

Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T., Mols, S., & Flohr, M. (Eds.) (2024). Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 7). Brill.
Tieleman, T., Flohr, M., & Mols, S. (2024). Anchoring, Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity. In M. Flohr, S. Mols, & T. Tieleman (Eds.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (pp. 1-18). (Euhormos: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 7). Brill.
Tieleman, T. (2024). Galen's Use of Hippocrates as an Anchor for Medical Innovation. In M. Flohr, S. Mols, & T. Tieleman (Eds.), Anchoring Science and Technology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (pp. 303-325). (Euhormus: Greco-Roman Studies in Anchoring Innovation; Vol. 7). Brill.
Tieleman, T. (2024). The Medical Law: The Hippocratic "The Law" and the Pseudo-Platonic "Minos". In S. Krauter and A. Weissenrieder, eds. Law: Textual Representation and Practices in the Ancient World. Religion in the Roman Empire, 10(2), 180-192.
Tieleman, T. (2024). P. N. Singer, Galen: writings on health. Thrasybulus and Health (De sanitate tuenda): Cambridge Galen translations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023. Pp. xxv, 510. ISBN 9781009159517. Bryn Mawr Classical Review.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T., Rijpstra - van Daal, C., Ruf, M., Hulskamp, M., & Epping, T. (2024). Geneeskunde in het werk van Galenus en in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden: Lespakket/interactieve tour. Rijksmuseum van Oudheden Leiden.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. (2023). Galen on Human Perfection and Enhancement: Morality, Medicine, Cosmology. In J. Leemans, G. Roskam, & P. van Deun (Eds.), Longing for Perfection in Late Antiquity (pp. 345-360). Brill.
Tieleman, T. (2023). Galen on Disagreement: Sects, Philosophical methods, and Christians. In A. Joosse, & A. Ulacco (Eds.), Dealing with Disagreement: The Construction of Traditions in Later Ancient Philosophy (pp. 45-58). Brepols.
Tieleman, T. (2023). Galen between Philosophy and Medicine. In A. Das (Ed.), Galen’s Humanistic Medicine: The Essay ‘Quod Optimus Medicus’ (SAPERE ed., pp. 127-134). Mohr Siebeck.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. (2022). Posidonius and the Pneumatists: The Aetiology of Emotions and Diseases. In G. Kazantzidis, & D. Spatharas (Eds.), Medical Understandings of Emotions in Antiquity: Theory, Practice, Suffering. Ancient Emotions III (pp. 201-228). (Trends in Classics ; Vol. 131). De Gruyter.
Tieleman, T. (2022). Presocratics and Presocratic Philosophy in Galen. In A. Lammer, & M. Jas (Eds.), Received Opinions : Doxography in Antiquity and in the Islamic World (pp. 120-150). (Philosophia antiqua; Vol. 160). Brill.
Tieleman, T. (2022). Galen's Notion of Dialectic. In R. J. Hankinson, & M. Havrda (Eds.), Galen's Epistemology: Experience, Reason, and Method in Ancient Medicine (pp. 136-155). Cambridge University Press.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. (2021). Posidonius. In R. Scodel (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Classics Oxford Bibliographies Online.
Tieleman, T. (2021). The Use of Aristotle’s Biology in Nemesius’ On Human Nature. Journal of Ancient Philosophy, 15(2), 170-189.
Tieleman, T. (2021). Sénèque et les pré-passions: 1 « Pré-passions » : à la recherche de l’origine du terme et de la notion. In V. Laurand, E. Malaspina, & F. Prost (Eds.), Lectures plurielles du «De ira» de Sénèque: Interprétations, contextes, enjeux (pp. 266-276). (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde; Vol. 399). De Gruyter.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. (2021). Appendix: Beknopte gids voor de verwijzingen naar Galenus' geschriften. Lampas, 54 (4), 550-554.
Hulskamp, M., & Tieleman, T. (Eds.) (2021). Themanummer Galenus van Pergamon. Lampas, 54(4).
Rijpstra - van Daal, C., & Tieleman, T. (2021). De beste arts is ook filosoof: Vertaling met inleiding. Lampas, 54(4), 455-472.
Tieleman, T. (2021). Ontwikkelingen in de Galenus-studiën. Lampas, 54(4), 497-513.
Hulskamp, M., Rijpstra - van Daal, C., Ruf, M., & Tieleman, T. (2021). Galenus van Pergamum – arts, filosoof, retoricus: Een lesmodule voor klas 5 GTC. Lampas, 54(4), 532-549.
Hulskamp, M., Rijpstra - van Daal, C., Ruf, M., & Tieleman, T. (2021). Galenus: Arts, filosoof, retoricus. (Griekse taal en cultuur). Primavera Educatief.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Cleanthes’ Pneumatology. Two Testimonies from Tertullian. In S. Coughlin, D. Leith, & O. Lewis (Eds.), The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle (pp. 157-171). (Berlin Studies of the Ancient World; Vol. 61). Freie Universität Berlin.
Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Review-article on Adamson, Peter, Rotraud Hansberger, James Wilberding, eds. Philosophical Themes in Galen. London: Institute of Classical Studies, University of London 2014. 327 pp. (Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 114). Gnomon, 92(8), 693 - 712.
Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Stoic Vices. In C. Veillard, O. Renaut, & D. El-Murr (Eds.), Les philosophes face au vice, de Socrate à Augustin (pp. 189-204). (Philosophia Antiqua; Vol. 154). Brill.
Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Galen’s Self-Understanding and the Platonic Phaedrus. In S. Delcomminette, P. D’Hoine, & M.-A. Gavray (Eds.), The Reception of Plato’s Phaedrus from Antiquity to the Renaissance (pp. 25-40). (Beiträge zur Altertumskunde; Vol. 384). De Gruyter.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Keith Andrew Stewart, Galen’s Theory of Black Bile: Hippocratic Tradition, Manipulation, Innovation, Studies in Ancient Medicine, vol. 51 (Leiden: Brill, 2018), pp. x + 178, € 94/US$113, hardback, ISBN: 9789004382787. Medical History, 64(1), 152-154.
Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Werner Albert Golder (Editor). Celsus und die antike Wissenschaft. (Sammlung Tusculum.) 911 pp., bibl., notes, index. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. €79.95 (cloth). ISBN 9783110441659. Isis, 111(2), 383-384.

