende functies: Beschrijving en verklaring van ontwikkelingen in Nederland tussen 1985 en 2008.
Mens en Maatschappij,
94(1), 29-60. van der Put, A. C., Mandemakers, J. J., de Wit, J. B. F., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2019). The role of worksite health promotion in social inequalities in health. Paper presented at ECSR Conference 2019, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Aarntzen, L., Derks, B., van Steenbergen, E., Ryan, M.
, & van der Lippe, T. (2019).
Work-family guilt as a straightjacket: An interview and diary study on consequences of mothers' work-family guilt.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,
115, Article 103336. van der Lippe, A. G., van Breeschoten, L., & van Hek, M. (2019).
Organizational Work–Life Policies and the Gender Wage Gap in European Workplaces.
Work and Occupations,
46(2), 111-148. Lössbroek, J. J. H., Lancee, B., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. (2019).
Understanding old-age adaptation policies in Europe: the influence of profit, principles and pressures.
Ageing and Society,
39(5), 924-950. 2018
Scholarly publications
Bal, M., de Wit, J., van den Bos, K., van der Lippe, T., Kamphuis, C.
, Poelman, M., & Smit, J. (2018).
Understanding the social gradient in health and wellbeing: an interdisciplinary scoping study.
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
25(Suppl 1), S216. De Bruijn, S., Poortman, A. R., & Van Der Lippe, T. (2018).
Do Parenting Plans Work? the Effect of Parenting Plans on Procedural, Family and Child Outcomes.
International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family,
32(3), 394-411. van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2018).
Intergenerational transmission of gender segregation: How parents’ occupational field affects gender differences in field of study choices.
British Educational Research Journal,
44(2), 294-318. van Breeschoten, L., Roeters, A., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2018).
Reasons to Reduce: A Vignette-Experiment Examining Men and Women's Considerations to Scale Back Following Childbirth .
Social Politics,
25(2), 169-200. van Gerwen, N., Buskens, V., & van der Lippe, T. (2018).
Employee cooperative behavior in organizations: a vignette experiment on the relationship between training and helping intentions.
International Journal of Training and Development,
22(3), 192-209. van Gerwen, N., Buskens, V., & van der Lippe, T. (2018).
Individual training and employees’ cooperative behavior: Evidence from a contextualized laboratory experiment.
Rationality and Society,
30(4), 432-462. 2017
Scholarly publications
Been, W. M., den Dulk, L., & van der Lippe, T. (2017).
A business case or social responsibility? How top managers’ support for work-life arrangements relates to the national context.
Community, Work and Family,
20(5), 573-599. Coopmans, M., Van der Lippe, T., & Lubbers, M. (2017).
What is ‘needed’ to keep remembering? War-specific communication, parental exemplar behaviour and participation in national commemorations.
Nations and Nationalism,
23(4), 746-769. van der Lippe, A. G., & Lippenyi, Z. (2017). Employees perform less when colleagues work from home: a large-scale analysis of 11011 employees in 259 work establishments in Europe. Unpublished.
Been, W. M., van der Lippe, T., den Dulk, L., Das Dores Horta Guerreiro, M., Kanjuo Mrčela, A., & Niemistö, C. (2017).
European top managers’ support for work-life arrangements.
Social Science Research,
65, 60-74. ter Kuile, H., Kluwer, E. S., Finkenauer, C., & van der Lippe, T. (2017).
Predicting adaptation to parenthood: The role of responsiveness, gratitude, and trust.
Personal Relationships,
24(3), 663-682. de Regt, S. J. S., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2017).
Does participation in national commemorations increase national attachment? A study of Dutch Liberation Festivals.
Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism,
17(2), 281–299. de Regt, S., Jaspers, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2017).
Explaining age differences in positive attitudes towards national commemorations: The role of what people commemorate.
Nations and Nationalism,
23(4), 726-745. 2016
Scholarly publications
de Bruijn, S., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2016).
Formerly cohabiting parents and parenting plans: Who makes the effort? Familie en Recht. van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2016).
Boys’ and girls’ educational choices in secondary education: The role of gender ideology.
Educational Studies,
42(2), 181-200. Verhoef, M., Roeters, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2016).
Couples’ work schedules and child-care use in the Netherlands.
Journal of Child and Family Studies,
25(4), 1119-1130. van der Heijden, F., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2016).
Children's postdivorce residence arrangements and parental experienced time pressure.
Journal of Marriage and the Family,
78(2), 468-481. Danner-Vlaardingerbroek, G., Kluwer, E. S., Van Steenbergen, E. F., & van der Lippe, T. (2016).
How work spills over into the relationship: Self-control matters.
Personal Relationships,
23(3), 441-455. Popularising publications
Other output
van der Lippe, T. (2016). Remote working of colleagues and individual job performance across European workplaces. Paper presented at 2016 WFRN conference.
van der Lippe, T. (2016). Work family policies and the gender wage gap across European workplaces. Paper presented at 2016 WFRN conference.
van der Lippe, A. G., & Lippényi, Z. (2016). European Sustainable Workforce Survey data manual, Utrecht University. Unpublished.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, A. G., & van Echtelt, P. (2015). Arbeid en zorg in de participatiemaatschappij. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken.
Boele-Woelki, K., van der Lippe, A. G., Plantenga, J., & Poortman, A. (2015).
De facto ongelijkheid tussen vrouwen en mannen, arbeid en zorg, mede in relatie tot het alimentatiestelsel. In K. R. S. D. Boele-Woelki, & S. D. Burri (Eds.),
De rol van de staat in familierelaties: meer of minder? (pp. 33-71). (Familie & Recht; Vol. 13). Boom Juridisch. van Schellen, M., Hogerbrugge, M. J. A., Nieuwbeerta, P., & van der Lippe, T. (2015).
De partnerrelaties van mannelijke gedetineerden vóór detentie.
Mens en Maatschappij,
90(2), 171-197. Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & Van der Lippe, T. (2015).
What about the grandparents? Children's postdivorce residence arrangements and contact with grandparents.
Journal of Marriage and the Family,
77(2), 424-440. de Regt, S. J. S., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Nationale Dagen en nationale kernwaarden. Een onderzoek naar bezoekers van Nederlandse Bevrijdingsfestivals. Sociologos. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 36(2), 102-119.
Immerzeel, T., Coffe, H., & van der Lippe, T. (2015).
Explaining the gender gap in radical right voting: A cross-national investigation in 12 Western European countries.
Comparative European Politics,
13, 263-286 . Gillespie, B. J.
, & van der Lippe, T. (2015).
Intergenerational cohesiveness and later geographic distance to parents in the Netherlands.
Advances in Life Course Research,
23, 56-66. publications
Schippers, J., van der Lippe, A. G., De Moor, T., Boselie, J. P. P. E. F., Pennings, F., & Taris, A. W. (2015).
