T.P. (Pim) Rooymans

Policy Adviser
Animals in Science & Society

Education: Higher Agricultural School in Dordrecht, graduated in 1982.

Certified cat. B since June 1985.

Pim started in June 1985 as zoological analist at the Department of Laboratory Animal Science (Utrecht University), and soon thereafter became involved in the courses on Laboratory Animal Science (cat. C) as organizer, daily supervisor and teacher (practical handling, practical basic techniques). Similarly for all the department’s teaching in the curriculum of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Also involved as co-organizer and teacher in LAS courses in Athens (Greece), Lisbon & Braga (Portugal), Riga (Latvia), Budapest (Hungary), Johannesburg (South Africa), Sao Paulo & Salvador (Brazil), Izmir & Istanbul (Turkey), New Delhi (India), Colombo (Sri Lanka), Ho Chi min-city (Vietnam), Accra (Ghana), Addis Abbeba (Ethiopia), Cairo (Egypt), Kuantan (Malesia).

  • Policy officer per April 2023
  • Member of the Greenteam and faculty council Vetrinary Medicine per September 2023
  • Education officer and teacher (practicals handling and basic techniques) at Department Animals in Science and Society (Dier in Wetenschap en Maatschappij), Faculty Veterinary Medine, Universiteit Utrecht (until June 2022)
  • Teacher and coordinator course on Laboratory Animal Science (until June 2022)
  • Online teacher for LAS courses abroad, and advisor (Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Egypt).
  • Member of FELASA-EFAT Working Group on Harmonisation of Education, Training and DPD for Laboratory Animal Caretakers and Technicians
  • Member of Council of Management of Laboratory Animal Limited (LAL)
  • Member of the Committee Communication and the Committee Education and Training of DALAS
  • Member and honorary member of Biotechniek (Dutch journal on LAS, 1991-2013) and since 15-6-2020 Editor in Chief.
  • Member editorial staff Harpij magazine (journal for zookeepers)