Popularising publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2020). Marathon. In Marathon: Veterinaire almanak der diergeneeskundige studiekring (Vol. 42, pp. 32 - 35). Diergeneeskundige Studentenkring.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2019). Review article on Abraham P. Bos, Aristotle on God’s Life-Generating Power and on Pneuma as Its Vehicle, SUNY series in Ancient Greek Philosophy, ed. A. Preuss. Albany: State University of New York 2018. Philosophia Reformata, 84(2), 245-259.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2019). Collecting Recipes. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue, edited by Lehmhaus, Lennart and Martelli, Matteo. Journal for the Study of Judaism, 50(1), 144-146.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2018). Medische innovatie in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld: de sectie op menselijke lichamen als praktijkgeval. Lampas, 51(4), 325-339.
Tieleman, T. L. (2018). Galen and Doxography. In J. Mansfeld, & D. Runia (Eds.), Aëtiana IV: Papers of the Melbourne Colloquium on Ancient Doxography (pp. 452-471). (Philosophia antiqua; Vol. 148). Brill.
Tieleman, T. L. (2018). Wisdom and Emotion. Galen’s Philosophical Position in Avoiding Distress. In C. Petit (Ed.), Galen’s Newly Discovered Peri Alupias (On Avoiding Distress) in Context. (pp. 199-216). (Studies in Ancient Medicine). Brill.
Tieleman, T. L. (2018). Stoicism and the Natural World: Philosophy and Science. In P. Keyser, & J. Scarborough (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World (pp. 677-698). OUP.
Tieleman, T. L. (2018). Epicurus and His Circle: Philosophy, Medicine and the Sciences. In P. Keyser, & J. Scarborough (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Science and Medicine in the Classical World (pp. 257-268). OUP.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L., & Amse, A. K. (2018). Visie op Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur in Nederland: Klassieken verbinden moderne samenleving. (Vereniging van Classici in Nederland). Vereniging van Classici in Nederland.
Tieleman, T. L. (2018). De beste dokter is ook filosoof: Oratie uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van de leeropdracht Antieke Filosofie en Geneeskunde aan de Universiteit Utrecht op 22 januari 2016 .
Tieleman, T. L. (2018). Galenus van Pergamon: Medicus - Filosoof - Retoricus. In Syllabus: Galenos van Pergamon: Medicus - Filosoof - Retoricus


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2017). 生活艺术:一种古代理念及其遗存. 哲学分析. 中国社会科学文摘 (Chinese Social Science Digest), 2017(6).
Tieleman, T. L. (2017). 生活艺术:一种古代理念及其遗存. Philosophical Analysis, 2017(1), 156-163.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2017). Signalementen: de filosofie van Cicero en Seneca (CE-pensum Latijn 2018) (with an English summary), Lampas 50.2 (2017) 190-196. Lampas, 50(2), 190-196.
Tieleman, T. L. (2017). Signalementen: de filosofie van Cicero en Seneca. Lampas, 50(2), 190-196.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2016). Religion and Therapy in Galen. In A. Weissenrieder, & G. Etzelmüller (Eds.), Religion and Illness (pp. 15-31). Wipf and Stock Publishers, Eugene OR.
Tieleman, T. L. (2016). The Early Stoics and Aristotelian Ethics. Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 11(1), 104-121.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2015). Galen, De Placitis Books IV and V: Questions, Options and Authorities. In J. A. López Férez (Ed.), Galeno: lengua, composición literaria, léxico, estilo (pp. 93-108). Ediciones clásicas.
Tieleman, T. L. (2015). Galen on Medicine as a Science and as an Art. History of Medicine, 2(2), 172-182.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2015). Non-Praesidialia. Over Onderwijs2032. VCN-Bulletin, 40(163), 6-8.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. (2014). Posidonius on the Void: A Controversial Case of Divergence Revisited. In C. Helmig, C. Horn, & G. Ranocchia (Eds.), Space in Hellenistic Philosophy: Critical Studies in Ancient Physics (pp. 69-81). De Gruyter.
Tieleman, T. (2014). The Spirit of Stoicism. In J. R. Levison, & J. Frey (Eds.), The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity.  : Multidisciplinary Perspectives (Vol. 5, pp. 39-62). (Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages; No. 5). De Gruyter.
Tieleman, T. L. (2014). Head and Heart: the Pauline Corpus and its Medical and Philosophical Backdrop. Religion & Theology, 20(1), 86-106.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2013). David Konstan, The Emotions of the Ancient Greeks: Studies in Aristotle and Classical Literature, Robson Classical Lectures (Toronto / Buffalo / London: University of Toronto Press 2006; PB 2007), Anzeiger fur die Altertumswissenschaft, 66(1-2), 748-750.
Tieleman, T. L. (2013). C.J. Gill, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism. Oxford 2010. Gnomon, 85, 748-750.
Tieleman, T. L. (2013). C. Gill, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism. Gnomon, 85, 748-750.
Tieleman, T. L. (2013). Bookreview Robert Muller, Les Stoïciens. La liberté et l'ordre du monde. Gnomon, 85, 174-176.
Tieleman, T. L. (2013). Les Stoiciens sur les tempéraments du corps et de l’âme. In Scholê 7.1 (pp. 8-19).
Tieleman, T. L. (2013). Miracle and Natural Cause in Galen. In S. Alkier, & A. Weissenrieder (Eds.), Miracle Stories Revisited (pp. 101-115). De Gruyter.
Tieleman, T. L. (2013). David Konstan, The Emotions of the Ancient Greeks: Studies in Aristotle and Classical Literature, Robson Classical Lectures (Toronto / Buffalo / London: University of Toronto Press 2006; PB 2007). Anzeiger fur die Altertumswissenschaft, 66.1-2, 42-45.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2012). Review of Christopher J. Gill, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen and Stoicism, Oxford Classical Review 62.2 (2012) 457-459. Journal Title.
Tieleman, T. L. (2012). Bookreview C. Gill, Naturalistic Psychology in Galen & Stoicism. The Classical Review, 62, 457-459.
Tieleman, T. L., & Merz, A. B. (2012). General Introduction. In A. B. Merz, & T. L. Tieleman (Eds.), The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context (pp. 1-9). Brill.
Tieleman, T. L., & Merz, A. B. (2012). The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context. Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10-12 December 2009. (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East ed.) Brill.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2011). Galen on Perception. Antiquorum Philosophia, 5, 83-97.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2011). Herophilus en de Alexandrijnse geneeskunde: de herontdekking van een wetenschappelijke bloeiperiode. Lampas, 44(4), 368-376.
Tieleman, T. L. (2011). Milete. Filosofie in de Grieks-Romeinse wereld; een overzicht. In S. T. A. M. Mols, & N. de Haan (Eds.), Cultuurgeschiedenis van de klassieke Oudheid (pp. 53-73). Open Universiteit.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2010). GALIEN: Tome I: Introduction Générale et GALIEN: Tome II: Exhortation à l’étude de la médecine. Mnemosyne, 63, 487-491.
Tieleman, T. L. (2010). ‘Orality and Writing in Ancient Philosophy: Their Interrelationship and the Shaping of Literary Forms’. In A. Weissenrieder (Ed.), The Interface of Orality and Writing: Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres. Studies in Honour of Antoinette Clark Wire. (pp. 19-35). Mohr Siebeck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2010). ‘Religion and Therapie in Galen’. In A. Weissenrieder, & G. Etzelmüller (Eds.), Religion und Krankheit (pp. 83-95). WBG.
Tieleman, T. L. (2010). Review of Sharples, Robert W. (ed.) Alexander Aphrodisiensis, De anima libri mantissa. A new edition of the Greek text with introduction and commentary. Peripatoi. Philologisch-Historische Studien zum Aristotelismus 21. Aestimatio, 7, 42-43.
Tieleman, T. L. (2010). Review of C.J. Gill, The Structured Self in Hellenistic and Roman Thought (Oxford 2006). The Classical Review, 60, 58-61.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2009). Galen and the Stoics. Or: The Art of Not Naming. In C. J. Gill, T. Whitmarsh, & J. Wilkins (Eds.), Galen and the World of Knowledge (pp. 282-299). CUP.
Tieleman, T. L. (2009). (In)continence in Context. Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics 1151b23-52a36. In C. Natali (Ed.), Aristotle's Nicomachean VII (pp. 173-182). Oxford University Press.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2009). The Art of Life. An Ancient Idea and its Survival. Scholê, 2, 247-252.