Op weg naar een duurzame arbeidsmarkt. (Bright Minds, Better Future). Universiteit Utrecht. Other output
van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Family and educational choices. How family characteristics explain gender differences in field of study choices. Paper presented at RC28 Conference, Tilburg, Netherlands.
van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Family and educational choices. How family characteristics explain gender differences in field of study choices. Paper presented at Conference on (Persistent) Inequalities Reconsidered: Social Origin, Education and Social Mobility, Monte Verita, Switzerland.
Lippenyi, Z., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2015). Gebruik van zorgverlof en de rol van de arbeidsorganisatie. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Blommaert, E. C. C. A., van der Lippe, T., Maas, I., & Jaspers, E. (2015). Towards gender equality in workplace authority? Developments in Europe, 2002-2012. Paper presented at ESS Workshop Nederland in context: verschillen en overeenkomsten, The Hague, Netherlands.
Blommaert, E. C. C. A., van der Lippe, T., Maas, I., & Jaspers, E. (2015). Towards gender equality in workplace authority? Developments in Europe, 2002-2012. Paper presented at RC28 Summer Meeting, Philadelphia, United States.
Blommaert, E. C. C. A., van der Lippe, T., Maas, I., & Wolbers, M. (2015). Managerial careers of men and women: Family formation and the development of gender inequalities in workplace authority. Paper presented at ECSR Conference 2015, Tallinn, Estonia.
van Gerwen, N. M. H., Buskens, V. W., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Training and cooperative behavior in organizations: A vignette experiment. Paper presented at Workshop Moral Behavior in Social Interaction , Utrecht, Netherlands.
van Gerwen, N. M. H., Buskens, V. W., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Vertical and horizontal cooperation: A vignette experiment on the role of training. Paper presented at Workshop Understanding Cooperation of the Strategic Theme Institutions, Utrecht, Netherlands.
de Bruijn, S., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Parenting plans and child well-being. Paper presented at 13th Meeting of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Vilnius, Lithuania.
de Bruijn, S., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Wat staat er in het ouderschapsplan?. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Verhoef, M., Roeters, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2015). Child well-being in formal child care – The role of the parent-caregiver relationship. Paper presented at 5th ENSEC Conference , Lisbon, Portugal.
Scholarly publications
van 't Hoff - de Goede, S., van der Lippe, T., Nieuwbeerta, P., Dirkzwager, A., & Reef, J. (2014).
Negatieve reacties en sociale contacten van partners van gedetineerden in Nederland: Een empirisch onderzoek.
Tijdschrift voor Criminologie,
56(2), 90-107. van der Lippe, T. (2014). Time pressure. In A. C. Michalos (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 6653-6655). Springer.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & Van Der Lippe, T. (2014).
Non-resident father-child contact across divorce cohorts: The role of father involvement during marriage.
European Sociological Review,
30(4), 444-456. van der Horst, M., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. (2014).
Aspirations and occupational achievements of Dutch fathers and mothers.
Career Development International,
19(4), 447-468. van der Lippe, T., Voorpostel, M., & Hewitt, B. (2014).
Disagreements among cohabiting and married couples in 22 European countries.
Demographic Research,
31(1), 247-274. Baay, P. E., Van Aken, M. A. G., De Ridder, D. T. D., & Van der Lippe, T. (2014).
Understanding the role of social capital in adolescents' Big Five personality effects on school-to-work transitions.
Journal of Adolescence,
37(5), 739-748. Baay, P. E., van Aken, M. A. G., van der Lippe, T., & de Ridder, D. T. D. (2014).
Personality moderates the links of social identity with work motivation and job searching.
Frontiers in Psychology,
5, 1-8. Article 1044. Baay, P. E., de Ridder, D. T. D., Eccles, J. S.
, van der Lippe, T., & van Aken, M. A. G. (2014).
Self-control trumps work motivation in predicting job search behavior.
Journal of Vocational Behavior,
85(3), 443-451. Havekes, E., Coenders, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2014).
The wish to leave ethnically concentrated neighbourhoods: The role of perceived social cohesion and interethnic attitudes.
Housing Studies,
29(6), 823-842. Havekes, E., Coenders, M., Dekker, K.
, & van der Lippe, T. (2014).
The impact of ethnic concentration on prejudice: The role of cultural and socioeconomic differences between ethnic neighbourhood residents.
Journal of Urban Affairs,
36(5), 815-832. Professional publications
Havekes, E., Lippenyi, Z., Norbutas, L., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Data collection strategy report. A justification of the design and methodology of the Sustainable Workforce Survey. Sociologie, Universiteit Utrecht.
van der Lippe, T. (2014). Oorlog in de klas. Hoe jongeren te interesseren voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Onderzoek Uitgelicht (uitgave Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei), 3(2), 42-45.
Popularising publications
Schippers, J. J., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Het gaat goed met Nederlandse vrouwen (maar nog beter met mannen). De Volkskrant.
Other output
van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Why boys choose not to “care”: Gender and educational choices in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie, Antwerp, Belgium.
van der Vleuten, M., Jaspers, E., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2014). Why boys choose not to care? Gender and educational decisions in the Netherlands. How do educational systems shape educational inequalities?, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Verhoef, M., Roeters, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Non-standard work schedules, non-parental childcare and parental well-being. Paper presented at 36th International Association for Time Use Research Conference, Turku, Finland.
Verhoef, M., Roeters, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Childcare in the Netherlands: Associations between parental work and different types of childcare. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie, Antwerp, Belgium.
Verhoef, M., Roeters, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Non-standard work schedules and childcare arrangements in the Netherlands. Paper presented at Families 24/7 Seminar, Jyväskyla, Finland.
Maas, I., van der Lippe, T., Norbutas, L., Jaspers, E., & Blommaert, L. (2014). Who is your boss? Country and temporal differences in gender inequality of being supervised by a woman. Paper presented at ISA RC28 meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
Blommaert, L., van der Lippe, T., Maas, I., & Jaspers, E. (2014). Towards gender inequality in workplace authority? Describing and explaining developments in Europe, 2002-2012. Paper presented at Work and Family Researchers Network Conference, New York City, United States.
van der Lippe, T., Treas, J., & Norbutas, L. (2014). Economic recession and the division of domestic work in Europe. Paper presented at ISA RC28 meeting, Budapest, Hungary.
van der Lippe, T., Treas, J., & Norbutas, L. (2014). Economic vulnerability and the division of domestic work in Europe. Paper presented at Work Family Conference, New York, United States.
van der Lippe, T. (2014). Work life balance: The agency and capabilities approach. Some reflections. Paper presented at Symposium 'Author meet Critics' - Work Family Conference, New York, United States.
van der Heijden, F., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Children’s postdivorce residence arrangements and parents’ social contacts. Paper presented at Divorce Conference INED, Paris, France.
van der Heijden, F., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Verblijfsarrangementen van kinderen na scheiding & sociale contacten van ouders. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie, Antwerp, Belgium.
de Bruijn, S., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Formerly cohabiting parents and parenting plans: Who makes the effort?. Paper presented at Divorce Conference INED, Paris, France.
de Bruijn, S., Poortman, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2014). Voormalig samenwonende ouders en ouderschapsplannen: Wie heeft ze?. Paper presented at Dag van de Sociologie, Antwerp, Belgium.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T., Frey, V. C., & Tsvetkova, M. (2013). The outsourcing of domestic tasks: A matter of preferences? Journal of Family Issues, 34(12), 1574-1597.
