Through entrepreneurship we can make a positive impact on the world. I contribute my part through front-line academic and practical research, through interactive and problem-based teaching and by helping young companies pursue game-changing innovations.
Entrepreneurs face hard-to overcome challenges in the early stages of the venture’s life cycle, such as raising capital, attracting talent and managing the growth of their team. Therefore, in my research I investigate how entrepreneurs interact with their audiences, such as investors and job seekers, to mobilize key resources. My topics of interest include vision communication, impression management, audience sensemaking, team dynamics, and recruitment. I obtained my PhD in Innovation Management at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
As teacher I fervently believe in interactive problem-based learning, where plenary materials can be studied by students online, independently, and live classes are used for experiential and interactive learning, through real-life cases, roleplay, quizzes, discussions, games and workshops. Before joining Utrecht University, I taught courses in innovation and technology management, (quantitative) research methodologies, creativity, idea communication and team dynamics at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University.
Finally, I maintain a strong link with entrepreneurial practice and aim to combine my practical and academic experience on a daily basis. In the past, I was co-founder of Goedgeboerd V.O.F. and I worked as Operations & Innovation at Innovation in Motion B.V. In the present, I provide workshops and coach young entrepreneurs and start-ups on a regular basis.