Dr. Y. (Yanuardi) Yanuardi

Environmental Governance

Dr. Y. Yanuardi is a researcher in Environmental Governance, Copernicus Institute of Sustainability, Utrecht University and an Assistant Professor at UNY (Yogyakarta State University. He is also a research fellow in Earth System Governance Alliances. He earned his doctoral degree from Utrecht University with PhD thesis title “Governance for Sustainability in the Extractive Industry Sector: Addressing the Resource Curse through Global Standard-Setting - Experiences from Indonesia”. He graduated from Gadjah Mada University with undergraduate and master's degrees in Politics and Government and Political Science, respectively. Previously, he worked in some NGOs and research institutes in Indonesia on some issues: policy advocacy in rural areas, natural resources management, and independent election monitoring. Apart from teaching, he also researched public policy and governance issues, including peace and conflict, the ageing population, public administration reform, the environment, sustainable resources and climate change issues. He has published his research and appointed as reviewers in several reputable (Q1) academic journals. Elsevier publisher honored one of Yanuardi's articles for its contribution to SDGs. Also, he disseminated his research at several international conferences. He also became a speaker in seminars and discussions organized by several youth organizations, government bodies and NGOs in Indonesia.