Abendroth, A. K., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). Human capital and the gender gap in authority in European countries. European Sociological Review, 29, 261-273.
van der Lippe, T. (2013). De werkelijke emancipatie van vrouwen? Een combinatie van inkomen en normen ter verklaring van uren huishoudelijk werk. In J. J. Plantenga, & J. J. Schippers (Eds.), Veel geluk is geen toeval, Liber Amicorum Jacques Siegers (pp. 103-109). Utrecht School of Economics.
Havekes, E. A., Coenders, M. T. A., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). Positive or negative ethnic encounters in urban neighbourhoods? A photo experiment on the net impact of ethnicity and neighbourhood context on attitudes towards minority and majority residents. Social Science Research, 42, 1077-1091.
Professional publications
Been, W. M., den Dulk, L., Guerreiro, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). Participants report: Top managers views on workplace work-life policies. A study in Finland, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and the UK. Utrecht University.
van der Lippe, T. (2013). Vrouwen dingen mee aan de top. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 29, 373-375.
Boele-Woelki, K., van der Lippe, T., Plantenga, J., & Poortman, A. R. (2013). De facto ongelijkheid tussen vrouwen en mannen, arbeid en zorg, mede in relatie tot het alimentatiestelsel. Position paper in opdracht van het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. Universiteit Utrecht.
Other output
de Regt, S., Jaspers, E., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). Is knowledge the reason that older people attach more value to commemoration?. Abstract from Paper presented at the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) Conference 2013, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
van 't Hoff, M. S., van der Lippe, T., Nieuwbeerta, P., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2013). De sociale contacten van partners van gedetineerden: De invloed van preferenties, mogelijkheden en stigma tijdens detentie. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie (NVC), Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands.
van der Heijden, F. I., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). Het effect van scheiding en woonarrangementen van kinderen na scheiding op ervaren tijdsdruk van ouders. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 'Dag van de Sociologie', Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). What about the grandparents? Children’s post-divorce residence arrangements and their contact with grandparents. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Workshop ‘Life-Course Transitions after Separation: Stepfamilies, Lone and Non-residential Parenthood’, Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Berlin, Germany.
van 't Hoff, M. S., van der Lippe, T., Nieuwbeerta, P., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2013). The social contacts of partners of prisoners: Changes in the frequency of contacts during detention. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Society of Criminology (ESC), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.
van der Heijden, F. I., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). The effect of divorce and children’s post-divorce residence arrangements on parental experienced time pressure. Paper presented at Paper presented at Life Course Transitions after Separation: Stepfamilies, Lone and Non-residential Parenthood, Max Planck Institute, Berlin, Germany.
van 't Hoff, M. S., van der Lippe, T., Nieuwbeerta, P., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2013). De sociale contacten van partners van gedetineerden: De invloed van preferenties, mogelijkheden en stigma tijdens detentie. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Radboud Universiteit, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
van 't Hoff, M. S., van der Lippe, T., Nieuwbeerta, P., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2013). The social contacts of partners of prisoners: Changes in the frequency of contacts during detention. Paper presented at Paper presented at Crime and Family seminar, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2013). What about the grandparents? Children’s post-divorce residence arrangements and their contact with grandparents. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 108th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York, USA.
Blommaert, E. C. C. A., van der Lippe, T., Maas, I., & Jaspers, E. (2013). Gender and job authority in the Netherlands, 1985-2008: What has changed and why?. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR) Conference 2013, Tilburg University, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Scholarly publications
de Goede, M. S., Nieuwbeerta, P., van der Lippe, T., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2012). Overeenkomsten tussen Nederlandse gedetineerden en hun partners op het gebied van demografische, sociaaleconomische en criminele kenmerken. Tijdschrift voor Sociologie, 33(3-4), 487-503.
Roeters, A., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Raub, W. (2012). Parental work characteristics and time with children. The moderating effects of parent's gender and children's age. International Sociology, 27(6), 846-863.
Abendroth, A. K., van der Lippe, T., & Maas, I. (2012). Social support and the working hours of employed mothers in Europe. The relevance of the state, the workplace, and the family. Social Science Research, 41, 581-597.
Kanas, A. M., Chiswick, B., van der Lippe, T., & van Tubergen, F. A. (2012). Social contacts and the economic performance of immigrants: A panel study of immigrants in Germany. International Migration Review, 46(3), 680-709.
Voorpostel, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2012). Sociaal kapitaal in partner relaties: Sociale en politieke participatie. In B. G. M. Völker (Ed.), Over gaten, bruggen en witte paters - sociaal kapitaal in sociologisch onderzoek. Liber Amicorum voor Henk Flap (pp. 295-307). Rozenberg Publishers.
Voorpostel, M., van der Lippe, T., & Flap, H. D. (2012). For better or worse: Associations between the experience of negative life events and positive and negative sibling relationship characteristics. International Sociology, 27(3), 330-348.
Other output
van der Lippe, T. (2012). Quality of life of employees in 8 European countries. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Work and Family Conference, New York, NY, USA, June 14-16.
de Goede, M. S., Nieuwbeerta, P., van der Lippe, T., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2012). Nederlandse gedetineerden en hun partners: Relatiestatus en partner gelijkenis. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Utrecht, the Netherlands, May 24.
Havekes, E. A., Coenders, M. T. A., & van der Lippe, T. (2012). Positive or negative encounters between minority and majority neighbourhood residents? A factorial survey on the net effect of ethnicity, other resident characteristics and the neighbourhood context. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Utrecht, the Netherlands, May 24.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2012). Children’s post-divorce residence arrangements and their contact with grandparents. Paper presented at Paper presented at the RC06 CFR Seminar New Family Forms Following Family Dissolution: Consequences in/on Postmodern Society, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium, September 12-14.
Roeters, A., Cloin, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2012). Solitary time and mental health in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Utrecht, the Netherlands, May 24.
Roeters, A., Cloin, M., & van der Lippe, T. (2012). Solitary time and mental health in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the Inaugural meeting of the Work-Family Researchers Network, NY, USA, June 16.
