Dr. Wendy Wiertz

Assistant Professor
Art History



Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2024). War Lace. From Patriotic Propaganda and a Humanitarian Sales Strategy to a Forgotten Memory. Abstract from Material Turn and European War Experience in XX/ XXI Century. New Perspectives on Politics of Memory, Vienna, Austria.
Wiertz, W. (2024). Craft, Gender and Humanitarian Aid. The Representation of Belgian Lacemakers in the First World War Era. In L. Van Deinsen, B. Schepers, & S. Marjan (Eds.), Campaspe Talks Back. Women Making a Difference in Early Modern Arts (pp. 248-255). Brepols.

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2024). Borduursters en hun status in Brussel, 1850-1914. Eigen Schoon & De Brabander, 107(1), 111-128.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W., & Cooreman, R. (2023). Vrouwen ontwerpen voor de Belgische kantindustrie, ca. 1890-1920. Tijdschrift voor Interieurgeschiedenis en Design, 45, 19-31. https://doi.org/10.2143/GBI.45.0.3292625
Wiertz, W. (2023). Lacemaking, Gender Roles and Humanitarian Aid in the First World War. Abstract from European Social Science History Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Wiertz, W. (2023). Equal Opportunities for Women: Supporting Aspiring Female Artists at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of Brussels in the Late 19th Century. In Faire Oeuvre. La formation et la professionnalisation des artistes femmes aux XIXe et XXe siècles (pp. 67-77). AWARE.
Wiertz, W. (2023). Adellijk en artistiek: Amateurkunstenaressen met blauw bloed in België (1815-1914). Universitaire pers Leuven.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2022). Preserving a National Identity. Supporting Belgian Lacemakers in the First World War and its Aftermath. Abstract from Crafting Identities. Handicraft Programmes in Times of War, Genocide and their Aftermaths; c.1890-1950, Huddersfield, United Kingdom.
Barber, C., Gill, R., & Wiertz, W. (2022). Visual Strategies for Ongoing Care. Appealing to American Donors to Support Belgian Lacemakers after the First World War. Abstract from Historie(s) of Care, Geneva, Switzerland.
Wiertz, W. (2022). War Lace. Mobilizing Craft in the First World War. Abstract from Craft History Workshop.
Wiertz, W. (2022). Social Media in the Nineteenth Century: Friendships, Feelings and Ambitions in the Albums of Upper-Class Women in Belgium. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Oudheidkunde en Kunstgeschiedenis/ Revue belge d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art , 91, 125-149.
Wiertz, W. (2022). Creating and Repeating History: Lace-Aid Programmes in the First World War. Abstract from Voluntary Action History Society 7th International Conference, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Wiertz, W. (2022). Van tekenhandleiding tot academie: De artistieke opleiding van 19de-eeuwse amateurkunstenaressen in Brussel. Brussels Studies, 166. https://doi.org/10.4000/brussels.5980
Wiertz, W. (2022). War Lace as Material Culture in a Transnational History of Humanitarian Handicrafts. Abstract from NTU Lace End-to-End seminar 2022, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
Wiertz, W. (2022). Recuperation, Revival and Survival: A Humanitarian Lace-Aid Programme in Occupied Belgium during the First World War. Journal of Belgian History, 53(4), 8-26.

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2022, Jan 7). P.LACE.S - Looking Through Flemish Lace: book review.
Wiertz, W. (2022). War Lace. Vrouwen, voedselhulp en vaderlandsliefde in de Eerste Wereldoorlog (1914-1918). (Phoebus Focus; Vol. 29). Hannibal Books.
Wiertz, W. (2022). War Lace – Women, Food Aid and Patriotism During the First World War (1914-1918). (Phoebus Focus; No. 29).


