Scholarly publications
Schotanus, Y. P. (2023).
How a Song’s Section Order Affects Both ‘Refrein’ Perception and the Song’s Perceived Meaning. In A. Biswas, E. Wennekes, A. Wieczorkowska, & R. H. Laskar (Eds.),
Advances in Speech and Music Technology: Computational Aspects and Applications (pp. 331-351). (Signals and Communication Technology). Springer. 2022
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Schotanus, Y. (2021).
Experiencing Dylan: The Effect of Formal Structure and Performance on the Popularity and Interpretation of Two Dylan Songs. In T. Gurke, & S. Winnett (Eds.),
Words, Music, and the Popular: Global Perspectives on Intermedial Relations (pp. 39-64). (Palgrave Studies in Music and Literature). Palgrave Macmillan. Schotanus, Y. P. (2021).
The effect of timing on the singer’s tone of voice. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain,
31(3-4), 107–122. Popularising publications
Schotanus, Y. (2021). Handboeken voor songwriters: Liedteksten schrijven, hoe doe je dat? Schrijven Magazine, 25(3), 32-35.
Schotanus, Y. (2021). Nietvergeefsgeweestzijnhopen: In memoriam Jeroen van Merwijk (1955-2021). Poëziekrant, 45(3), 98-99.
Scholarly publications
Scholarly publications
Professional publications
Other output
Schotanus, Y. (2016).
Music Supports the Processing of Song Lyrics and Changes their Contents: Effects of Melody, Silences and Accompaniment . 361. Abstract from International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition 14th Biennial meeting, San Francisco, United States. Schotanus, Y. (2016).
Well Tempered Tuning Cannot Account for Low Purity Ratings of Isolated Voice Parts. 762-766. Paper presented at International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition 14th Biennial meeting, San Francisco, United States. 2015
Scholarly publications
Schotanus, Y. (2015).
The Musical Foregrounding Hypothesis: How Music Influences the Perception of Sung Language. In J. Ginsborg, A. Lamont, M. Phillips, & S. Bramley (Eds.),
Proceedings of the Ninth Treënnial Confenrence of the European Society of the Cognitive Sciences of Music, Manchester UK, 7-22 August 2015 (pp. 724-735).