Dr. Ymke de Bruijn
Assistant Professor
White children's empathy toward Black people: The importance of perceived parental attitudesde Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2024
27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development Journal of Social Issues (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2024
Journal of Community Psychology (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2024
Jeugd in Ontwikkeling (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Editorial board member)2024 → …
International Journal of Intercultural Relations (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2024
International Journal of Behavioral Development (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2024
Color-evasiveness and white normativity: Examples set by parents in parent-child interactions in the Netherlandsde Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2024
27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development 2023
Journal of Applied Social Psychology (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2023
Journal of Applied Social Psychology (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2023
Early Years (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2023
'Dutch' according to children and mothers: Nationality stereotypes and citizenship representation.de Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2023
European Conference on Developmental Psychology 'Dutch' according to children and mothers: Nationality stereotypes and citizenship representationde Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2023
European Conference on Developmental Psychology 'Dutch' according to children and mothers: Nationality stereotypes and citizenship representationde Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2023
CAS research day 2023 2022
Inclusieve boeken: Meer dan aantallende Bruijn, Y. (Invited speaker)4 Nov 2022
IBBY Boek en groet dag Northwestern Universityde Bruijn, Y. (Visiting researcher)May 2022
Vooroordelen verminderende Bruijn, Y. (Invited speaker)2022
Workshop Hogeschool Iselinge PABO Vooroordelen bij kinderende Bruijn, Y. (Invited speaker)2022
Lecture Education and Child Studies, Erasmus University Priming attachment and diversity ideologies: Effects on children's altruistic behavior in the dictator gamede Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2022
SRCD special topic meeting ‘Construction of the ‘Other’ Learning Environments Research (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2022
Developmental Psychology (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2022
Current Psychology (Journal)de Bruijn, Y. (Peer reviewer)2022
Maternal attitudes toward child interethnic relations in the Netherlands: Facilitating intergroup contact effects?de Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2021
25th International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Dutch and Chinese books for young childrende Bruijn, Y. (Invited speaker)2021
Info avond ouders Chinese School Leiden 2020
Inclusiviteit in Jeugdliteratuurde Bruijn, Y. (Invited speaker)2020
Webinar Stichting Lezen 2019
Ethnic diversity in Dutch children's booksde Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2019
VNOP-CAS research days 2018
Ingroup favoritism and outgroup rejection in White Dutch childrende Bruijn, Y. (Presenter)2018
International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology