Dr. Tim van Timmeren

Martinus J. Langeveldgebouw
Heidelberglaan 1
Kamer H1.07
3584 CS Utrecht

Dr. Tim van Timmeren

Assistant Professor
Social, Health and Organisational Psychology

I am Assistant Professor at SHOP and a member of the Goal lab and the Self-regulation lab. In my research, I aim to understand the (neural) mechanisms underlying habits and their contribution to addictive behaviors, by translating basic animal findings to (clinically) applied human research and back. To that end, I combine experimental paradigms with advanced neuroimaging methods. More recently, I started doing more applied research, using the smartphone as a tool to measure and manipulate habitual behaviors. 

I received my master’s degree in Cognitive Neuroscience from the Donders Institute (Radboud University) and my PhD from the Psychiatry department at Amsterdam UMC (AMC/UvA). After several years as post-doctoral researcher in Sanne de Wit’s Habit Lab (Univesity of Amsterdam), I joined UU in 2022.