Vinicius Coscioni

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
3584 CS Utrecht

Vinicius Coscioni

Assistant Professor
Developmental Psychology

Dr. Vinicius Coscioni is a Brazilian citizen currently serving as an Assistant Professor in the Developmental Psychology Department at Utrecht University. He earned his Ph.D. through a collaborative program in Counseling Psychology between the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Dr. Coscioni's primary areas of interest encompass the psychology of motivation and personality, narrative identity, career development, psychometrics, social vulnerability, and adolescent development.

During his doctoral studies, Dr. Coscioni developed the Comprehensive Theory of Life Projects, an integrative framework that draws from diverse theoretical backgrounds. In his own words, a life project is defined as “an ongoing, evolving process to form, enact, and maintain intentional structures and actions that, altogether, comprise a long-term, meaningful, and prospective narrative capable of guiding decisions and behavior in daily life.” This multidisciplinary concept is central to understanding human motivation and personality.

As part of his post-doctoral research at the University of Coimbra, Dr. Coscioni adapted his groundbreaking theory for application in more than 15 countries. Presently, his primary focus lies in implementing this theory within practical contexts, with a special emphasis on career counseling and education, particularly for socially vulnerable populations.