Havekes, E. A., Coenders, M. T. A., & van der Lippe, T. (2012). Why leaving ethnically concentrated neighbourhoods? The impact of social cohesion and interethnic attitudes on moving wishes. Paper presented at Paper presented at the European Network for Housing Research congress, Lillehammer, Norway, June 24-27.
de Goede, M. S., Nieuwbeerta, P., van der Lippe, T., Dirkzwager, J. E., & Reef, J. (2012). Nederlandse gedetineerden en hun partners: Relatiestatus en partner gelijkenis. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Criminologie (NVK), Leiden, the Netherlands, June 14-15.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T., de Ruijter, J. M. P., de Ruijter, E. H. M.
, & Raub, W. (2011).
Persistent inequalities in time use between higher educated men and women: a detailed look at the influence of economic circumstances, policies, and culture.
European Sociological Review,
27(2), 164-179. van der Lippe, T., Szucs, S., Drobnic, S., & Billquist, L. (2011). Data and methods. In M. Bäck-Wiklund, T. van der Lippe, L. den Dulk, & A. van Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.), Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy (pp. 55-74). Palgrave Macmillan.
Lane, L., van der Lippe, T., Kabaivanov, S., & Bäck-Wiklund, M. (2011). Competing demands: work and child well-being. In M. Bäck-Wiklund, T. van der Lippe, L. den Dulk, & A. van Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.), Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy (pp. 135-148). Palgrave Macmillan.
Kanas, A. M., van Tubergen, F. A., & van der Lippe, T. (2011).
The role of social contacts in the employment status of immigrants: a panel study of immigrants in Germany.
International Sociology,
26(1), 95-122. Treas, J., van der Lippe, T., & Tai, T. (2011). The happy homemaker? Married women’s well-being in cross-national perspective. Social Forces, 90(1), 111-132.
van der Lippe, T., & Bäck-Wiklund, M. (2011). Quality of life in a changing Europe. In M. Bäck-Wiklund, T. van der Lippe, L. den Dulk, & A. van Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.), Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy (pp. 1-13). Palgrave Macmillan.
Bäck-Wiklund, M.
, van der Lippe, T., den Dulk, L., & van Doorne-Huiskes, A. (2011).
Quality of Life and Work in Europe: Theory, Practice and Policy. (1 ed.) Palgrave Macmillan., T., van der Lippe, T., & den Dulk, L. (2011). Health among hospital employees in Europe: a cross-national study of the impact of work stress and work control. Social Science & Medicine, 72(6), 899-906.
Fodor, E., Lane, L.
, Schippers, J. J., & van der Lippe, T. (2011).
Gender differences in quality of life. In M. Bäck-Wiklund, T. van der Lippe, L. den Dulk, & A. van Doorne-Huiskes (Eds.),
Quality of Work and Life. Theory, Practice, and Policy (pp. 149-161). Palgrave Macmillan. output
van der Lippe, T., & Voorpostel, M. B. J. (2011). Financial Matters of Cohabiting and Married Couples in 23 European Countries. Paper presented at Paper presented at the workshop Relations Across Nations (RCN), Laussane, Switzerland.
Immerzeel, T., Coffé, H. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). Gender gap in radicaal rechts stemgedrag: een cross-nationale Europese verkenning. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 'Dag van de Sociologie', Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). Empirical Trends in Post-Divorce Nonresident Father-Child Contact in the Netherlands: the Role of Father Involvement during Marriage. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Divorce Conference, Carlo F. Dondena Centre for Research on Social Dynamics, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). Empirical Trends in Post-Divorce Nonresident Father-Child Contact in the Netherlands: the Role of Father Involvement during Marriage. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dutch Demography Day of the Dutch Organisation for Demography, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Abendroth, A. K., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). Social Support and the Working Hours of Employed Mothers in Europe: the Relevance of the State, the Workplace and the Family. Paper presented at Paper presented at the HumVIB Final Conference: Understanding European Diversity: Cross-National Analysis of Human Values, Attitudes and Behaviour, Berlin, Germany.
van der Horst, M., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. S. (2011). Aspirations and Occupational Achievements of Men and Women. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 'Dag van de Sociologie', Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
van der Lippe, T. (2011). Availability of Early Retirement in Firms in 21 European Countries. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Community, Work and Family Conference, Tampere, Finland.
van der Lippe, T. (2011). Demands and Resources and Quality of Life of Employees in Europe. Paper presented at Paper presented at FORS, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Immerzeel, T., Coffé, H. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). The Gender Gap in Radical Right Voting: a Cross-National European Investigation. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 6th European Consortium of Political Research (ECPR) Conference, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). Empirical Trends in Post-Divorce Nonresident Father-Child Contact in the Netherlands: the Role of Father Involvement during Marriage. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Divorce Conference of the European Network for the Sociological and Demographic Study of Divorce, Dondena Center for Research on Social Dynamics, Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi. Milan, Italy.
van der Horst, M., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. S. (2011). Aspirations and Occupational Achievements of Men and Women. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Community Work and Family conference IV: University of Tampere., Tampere, Finland.
Westphal, S. K., Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2011). Empirical Trends in Post-Divorce Nonresident Father-Child Contact in the Netherlands: the Role of Father Involvement during Marriage. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Day of Sociology 2011, University of Gent, Gent, Belgium.
Scholarly publications
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., Haar, J. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2010). Crossover of distress due to work and family demands in dual-earner couples: a dyadic analysis. Work and Stress, 24(4), 324-341.
van der Lippe, T. (2010). Women’s employment and household work. In J. Treas, & S. Drobnic (Eds.), Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women and Household Work in Cross-National Perspective (pp. 41-58). Stanford University Press.
Coffé, H. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2010). Citizenship norms in Eastern Europe. Social Indicators Research, 96(3), 479-496.
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., van der Lippe, A. G., & Kluwer, E. S. (2010). Family involvement and helping behaviour in teams. Journal of Management, 36, 1406-1431.
Roeters, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. S. (2010).
Work characteristics and parent-child relationship quality: the mediating role of temporal involvement.
Journal of Marriage and Family,
72(5), 1317-1328. ten Brummelhuis, L. L., & van der Lippe, T. (2010). Effective work-life balance support for various household structures. Human Resource Management, 49(2), 173-193.
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., Haar, J. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2010). Collegiality under pressure: the effects of family demands and flexible work arrangements in the Netherlands. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(15), 2831-2847.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., van der Lippe, T., & Gershuny, J. (2010). Spending time together: changes over four decades in leisure time spent with a spouse. Journal of Leisure Research, 42(2), 243-265.
Other output
Kanas, A. M., Chiswick, B., van Tubergen, F. A., & van der Lippe, T. (2010). Social Contacts and the Economic Performance of Immigrants: A Panel Study of Immigrants in Germany. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Trinity Immigration Initiative seminar, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2010). Reviewer for Journal of Family Issues.
van der Horst, M., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Kerckhaert, A. (2010). What do Men and Women Want? Aspirations of Men and Women over the Life Course. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, Utrecht, the Netherlands, May 24.
van der Lippe, T. (2010, Mar 22). Scientific meeting of ESF-HUMVIB.