Other output

Tieleman, T. L. (2009). mede-programmaleider UU High Potentials project 'Habent sua fata libelli: Text Processing in the Philosophical and Religious Movements within the Roman Empire (1-300 CE).


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2008). Verhaal, Identiteit en Cultuur bij Plato. In B. E. J. H. Becking, & A. B. Merz (Eds.), Verhaal als Identiteits-Code. Opstellen aangeboden aan Geert van Ooyen bij zijn afscheid van de Universiteit Utrecht (pp. 300-312). Department Godgeleerdheid, Universiteit Utrecht. (Utrechtse Theologische Reeks, 60).

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2008). Hippocrates en het Corpus Hippocraticum. In K. Algra, F. Haas, de, & C. Steel (Eds.), Antieke Wijsbegeerte, tweede editie (pp. 64-65).
Tieleman, T. L. (2008). Geneeskunde. In K. Algra, F. Haas, de, & C. Steel (Eds.), De antieke wijsbegeerte, tweede editie (pp. 187-190).
Tieleman, T. L. (2008). De Stoa. In K. Algra, F. Haas, de, & C. Steel (Eds.), De Antieke Wijsbegeerte, tweede editie (pp. 166-178).
Tieleman, T. L. (2008). Het Scepticisme. In K. Algra, F. Haas, de, & C. Steel (Eds.), De antieke wijsbegeerte, tweede editie (pp. 179-183).

Other output

Tieleman, T. L. (2008). Zeno of Citium: Overview. Web publication/site


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2007). Panaetius Place in the History of Stoicism. With Special Reference to his Moral Psychology. In A. M. Ioppolo, & D. N. Sedley (Eds.), Pyrrhonists, Patricians and Platonizers. Hellenistic Philosophy in the Period 155-86 BC., Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium Hellenisticum (pp. 103-142). Bibliopolis.
Tieleman, T. L. (2007). Methodology. In R. J. Hankinson (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Galen (pp. 49-65). Cambridge University Press.
Tieleman, T. L. (2007). Onomastic Reference in Seneca: The Case of Plato and the Platonists. In C. Helmig, & M. Bonazzi (Eds.), Platonic Stoicism - Stoic Platonism (pp. 133-148).
Tieleman, T. L., & van Eijk, P. J. (2007). Hippocrates in Context: Papers Read at the XIth International Hippocrates Colloquium. Aestimatio, 3, 175-176.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L., & Mooij, S. (2007). Diogenes van Oinoanda voor de klas. Lampas, 40(2), 181-192.
Tieleman, T. L. (2007). Levenskunst. Een actueel filosofisch thema en zijn antieke wortels. Lampas, 40(4), 334-342.