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2021). Recuperation, Revival and Survival. The Benefits of Handicrafts Programmes for Humanitarian Organisations and their Recipients. Abstract from Joint Mainz-Oxford-Graduate Workshop.
Wiertz, W. (2021). Patriotic Laces - Hidden Protest. Female Lace-Makers in German-Occupied Belgium during the First World War. Abstract from Textile and Place Conference 2021.
Van den Abeele, E., & Wiertz, W. (2021). Het Vlaamse kantonderwijs in de 20e eeuw: tussen modernisatie en traditie. Volkskunde, 122(3), 381-401.

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2021, Jan 16). The lace industry = a cottage industry. A representation of a lacemaker's work environment.
Wiertz, W. (2021). War lace. Saving the Belgian Lace Industry in the First World War. Australian Lace, 42(3), 8-11.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2020). The Identity of an Embroidering Woman. The Needle Arts in Brussels, Belgium, 1850-1914. In J. Amos, & L. Binkley (Eds.), Stitching the Self. Identity and the Needle Arts (pp. 27-39). Bloomsbury Academic.
Wiertz, W. (2020). A Lack of a Name, of Artistic Value, and of a Positive Reception. Overlooking Amateur Artists in Scholarly Research. History of Humanities, 5(1), 111-129. https://doi.org/10.1086/707694

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2020, Jun 29). War Lace.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2019). Male support for equal opportunities for women at the Brussels’ Royal Academy of Fine Arts (late 19th century). Abstract from Faire oeuvre. La formation et la professionnalisation des artistes femmes au XIXe et XXe siècle, Paris, France.
Wiertz, W., & Desmedt, J. (2019). Cours de peinture pour jeunes filles. De officiële installatie van een meisjesklas schilderkunst aan de Brusselse Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts (oktober 1896). Cahiers Bruxellois – Brusselse Cahiers, 50(1), 433-455. https://doi.org/10.3917/brux.050.0433
Wiertz, W. (2019). Belgian Lace as a Humanitarian Product during the First World War. Abstract from Humanitarian Handicrafts, Huddersfield, United Kingdom.
Wiertz, W. (2019). From Artist to Charitable Cause. The Financial Aid to the Belgian Painter Cécile Douard (1866-1941) after Losing her Sight. Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Oudheidkunde en Kunstgeschiedenis/ Revue belge d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art , 88(1), 167-189.
Wiertz, W. (2019). Queen Wilhelmina’s War Lace Scarf. Intersubjectivity across Gender, Class, and Borders. Abstract from CGIS-CGH Autumn Colloquium on Intersubjectivity, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Wiertz, W. (2019). Survival through Luxury Production. Belgian Refugees making Lace during WWI. Abstract from Tracing the Belgian Refugees, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
Wiertz, W. (2019). 'Lace is not a Luxury': Strategies to sell Belgian Lace in the U.S. during WWI. Abstract from Midwest Art History Society Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States.

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2019). Decoratie en daadkracht. Negentiende-eeuwse adellijke vrouwen en het interieur. Driemaandelijks bulletin - Vereniging van de Adel van het Koninkrijk België, 17-29.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2018). Wonen op stand in de stad en op het land. Interieurs en babbelstukken. In M. Derez, S. Vanhauwaert, & A. Verbrugge (Eds.), Arenberg. Portret van een familie, verhaal van een verzameling (pp. 356-369). Brepols.
Wiertz, W. (2018). Living in the City and in the Country. Interiors and Conversation Pieces. In M. Derez, S. Vanhauwaert, & A. Verbrugge (Eds.), Arenberg. Portrait of a Family, Story of a Collection (pp. 360-373). Brepols.
Wiertz, W. (2018). En ville et à la campagne. Intérieurs et conversation pieces en aquarelle. In M. Derez, S. Vanhauwaert, & A. Verbrugge (Eds.), Arenberg. Portrait d'une famille, l'histoire d'une collection (pp. 366-379). Brepols.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2017). Aandacht voor de amateurkunstena(a)r(es)! Intersectionaliteit legt de verschillen bloot. Abstract from Sophia Colloquium: Genderstudies, een genre apart?, Brussels, Belgium.
Wiertz, W. (2017). The (Drawing) Album and its Importance for Nineteenth-Century Aristocratic Amateur Women Artists in Belgium. Abstract from Drawing is Thinking - Thinking is Moving , Ghent, Belgium.

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2017). Une femme complète. La Comtesse Marie de Villermont (1848-1925). Le Parchemin, 82(430), 289-308.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2016). Only Amateurs! Aristocratic Women Artists during the 19th Century. Abstract from The Aspect of Woman, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Wiertz, W. (2016). The Rebirth of the Amateur Artist: The Effect of Past Opinions on the Amateur Artist in Current Research. In I. Unetič, M. Germ, M. Malešič, A. Vrečko, & M. Zor (Eds.), Art and its Responses to Changes in Society (pp. 63-74). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Wiertz, W. (2016). Aristocratic Amateur Women Artists in Belgium (1830-1914). Poster session presented at Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences' Day, Leuven , Belgium.
Wiertz, W. (2016). La noblesse des femmes artistes en Belgique au XIXe siècle. In D. Laoureux (Ed.), Femmes artistes. Les peintresses en Belgique (1880-1914) (pp. 108-113). Silvana editoriale.
Wiertz, W. (2016). Aristocrats at the Belgian Salons des Beaux-Arts during the 19th century. Abstract from Journée d'études: La vocation artistique à l'épreuve du genre au 19e siècle: regards sur les peintresses belges, Namur, Belgium.
Wiertz, W. (2016). 'Honneur aux dames!' Displaying 19th-century Belgian Amateur Women Artists. Abstract from AAH Summer Symposium, Loughborough, United Kingdom.
Wiertz, W. (2016). Vergeten verhalen. Het tekenalbum van Sophie von Auersperg, prinses van Arenberg (1811-1901). Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies, 19(3), 389-394. https://doi.org/10.5117/TVGN2016.3.WIER

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2016). Adellijk en artistiek. Kunstenaressen met blauw bloed. OKV: Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen, 54(2), 32-39.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2015). Het publieke oeuvre van Marie von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, gravin van Vlaanderen (1845-1912). Museum Dynasticum, 27(2), 35-51.
Wiertz, W. (2015). Stitching for a Place at the Public Space. The Needle Arts at the 1903 Brussels Salon. Abstract from UAAC , Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Wiertz, W. (2015). Belgian Painter Cécile Douard (1866-1941) Turns Blind. What Now?. Abstract from Forum Cultuurgeschiedenis, Leuven, Belgium.
Wiertz, W. (2015). Stilte op de Salons. In P. Verstraete, & J. Hoegaerts (Eds.), Stilte. Essays over cultuur, macht en verandering (pp. 33-48). Scientific & Academic Publishing.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2014). The Rebirth of the Amateur Artist. The Effect of Past Opinions on the Amateur Artist in Current Research. Abstract from Decline - Metamorphosis - Rebirth. International Conference for PhD Students, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Wiertz, W. (2014). Gendered Silence in 19th Century Belgian Salon Art Works. Abstract from Gender and Silence. (Hi)stories of power and resilience in the face of modernity, Leuven, Belgium.


Scholarly publications

Wiertz, W. (2013). Vrouwen met stijl. Vier penseelprinsessen in Hingene. Abstract from Vrouwen met stijl, Hingene, Belgium.
Wiertz, W. (2013). A Fruitful Alliance within Strict Aristocratic Boundaries. Abstract from Uneasy Alliances: Boundaries and Bargains in the Nineteenth-Century Art, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Professional publications

Wiertz, W. (2013). Een hobby voor vrouwen met stijl. Kasteel d'Ursel magazine, 9(35), 8-9.
Wiertz, W. (2013). Vrouwen met stijl. Vier penseelprinsessen in Hingene. (Kasteel d'Ursel. Historische publicaties; Vol. 5). Provinciebestuur Antwerpen.