Scholarly publications
Klein, A.
, Yumak, Z., Beij, A.
, & van der Stappen, A. F. (2019).
Data-driven gaze animation using recurrent neural networks. In H. P. H. Shum, & E. S. L. Ho (Eds.),
Proc. Motion, Interaction and Games [4] ACM., C.
, Yumak, Z., & van der Stappen, A. F. (2019).
Audio-driven emotional speech animation for interactive virtual characters.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds,
30(3-4), [1892].
Scholarly publications
Charalambous, C., Yumak, Z., & van der Stappen, A. F. (2018). Audio-driven Emotional Speech Animation. Poster session presented at Eurographics 2018.
Harel, R., Yumak, Z., & Dignum, F. P. M. (2018). Towards a generic framework for multi-party dialogue with virtual humans. Paper presented at Computer Animation and Social Agents 2018.
Other output
Christyowidiasmoro, C., Yumak, Z., van der Stappen, A. F., & Veltkamp, R. C. (2018). Expressive Speech-Driven Group Animation based on Structural-RNN.
Christyowidiasmoro, C., Yumak, Z., van der Stappen, A. F., & Veltkamp, R. C. (2018). Expressive character animation: A survey.
Scholarly publications
Ling, Y., Ter Meer, P.
, Yumak, Z., & Veltkamp, R. C. (2017).
Usability Test of Exercise Games Designed for Rehabilitation of Elderly Patients after Hip Replacement Surgery: A Pilot Study.
JMIR Serious Games,
5(4), [e19]. Yumak, Z., van den Brink, B.
, & Egges, J. (2017).
Autonomous social gaze model for an interactive virtual character in real-life settings.
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds,
28(3-4), [e1757]. 2016
Scholarly publications
Beck, A., Yumak, Z., & Magnenat Thalmann, N. (2016). Body movement generation for virtual characters and social robots​. In Social Signal Processing
Other output
Yumak, Z., & Egges, J. (2016). Autonomous gaze animation for socially interactive virtual characters during multi-party interaction.