Dr. ir. W. (Wilma) Steeneveld

Dr. ir. W. (Wilma) Steeneveld

Assistant Professor
Evidence Based Veterinary Medicine
+31 30 253 1233

Wilma Steeneveld grew up on a dairy farm and has graduated from Wageningen University in 2006. Her MSc thesis was done in the field of animal health economics (the economic consequences of treating subclinical mastitis during lactation). From 2006 to 2010 she did her PhD research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine on the detection of clinical mastitis with automatic milking systems. Subsequently, she worked for 5 years as a PostDoc researcher at the chair group Business Economics of Wageningen University. During that period, her research focused on the economic consequences of the use of sensors (e.g., activity meters) at dairy farms. Since 2015, Wilma is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. She is teaching and doing research in the field of animal health economics (mainly dairy).


In this webinar I give an explanation about my research field "animal health economics":  https://sound-control.eu/webinar-animal-health-economics-by-wilma-steeneveld/


Within my research field several calculation tools are developed to support dairy farmers and veterinarians in decisions on health and reproduction. These tools can be found here: https://www.uu.nl/organisatie/veterinaire-service-en-samenwerking/veterinaire-economie