Z. (Zhang) Jiang PhD

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht

Z. (Zhang) Jiang PhD

Plant Stress Resilience

Plants often encounter environmental stresses simultaneously or sequentially as stresses rarely occur in isolation. Responses to multiple stresses are often distinct than either stress applied in isolation. It is therefore vital to characterize the mechanisms of plant acclimation to multiple abiotic stresses. Here we analyze two stress combinations: high ambient temperature + drought and a sequential stress: flooding followed by drought, both of which come up frequently and cause severe destruction of crops. The physiological, morphological and phenological responses to these stresses was characterized in the Arabidopsis thaliana. Based on this information, a transcriptome approach will be used to identify underlying genes and molecular processes controlling relevant traits. Finally, candidate genes that potentially contribute to stress acclimation will be identified and functionally validated. Ultimately the identification of plant traits and regulatory networks mediating acclimation to multiple stresses will be very relevant towards the breeding of stress-tolerant crops with sustained yields.