Abendroth, A. K., Maas, I., & van der Lippe, T. (2010). Human Capital and the Gender Gap in Authority in Europe: Differences in Men's and Women's Distribution of and Returns to Human Capital and Related State Policies. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Dag van de Sociologie, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Oosterwaal, A., van der Lippe, T., & Buskens, V. W. (2010). Explaining Employee Compliance: Decisionmaking, Delegation and Implementation. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Southern Management Conference, Southern Management Association, St. Pete Beach, Florida, the United States of America.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2010). Reviewer for European Sociological Review.
Scholarly publications
Kraaykamp, G. L. M., van Gils, W., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Working status and leisure. Time and Society, 18, 264-283.
Ettema, D. F., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Weekly rhythms in task and time allocation of households. Transportation, 36, 113-129.
de Ruijter, E. H. M., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Getting outside help. How trust problems explain household differences in household outsourcing. Journal of Family Issues, 30, 3-27.
Kanas, A. M., van Tubergen, F. A., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Immigrant self-employment: testing hypotheses about the role of origin- and host country human capital and bonding and bridging social capital. Work and Occupations, 36, 181-208.
Kraaykamp, G. L. M., van Gils, W., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Full time working couples and their life course: an analysis of leaving full-time employment. Journal of Sociological Research, 1, 1-20.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Women’s employment and housework. In J. Treas, & S. Drobnic (Eds.), Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women, and Housework in Cross-National Perspective Stanford University Press.
Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Attitudes toward housework and child care and the gendered division of labor. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 71, 526-541.
Ettema, D. F., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Weekly rythms in task and time allocation of households. Transportation, 36, 113-129.
Roeters, A., van der Lippe, A. G., & Kluwer, E. S. (2009). Parental work demands and the frequency of child-related routine and interactive activities. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 71, 1193-1204.
Peters, P., den Dulk, L., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). The effects of time-spatial flexibility and new working conditions on employees’ work-life balance: the Dutch case. Community, Work & Family, 12(3), 279-298.
Wielers, R. J. J., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). De Nederlandse arbeidssociologie 1984-2009: vooruitgang in kennis en discussie over uitgangspunten. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 25(3), 275-289.
Professional publications
den Dulk, L., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Quality of work and life in a changing Europe: a comparative analysis. Deliverable of EU-project Quality of life in a changing Europe D2.4. Utrecht University.
van der Lippe, A. G., den Dulk, L., van Doorne-Huiskes, A., Schippers, J. J., Lane, L., & Bäck-Wiklund, M. (2009). Final Report Quality of Life in a Changing Europe. (EU-project Quality of life in a changing Europe D. 9.5 ed.) Utrecht University.
den Dulk, L., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Quality of work and life in a changing Europe: a comparative analysis. (EU-project Quality of life in a changing Europe D2.4 ed.) Utrecht University.
Other output
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Member ‘Region Committee Asia’, Utrecht University.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Reviewer for Personal Relationships.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Member of the editorial staff of Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Reviewer for British Journal of Sociology.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Member of the Advisory Committee Universiteit Utrecht Graduate Division.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Reviewer for Social Indicators Research.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Reviewer for EUROCORES ESF New Proposals.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Reviewer for American Sociological Review.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Member ‘College van Beroep’, Utrecht University.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Reviewer for Community, Work and Family.
van der Lippe, A. G. (2009). Member of the HUMVIB ESF Scientific Committee.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Multi-actor data in organisaties: arbeidstrevredenheid vanuit condities op organisatie- en werknemersniveau. In M. Kalmijn, & M. Wittenberg (Eds.), Multi-actor data in survey onderzoek (pp. 29-46). Aksant.
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Flap, H. D. (2008). Positive and negative effects of family involvement on work-related burnout. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 73, 387-396.
Voorpostel, M., van der Lippe, T., & Gershuny, J. (2008). US free time with partners: a transformation of intimacy? Social Indicators Research, 90, 83-88.
Roeters, A., van der Lippe, T., & Kluwer, E. S. (2008). Staat het gezinsleven onder druk? De samenhang tussen werkeisen van ouders en routine en interactieve activiteiten met kinderen. Mens en Maatschappij, 83, 326-342.
de Ruijter, E., van der Lippe, T., Raub, W., & Weesie, R. (2008). A family affair: explaining co-working by family members. Rationality and Society, 20(2), 203-226.
Professional publications
Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2008). Twee loopbanen op een kussen [interview]. Intermediair orientatiegids professionals.
van der Lippe, T., Dekker, K., & Gärtner, R. (2008). Imago en identiteit van de G4: een verkennend onderzoek naar de behoefte aan branding van de G4. Universiteit Utrecht.
Other output
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Member of the Advisory Committee Universiteit Utrecht Graduate Division.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Reviewer of a proposal of the Austrian Science Foundation.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Member of the NWO 'Open Competition' Grand Selection Committee.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Reviewer for 'British Journal of Sociology'.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Reviewer for 'American Sociological Review'.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Member 'College van Beroep', Universiteit Utrecht.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Reviewer for 'European Sociological Review'.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Member of the editorial staff of 'Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken'.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Reviewer for EUROCORES ESF New Proposals.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Member of the HUMVIB ESF Scientific Committee.
van der Lippe, T. (2008). Reviewer for 'Journal of Family Issues'.
Scholarly publications
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Flap, H. D. (2007). Het effect van het gezinsleven op werkgerelateerde burnout. Mens en Maatschappij, 82(3), 226-246.
de Ruijter, E. H. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Household outsourcing: a transaction cost approach. In T. van der Lippe, & P. Peters (Eds.), Competing claims in work and family life (pp. 195-212). Edward Elgar Publishing.
van der Lippe, T., de Ruijter, J. M. P., de Ruijter, E. H. M., & Raub, W. (2007). Arbeid en zorg van hoger opgeleide mannen en vrouwen: een Europese vergelijking. In K. Boele-Woelki (Ed.), Actuele ontwikkelingen in het familierecht (pp. 26-41). Ars Aequi.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., van der Lippe, T., Dykstra, P. A., & Flap, H. D. (2007). Similar or different? The importance of similarities and differences for support between siblings. Journal of Family Issues, 28(8), 1026-1053.
