Sofie van den Hombergh MSc

USG Consultancy
Education Development Officer
Sport and Society

Sofie van den Hombergh works as an academic professional skills trainer and consultant at the Utrecht University School of Governance (USG). She is the coordinator of the academic social and professional skills programmes at USG and is a board member of the educational board of USG's bachelor and master. Also, she has a leading role in the REBO Skills Academy, which develops and provides skills courses (2,5 EC) aimed at development of interdisciplinairy and transdisciplinairy skills.


Educational innovation has Sofie's interest. She focuses on developing, providing and researching comprehensive and impactful academic professional social skills trainings and programs. Recent and ongoing projects are  the four day intensive serious game called Topos in which students are invited to apply everything they learnt in their bachelor's program: see video and article (in Dutch). Also, Sofie has introduced the training 'Moreel Beraad' (moral deliberation) via an USO-project which is now part of USG's bachelor's curriculum, and participated in a project on student wellfare which she then included in the same bachelor's program. 


As a consultant on behalf of USBO advies, her expertise lies in enhancement of professional performance and learning of individuals, teams and organisations. 


Sofie has a background as a professional skills trainer and consultant for a variety of public and private organisations. Also, she participated in the Dutch National Thinktank.