Popularising publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2007). De wereld is het toneel van strijd tussen tegendelen (over Heraclitus). Trouw, 6-6.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2006). V. Nutton (ed.), The Unknown Galen (London 2002). Philosophia Antiqua, 2, 226-230.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Galen and Genesis. In G. H. van Kooten (Ed.), The Creation of Heaven and Earth: Re-interpretations of Genesis I in the Context of Judaism, Ancient Philosophy, Christianity and Modern Physics (pp. 125-145). Themes in Biblical Narrative.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Bookreview The Roman Philosophers. From the Time of Cato the Censor to the Death of Marcus Aurelius. Phoenix, 59, 392-394.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Zenon von Kition. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 935-935). C.H. Beck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Galenos. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 315-319). C.H. Beck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Chrysippos v. Soloi. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 202-202). C.H. Beck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Pneumatiker. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 726-726). C.H. Beck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Porphyrios. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 718-719). C.H. Beck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Praxagoras van Kos. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 832-833). C.H. Beck.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Bookreview From Aristotle to Augustine. Routledge History of Philosophy Volume II. Paperback edition. Aestimatio, 1, 167-169.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). De actualiteit van antieke deugdethiek en levenskunst. Lampas, 38(1), 79-84.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Hellenistische filosofen: een groepsportret. Lampas, 38(3), 226-239.
Tieleman, T. L. (2005). Poseidonios von Apameia. In K. H. Leven (Ed.), Antike Medizin. Ein Lexikon (pp. 727-727). C.H. Beck.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2004). Galen and Genesis. In G.H. van Kooten (Ed.), The Creation of Heaven and Earth: Re-interpretations of Genesis I in the context of Judaism, Philosophy, Christianity and Modern Physics (pp. 125-145). (Themes in Biblical Narrative; No. 8). Brill.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L., & Merz, A. B. (2004). Text Processing in de Oudheid. Een nieuw interdisciplinair onderzoeksproject. Areopagus, 8(4), 2-3.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2003). Chrysippus' on Affections. Reconstruction and Interpretation. (Philosophia Antiqua ed.) Brill.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). Bookreview Aratus. Phaenomena. Mnemosyne, 56, 85-88.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). Bookreview Emotion and Peace of Mind. From Stoic Agitation to Christian Temptation. Gnomon, 75.6, 679-683.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). 'Zeno and Psychological Monism: The Evidence Reconsidered'. In T. Scaltsas, & A. S. Mason (Eds.), The Philosophy of Zeno. Zeno of Citium and His Legacy (pp. 185-219). Municipality of Larnaca/Pierides Foundation.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). 'Galen's Psychology'. In J. Barnes, & J. Jouanna (Eds.), Galien. (pp. 131-169). (Entretiens sur l'antiquite classique; No. XLIX). Fondation Hardt.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2003). 'De Stoa'. In F. A. J. de Haas, K. A. Algra, J. van Ophuijsen, & C. Steel (Eds.), Handboek Klassieke Filosofie (pp. 150-163). Preprint.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). 'Geneeskunde'. In F. A. J. de Haas, K. A. Algra, J. van Ophuijsen, & C. Steel (Eds.), Handboek Klassieke Filosofie (pp. 172-176). Preprint.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). 'Hippocrates en het Corpus Hippocraticum'. In F. A. J. de Haas, K. A. Algra, J. van Ophuijsen, & C. Steel (Eds.), Handboek Klassieke Filosofie (pp. 44-45). Preprint.
Tieleman, T. L. (2003). 'Het scepticisme'. In F. A. J. de Haas, K. A. Algra, J. van Ophuijsen, & C. Steel (Eds.), Handboek Klassieke Filosofie (pp. 163-167). Preprint.

Popularising publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2003). Series of Articles 'De wedergeboorte van de Griekse Filosofen'. Het goede leven, 2, 38-41.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2002). Galen on the Seat of the Intellect: Anatomical Experiment and Philosophical Tradition. In C. J. Tuplin, & T. E. Rihll (Eds.), Science and Mathematics in Ancient Greek Culture (pp. 256-273). Clarendon Press.

Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2002). Revival van de hellenistische filosofie. Wijsgerig Perspectief, 42(3), 39-50.


Professional publications

Tieleman, T. L. (2001). Dicaearchus van Messene: Cultuurpessimisme of vooruitgangsgeloof? In L. A. D. Vries, & A. Hibma, (Eds.), Laus Bumae. Jubileumboek ter gelegenheid van 125 jaar Buma Bibliotheek. (pp. 71-77). Bornmeer.
Tieleman, T. L. (2001). onbekend. Mnemosyne, 54, 597-599.


Scholarly publications

Tieleman, T. L. (1996). His books include the monographs Galen and Chrysippus on the Soul: Argument and Refutation in De Placitis Books II-III. (Philosophia Antiqua ed.) Brill.
Tieleman, T. L. (1996). Galen and Chrysippus on the Soul. Argument and Refutation in the De Placitis Books II-III. (Philosophia antiqua ed.) Brill.