Schippers, J., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Organisaties in verandering: gevolgen voor werknemers. In T. van der Lippe, P. A. Dykstra, G. Kraaykamp, & J. Schippers (Eds.), De maakbaarheid van de levensloop (pp. 135-155). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
van der Lippe, T., Dykstra, P. A., Kraaykamp, G., & Schippers, J. (2007). De maakbaarheid van de levensloop. Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
van Gils, W., Kraaykamp, G., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). De levensloop van voltijd werkende paren in Nederland. In T. van der Lippe, P. A. Dykstra, G. Kraaykamp, & J. Schippers (Eds.), De maakbaarheid van de levensloop (pp. 113-134). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Peters, P., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Access to home-based telework: a multi-level and multi-actor perspective. In T. van der Lippe, & P. Peters (Eds.), Competing claims in work and family life (pp. 233-248). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Support between siblings and between friends: Two worlds apart? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 69(5), 1271-1282.
Professional publications
van der Lippe, T. (2007). Verdeling huishoudelijke taken. Geestig, Febr 07.
Other output
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., Haar, J. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Being there for co-workers and family: How balancing work and family roles affects collegiality at work. Paper presented at Presented at the Work-life research workshop. Australian Centre for Research in Employment and Work, Melbourne, Australia.
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., Haar, J. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). The effects of organisational and spousal support on burnout: a study of Dutch employees. Paper presented at Presented at the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, ANZAM, Sydney, Australia.
Roeters, A., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Raub, W. (2007). Family Life Under Pressure? The Influence of Parental Workplace Characteristics on the Amount of Parent-Child Time. Paper presented at the Community, Work and Family II Conference. ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Flap, H. D. (2007). Effecten van het gezinsleven op burnout. Paper presented at Presented at the Dag van de Sociologie. Vereniging van de Sociologie, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
van der Lippe, T. (2007). Multi-actor data in organisaties: Arbeidstevredenheid vanuit condities op organisatie- en werknemersniveau. Paper presented at Paper presented at the symposium Multi-actor data in survey onderzoek: moeilijkheden en mogelijkheden, Dans/University of Tilburg, University of Tilburg, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Poortman, A. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). The Gendered Division of Household Labor: A Matter of Taste?. Paper presented at Paper presented at The ESCR and TransEurope Conference Globalization, Social Inequality and the Life Course, Groningen, The Netherlands.
van der Lippe, T., & den Dulk, L. (2007). The Influence of the Employer on Women in Higher Positions. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Community, Work and Family II International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Coffé, H. R., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Citizenship norms in Central Europe. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ESA Conference, University of Glasgow. Glasgow, Scotland.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., Gershuny, J., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Spending Time Together: Changes in Joint Activities of Couples over Four Decades. Paper presented at Paper presented at the International Association of Time Use Research Conference, Washington DC, USA.
ten Brummelhuis, L. L., van der Lippe, T., Kluwer, E. S., & Flap, H. D. (2007). The effects of family involvement on work related burnout. Paper presented at Paper presented at The 2nd International Community, Work and Family conference. CIES-ISCTE, Lisbon, Portugal.
Peters, P., den Dulk, L., & van der Lippe, T. (2007). Time-Spatial Flexibility and the Work/Life Balance of Couples. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Community, Work and Family II International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T., de Ruijter, J. M. P., de Ruijter, E. H. M., & Raub, W. (2006). Hardnekkige ongelijkheden in tijdbesteding tussen hoger opgeleide mannen en vrouwen: de invloed van instituties, economische omstandigheden en cultuur nader onderzocht. In L. den Dulk, J. Schippers, & T. van der Lippe (Eds.), Emancipatie als kwestie (pp. 175-196). Dutch University Press.
den Dulk, L., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2006). Emancipatie als kwestie. Liber amicorum voor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes rond het thema vrouwen en beroepsparticipatie. Dutch University Press.
den Dulk, L., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2006). Voorwoord. In L. den Dulk, T. van der Lippe, & J. J. Schippers (Eds.), Emancipatie als kwestie. Liber amicorum voor Anneke van Doorne-Huiskes rond het thema vrouwen en beroepsparticipatie (pp. vii-ix). Dutch University Press.
van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2006). Organisaties in verandering: gevolgen voor werknemers. In T. van der Lippe, P. A. Dykstra, G. Kraaykamp, & J. J. Schippers (Eds.), De maakbaarheid van de levensloop Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Dykstra, P. A., Kraaykamp, G., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. (2006). Perspectief op de levensloop. In T. van der Lippe, P. A. Dykstra, G. Kraaykamp, & J. J. Schippers (Eds.), De maakbaarheid van de levensloop (pp. 1-8). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Scholarly publications
Schippers, J. J., & van der Lippe, A. G. (2005). New working arrangements and organisational change in the Netherlands. In A. van Doorne-Huiskes, & L. den Dulk (Eds.), Flexible working and organizational change. The integration of work and personal life (pp. 62-82). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). De invloed van coordinatie- en vertrouwensproblemen op de toegang tot thuiswerken. Een multi-actor benadering. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 21, 326-341.
Professional publications
van der Lippe, T., de Ruijter, J. M. P., & Peters, C. P. (2005). A multi-level analysis of the impact of institutional contexts on time use in the EU. Technical Report prepared in the framework of the study Time Use in a life cycle perspective and the role of institutional frameworks in the European Union. ECORYS.
Peters, M., van der Lippe, T., Vossen, I., Versantvoort, M., & de Ruijter, J. M. P. (2005). Time use in a life cycle perspective and the role of institutional frameworks in the European Union. ECORYS.
Other output
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). Home-based telework as strategy to reduce time pressure. Paper presented at Paper discussed during the conference Open Futures: Mobile Identities, the Institute of Advanced Study, Lancaster.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). Home-based telework: a gendered strategy to cope with demanding work and family responsibilities. Paper presented at Paper presented at the 1st International Conference ‘Community, Work and Family: Change and Transformation', Manchester, UK.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). De werk-privé-balans van telethuiswerkers. Paper presented at Expertmeeting georganiseerd door het Projectteam Dagindeling ESF-3, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, Directie Coördinatie Emancipatiebeleid (DCE)/Dagindeling ESF3, Utrecht.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). Broers, zussen en vrienden: Een wereld van verschil?. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Marktdag Sociologie, Brussels, Belgium.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). Home-based telework as a time pressure reducing strategy. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ITA e-working and e-learning workshop and conference, Lancashire, UK.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). The work-life balance of home-based teleworkers. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Marktdag/Siswo, Brussels, Belgium.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). Who can telework ? The influence of job category and individual job traits on employees’ access to weekly home-based telework. Paper presented at Paper presented at the first biannual conference ICT, the knowledge society and changes in work conference, The Hague.
van der Lippe, T. (2005). Dutch workers and time pressure: a household and organizational perspective. Paper presented at Paper presented at the ESF/SCSS Exploratory Workshop: Revisiting the concepts of Contract and Status under changing Employment, Welfare and Gender Relations, Brighton, UK.
Peters, C. P., & van der Lippe, T. (2005). Home-based telework: a gendered strategy to cope with demanding work and family responsibilities. Paper presented at Paper presented at the Allinclusive@Work Conference “Telework in Europe”.
