Dr. Minet de Wied

Assistant Professor
Youth and Family

Minet de Wied is assistant professor at the department of Youth and Family at Utrecht University. Her research focus is on the development of empathy in healthy children, and empathy problems in children and adolescents with conduct problems. She uses a multimethod approach in her study of empathy and mimicry and works closely with professionals and researchers at Accare Forensic Youth Psychiatry (FJP), Netherlands Institute Forensic Psychiatry & psychology  (NIFP), and Tilburg University.


She is a lecturer in various BA and MA courses in the Master’s program Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies (CCFES), teaches empathy to professionals in the training “pro Justitia Rapporteur” at the Dutch Institute for Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology (NIFP), and started in team an interdisciplinary BA course: “Empathy for biologists, law students and social scientists”. She is a member of the Descartes Centre (Utrecht University) and member of the Medical Research Ethics Committee Utrecht.


Minet de Wied studied psychology at the University of Amsterdam (Psychonomics) where she also received her PhD. She held positions at the Department of Communication Science (UvA) and Experimental Psychology (UU). She was a visiting research fellow at the University of Alabama (USA), and postdoc at the Department of Child and Adolescent Studies (UU).