Qualifications & Awards
- Leaureate Dutch Higher Education Award (2021), OCW.
- Teaching Fellow (2011-2013) at Utrecht University.
- Fellow at Centre of Excellence in University Teaching (2008-2009) at Utrecht University.
- Academic Year Award (2007) (Expeditie Broeikaswereld) NWO, KNAW, NRC, VPRO/NTR.
- Lector (professor / associate professor) at Fontys Teacher Education Department at Tilburg (FLOT) (0.4 2012 – 2016): Knowledge acquisition and dissemination in the field of future oriented education in the social studies subjects, related to practice and curriculum of teacher education.
- Head of Board of Examinations (College voor Toetsing en Examens) (0.2 2008-2012): Chairing the committee responsible for high stake geography exams at secondary education (vaksectie aardrijkskunde havo en vwo).
Membership of Editorial Board
- International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
- International Research on Geographical and Environmental Education
- Journal of Research and Didactics in Geography