Scholarly publications
Glebbeek, A. C., & van der Lippe, T. (2004). Tijdconcurrentie: een individueel of maatschappelijk probleem? Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 20, 8-20.
van den Heuvel, N., van der Hallen, P., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2004). Diversity in Life Courses: Consequences for the Labour Market. OSA.
van der Lippe, T., & Peters, C. P. (2004). Proceedings of the International Workshop `Time Competition: Disturbed Balances and New Options in Work and Care, Utrecht June 24-25-2004. ICS-Utrecht.
van der Lippe, T., Graumans, A., & Sevenhuijsen, S. L. (2004). Gender policies and the position of women in the police force in European countries. Journal of European Social Policy, 14(4), 391-405.
van der Lippe, T., Tijdens, K., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2004). Outsourcing of domestic tasks and timesaving effects. Journal of Family Issues, 25(2), 216-240.
van der Lippe, T. (2004). Emancipatiegezindheid van werkgevers. In W. Portegijs, A. Boelens, & L. Olsthoorn (Eds.), Emancipatiemonitor 2004 (pp. 226-250). SCP & CBS.
de Ruijter, E. H. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2004). Uitbesteding als een strategie voor de combinatie van arbeid en huishouden. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 20(1), 61-73.
Professional publications
Peters, C. P., Versantvoort, M., Vossen, M., van der Lippe, T., & Peters, M. (2004). Time use in a life cycle perspective. (Progress report ed.) ECORYS-NEI /ICS Utrecht.
van der Lippe, T., Glebbeek, A. C., & van Hoof, J. (2004). Inleiding in het themanummer tijdconcurrentie. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 20, 5-7.
van der Lippe, T. (2004). Sleutelrol werkgevers in emancipatie vrouwen. Financieel Dagblad, 17-12-04.
Other output
van der Lippe, T., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2004). The increase in time spent on children by mothers and fathers. Paper presented at International Conference Work-Life balance across the life course, Edinburgh.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., van der Lippe, T., Dykstra, P. A., & Flap, H. D. (2004). The importance of similarities and differences for the provision of support in the adult sibling dyad. Paper presented at International Association for Relationship Research Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
van der Lippe, T., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2004). Is er werkelijk een toename in de tijd besteed aan kinderen?. Paper presented at 11th Social-scientific Study Days, Amsterdam.
de Ruijter, E. H. M., & van der Lippe, T. (2004). Getting outside help in household work: How trust problems can explain household outsourcing. Paper presented at ASA Annual Meeting, San Francisco.
Scholarly publications
van den Heuvel, N., van der Hallen, P., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2003). Diversiteit in Levenslopen; Consequenties voor de Arbeidsmarkt. Reed Business Information BV.
van Hoof, J., & van der Lippe, T. (2003). Combineren en balanceren. Arbeid, zorg en tijd in een veranderende samenleving. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 19, 48-52.
van den Heuvel, N., van der Hallen, P.
, van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2003).
Diversiteit in Levenslopen en Consequenties voor de Arbeidsmarkt. In N. van den Heuvel, P. van der Hallen, T. van der Lippe, & J. J. Schippers (Eds.),
Diversiteit in Levenslopen: Consequenties voor de Arbeidsmarkt (pp. 1-11). Reed Business Information BV. Ruijter, E. H. M., van der Lippe, T., & Raub, W. (2003). Trust problems in household outsourcing. Rationality and Society, 15(4), 473-507.
Kops, Y., Jager, A., van der Lippe, T., & Wallace, C. (2003). Combinatiedruk in Europa. In M. Keizer, & K. Verhaar (Eds.), Sociale Verkenningen deel 5, Familiezaken (pp. 33-44). SZW.
Professional publications
Kops, Y., Jager, A., & van der Lippe, T. (2003). Vernieuwd kostwinnerschap. Idee (D66), 24(3), 19-22.
Scholarly publications
de Ruijter, E. H. M., van der Lippe, T., & Raub, W. (2002). Uitbestedingsgedrag van huishoudens: kosten-baten afwegingen en vertrouwensproblemen. [Explaining Outsourcing Behavior of Households: Cost-Benefit Considerations and Trust Problems.]. In A. G. van der Lippe, R. Batenburg, & E. de Gier (Eds.), De toekomst van de arbeid (pp. 129-150). Elsevier.
Claringbould, I. E. C., & van der Lippe, T. (2002). Vrouwen in leidinggevende posities. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 18(3), 257-267.
Batenburg, R. S., van der Lippe, T., & de Gier, E. (2002). Met het oog op de toekomst van de arbeid. Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie.
Hansen, J., & van der Lippe, T. (2002). De groei binnen de functie. De invloed van organisatiekenmerken op verschillen in functieontwikkeling tussen mannen en vrouwen. Mens en Maatschappij, 77(2), 93-115.
Batenburg, R. S., van der Lippe, T., & de Gier, E. (2002). Met het oog op de toekomst van de arbeid. Elsevier.
Batenburg, R. S., van der Lippe, T., & de Gier, E. (2002). Een inleiding op de komst van de arbeid. In Met het oog op de toekomst van de arbeid (pp. 1-6). Elsevier.
Korupp, S. E., Ganzeboom, H. B. G., & van der Lippe, T. (2002). Do Mothers Matter? A Comparison of Models of the Influence of Mother's and Father's Educational and Occupational Status on Children's Educational Attainment. Quality and Quantity, 36(1), 17-42.
Professional publications
Batenburg, R. S., & van der Lippe, T. (2002). Een inleiding op de toekomst van de arbeid. In R. Batenburg, T. van der Lippe, & E. de Gier (Eds.), Met het oog op de toekomst van de arbeid Elsevier.
van der Lippe, T. (2002). Tijd voor vakantie? Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 18(1), 4-5.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T. (2001). The Effect of Individual and Institutional Constraints on Hours of Paid Work of Women. In A. G. van der Lippe, & L. van Dijk (Eds.), Women's Employment in a Comparative Perspective (pp. 221-243). Routledge.
van der Lippe, T. (2001). Time Use and Gender. In N. J. Smelser, & P. B. Baltes (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier Science.
van der Lippe, T., & van Dijk, L. (2001). Introduction: Women's Employment in a Comparative Perspective. In T. van der Lippe, & L. van Dijk (Eds.), Women's Employment in a Comparative Perspective (pp. 1-13). Routledge.
van der Lippe, T., & van Dijk, L. (2001). Women's Employment in a Comparative Perspective. Aldine and De Gruijter.
van Dijk, L., & van der Lippe, T. (2001). Conclusion. In A. G. van der Lippe, & L. van Dijk (Eds.), Women's Employment in a Comparative Perspective (pp. 265-273). Routledge.
