Dr. Sara Mirbagheri Golroodbari

Assistant Professor
Integration of Photovoltaic Solar Energy

"Empowering the Future: Illuminating Tomorrow with Solar Energy"

Dr. Sara Golroodbari is an experienced solar energy expert and passionate researcher dedicated to advancing renewable energy solutions. With a background in electronics and electrical engineering, both for her bachelor's and master's degrees, she possesses a solid foundation in the field. Her exceptional academic performance led to her graduation with distinction in her master's program in power electronics. Additionally, she conducted her Ph.D. in solar PV integration at Utrecht University, specializing in the integration of floating solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.

In addition to her academic achievements, she has gained valuable practical experience by working in both industry and research institutes. She is able to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation, ensuring that her research and expertise are grounded in practicality and feasibility.

She is an active member of the ETIP PV solar integration working group, and a member of IEA_PVPS task 13, engaging in international collaboration to promote the development and deployment of photovoltaic power systems.

Here's an overview of her main areas of focus:

  1. Solar PV Integration Feasibility Study: She specializes in evaluating the feasibility of integrating solar PV systems into various energy systems. By conducting comprehensive assessments and considering factors such as grid compatibility, economic viability, and technical feasibility, she provides insights into the integration potential of solar PV systems.
  2. Local Agrivoltaic Systems: As part of her research, she investigates the implementation and benefits of agrivoltaic systems specifically in the Netherlands. By combining solar energy generation with agricultural practices, we can optimize land use and promote sustainable farming practices.
  3. Responsible Floating PV: She is dedicated to exploring the responsible deployment of both onshore and offshore floating PV systems. By considering environmental, social, and economic factors, she aims to ensure that solar energy projects are implemented in a sustainable and ethical manner.
  4. Land Restoration Potential: She is actively involved in investigating the potential of solar PV systems to contribute to land restoration efforts. By leveraging solar installations, we can simultaneously generate clean energy and rehabilitate degraded lands, creating a win-win scenario for both the environment and communities.
  5. Offshore Floating PV Data Analysis: Analyzing data from offshore floating PV installations is a crucial aspect of her work. By examining performance metrics, efficiency, and environmental impacts, she strives to optimize offshore solar energy systems and drive their continuous improvement.
  6. Offshore Solar Energy Transmission: Her research focuses on efficient transmission methods for offshore solar energy, including technologies such as underwater cables and green hydrogen-based systems. By addressing the challenges associated with transmitting renewable energy from offshore locations, we can unlock the full potential of offshore solar power generation.
  7. Solar Energy Forecasting: She has expertise in solar energy forecasting using advanced techniques such as All Sky Imager and machine learning algorithms like Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) and Neural Networks (NN). By combining imaging data and machine learning, she develops accurate models for predicting solar energy production, enabling better grid management and integration of solar power.
  8. Big Data Analysis: She specializes in conducting comprehensive analyses of large-scale PV systems, encompassing both rooftop and land-based installations. By harnessing the power of big data, she uncovers valuable insights that drive the optimization and performance enhancement of solar energy systems.

    She is enthusiastic about collaborating on scientific research projects within her field of expertise. If you are looking for consultancy services related to large-scale PV systems, please don't hesitate to reach out. Together, we can drive the transition to a sustainable future powered by solar energy.