Dr. Willemijn Schot

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer F309
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Willemijn Schot

Educational Consultant/Trainer
Educational Development & Training
+31 6 24 596 068

After a journey through Psychology (BA), Cognitive Neuroscience (MSc), Human Movement Sciences (PhD) and Pedagogical Sciences (post doc), I am now a educational consultant, trainer and researcher at the Center for Teaching and Learning at the department of Education of Utrecht University. 

Among other things, I work on:
-Courses for PhD supervisors on PhD supervision
-Course for Lecturers on Didactics (BKO)
-Lesson Study in Primary Education
-Observing and coaching early childhood caregivers on proces quality in daycare, VVE and kindergarten 
-Coaching and training elementary school teachers on Science and Technology education
-Several projects aimed at educational improvements (e.g. e-learning) at the UU (FSW, GNK, REBO, BETA)