Prof. dr. Willem Koops

Emeritus Professor
Developmental Psychology
Developmental Psychology
+31 30 253 4476


  • Past-President and member of the Council of The European Society for Developmental Psychology (ESDP)
  • Editor (and founder) of the European Journal of Developmental Psychology. Consulting Editor (and founder) of the Journal: “Infant and Child Development”;
  • Chair of ADNG (Archief- and Documentatiecentrum voor de
    Nederlandse Gedragswetenschappen) (Centre for Archives and Documentation of the Behavioral Sciences in the Netherlasnds)
  • Chair of the History Committee of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD(
  • member of Commissie Preventie en behandeling van jeugdtrauma's van de Gezondheidsraad (Committee for prevention and treatment of youth traumata)
  • Columnist for the journal Pedagogiek in de Praktijk (Practical Pedagogy)