Dr. Edwin Poppe

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
Kamer B2.17
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. Edwin Poppe

Assistant Professor
Interdisciplinary Social Science
+31 30 253 5442



Marianne KosicEdwin Poppe (Host)
1 Apr 200831 May 2008
Stay: February 13-15Edwin Poppe (Participant)
Stay: February 13-15Edwin Poppe (Participant)


P. RadkiewiczEdwin Poppe (Host)
8 Nov 20071 Feb 2008


Conference International Society for Political Psychology 'Global century/Local century: Conflict, communication, civilityEdwin Poppe (Invited speaker)
19 Jul 1999


Katowice 'National minorities - From Racism to Tolerance'. Stereotypes of nations of Eastern Europe towards other nationsEdwin Poppe (Invited speaker)
22 Nov 1997
, Conference Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen Silesische Universiteit en AEGEE
Nationale en etnische stereotypen in zes Oost-Europese landen.Edwin Poppe (Invited speaker)
29 May 1997
, Sessie Nationalisme en etnocentrisme in internationaal vergelijkend perspectief. NSV Marktdag (Association of Dutch sociologists). (Amsterdam)
'Transformation processes in Eastern Europe'. Effect of changes in economic satisfaction on national and ethnic stereotypes, patriotism and nationalism in 6 Central and Eastern European countriesEdwin Poppe (Invited speaker)
6 Mar 1997
, Conferentie Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) (Amsterdam)


Competence and Morality in National and Ethnic StereotypesEdwin Poppe (Invited speaker)
4 Apr 1996
, ASPO bijeenkomst (Association of Dutch Social Psychologists) (Utrecht)