Voorpostel, M. B. J., & van der Lippe, T. (2001). Jongeren en cultuur. Een verklaring voor verschillen in deelname aan elitaire en populaire cultuur. Mens en Maatschappij, 76, 202-220.
Professional publications
van der Lippe, T. (2001). Bookreview Naar andere tijden? Tijdsbesteding en tijdsordening in Nederland, 1975-1995. Mens en Maatschappij, 76, 172-174.
Scholarly publications
Hansen, J., van der Lippe, T., & Tijdens, K. G. (2000). Percepties van loopbaankansen van mannen en vrouwen binnen het bankwezen. Sociale wetenschappen, 43(1), 48-72.
van der Lippe, T., Tijdens, K. G., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2000). Uitbesteding en huishoudelijke technologie: strategieën van vrouwen om betaald werk mogelijk te maken? (pp. 117-133). In S. Groot, de, A. Grip, de, K. Kuipers, H. Scholten, & M. Wolbers (Eds.), De Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag 2000: de arbeidsmarkt van de toekomst Stichting Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag.
Tijdens, K. G., van der Lippe, T., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2000). Huishoudelijke arbeid en de zorg voor kinderen: herverdelen of uitbesteden? The Hague. Elsevier Bedrijfsinformatie, 96 pp.
van Doorne-Huiskes, A., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. J. (2000). Nieuwe arbeidsarrangementen en organisatieverandering in Nederland. Sociale wetenschappen, 43, 7-32.
van der Lippe, T. (2000). The New Organization of the Household After the Birth of the First Child. In J. Weesie, & W. Raub (Eds.), The Management of Durable Relations. Theoretical Models and Empirical Studies of Households and Organizations (pp. 52-54). Thela.
Professional publications
Graumans, A., Sevenhuijsen, S. L., van der Lippe, T., & Manders, T. (2000). The Impact of Quota for the Employment of Women in the Public Services. European Network of Policewomen.
Other output
van der Lippe, T., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2000). Explaining Outsourcing Behavior of Households. Paper presented at Conferentie: Met het oog op de toekomst van de arbeid, Amsterdam.
van der Lippe, T., Tijdens, K. G., & de Ruijter, E. H. M. (2000). Outsorcing and domestic Technology in the Household: Women's Strategies to Facilitate Paid Work. Paper presented at Nederlandse Arbeidsmarktdag, Maastricht.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T. (1999). Veranderingen in de taakverdeling na de geboorte van het eerste kind. In M. Kalmijn, W. Bernasco, & J. Weesie (Eds.), Huwelijks- en samenwoonrelaties in Nederland. De organisatie van afhankelijkheid. (pp. 151-167). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Professional publications
van der Lippe, T. (1999). Huishoudelijke diensten: een probleem van vraag en aanbod. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 15, 290-292.
Other output
van Doorne-Huiskes, A., van der Lippe, T., & Schippers, J. (1999). Nieuwe arbeidsverhoudingen en organisatieverandering in Nederland. Paper presented at NSV Marktdag Sociologie, Utrecht.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T. (1998). Trends in Men and Women's Time Issue: An International Comperison. Vrijetijdstudies, 16(1), 35-48.
van Dijk, C. E. M. J., & van der Lippe, T. (1998). Macro Changes in Public Child-Care Provision, Parental Leave and Women's Employment: An International Comparison. In P. Nieuwbeerta, & H. Ganzeboom (Eds.), Conference Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe. Proceedings Part II: Social Stratification (pp. 155-172). NWO.
van der Lippe, T. (1998). Tijdsbesteding en taakverdeling: een methodische vergelijking. Huishoudstudies, 8(1), 1-8.
van Dijk, C. E. M. J., & van der Lippe, T. (1998). Zorgarrangementen en arbeidsdeelname van vrouwen; een internationale vergelijking. Huishoudstudies, 8(2), 12-28.
van der Lippe, T., & van Dijk, C. E. M. J. (1998). The Effect of Individual and Institutional Constraints on Women's Paid Work: an International Comparison over Time. In P. Nieuwbeerta, & H. B. G. Ganzeboom (Eds.), Conference Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe: Part II Social Stratification (pp. 173-190). ESR.
van der Lippe, T. (1998). Changes in Gender Inequality in Six Eastern European Countries. Acta Sociologica, 41(2), 131-150.
Professional publications
van der Lippe, T. (1998). Bookreview Gender Specific Occupational Segregation. European Sociological Review, 14, 423-424.
van der Lippe, T. (1998). Bookreview Who Dominates When? Assymetrical patterns of Influence Among Dutch Husbands and Wives. Bulletin of Gender Studies, 1, 62-65.
Scholarly publications
Kalmijn, M., & van der Lippe, T. (1997). Type of Schooling and Sex Differences in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 13(1), 1-15.
van der Lippe, T. (1997). Time Allocated to Paid Work by Women in Western and Eastern European Countries. In K. G. Tijdens, J. van Doorne-Huiskes, & T. M. Willemsen (Eds.), Time Allocation and Gender. (pp. 123-143). Tilburg University Press.
van der Lippe, T. (1997). Verdeling van onbetaalde arbeid, 1975-1995. In M. Niphuis-Nell (Ed.), Sociale atlas van de vrouw. Deel 4: veranderingen in de primaire leefsfeer (pp. 117-157). Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau/VUGA.
Professional publications
van der Lippe, T. (1997). Bookreview De sociale segmentatie van Nederland in 2015. Facta, 5, 14-15.
van der Lippe, T. (1997). Hoogste tijd voor vaders. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, 13(4), 294-295.
van der Lippe, T. (1997). Bookreview De dagelijkse puzzel 'gezin en arbeid': feiten, wensen en problemen inzake de combinatie van beroeps- en gezinsarbeid in Vlaanderen. Mens en Maatschappij, 72, 83-84.
Scholarly publications
Kraaykamp, G. L. M., van der Lippe, T., & Verhoeff, R. (1996). Vrije tijd van mannen en vrouwen. In H. B. G. Ganzeboom, & S. M. Lindenberg (Eds.), Verklarende Sociologie: Opstellen voor Reinhard Wippler (pp. 295-310). Thesis Publishers.
van der Lippe, T. (1996). Labor market position of men and women in East Central Europe in 1988 and 1993. In H. B. G. Ganzeboom (Ed.), Proceedings of Third Workshop `Transformation processes in Eastern Europe'. December 1-2, 1994. (pp. 177-196). NWO/ESR.
van der Lippe, T. (1996). Een wereld van verschil? Arbeidsverdeling in Oost- en West-Europa. Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies, 17, 131-143.
Scholarly publications
van der Lippe, T. (1993). Arbeidsverdeling tussen mannen en vrouwen. Een interdisciplinaire studie naar betaald en huishoudelijk werk binnen huishoudens. [Doctoral thesis 1 (Research UU / Graduation UU), Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen].