PhD projects under my supervision
Completed PhD research projects:
40. Remote Sensing of Landslides: dating, monitoring and risk assessment (2024) by Mr Sheng Fu. Together with Dr T. de Haas. Funded by personal CSC-grant nr 202006410009.
39. Mud and mangroves in Suriname. Multi-decadal analysis of a mud-dominated coast using earth observation (2023) by Job de Vries. Together with Prof. G.B. Ruessink, Dr P. Verweij and Dr B. van Maanen. Funding by NWO-Wotro W07.303.106.
38. Taking a remote look atcanopy nitrogen to improve global climate models (2021) by Yasmina Loozen. Together with Prof. Karin Rebel, Prof. M. Wassen & Prof. D.J. Karssenberg. Funded by NWO/ALW 14-12.
37. Monitoring smallholder irrigation using remote sensing and object-based image analysis (2019) by Marjolein Vogels. Together with Dr E.A. Addink & Dr G. Sterk. Funding: EC Climate-KIC.
36. High-resolution insights into the dynamics of Himalayan debris-covered glaciers (2018) by Mr Philip Kraaijenbrink Cum Laude. Together with Dr Walter Immerzeel & Dr Joe Shea. Funding: EC Climate-KIC.
35. Spatial-based assessment at continental to global scale: case studies in petroleum exploration and ecosystem services (2017) by Mrs Lisa Jean Watson. Together with Dr D. Karssenberg & Dr M. Straatsma.
34. Improving global flood forecasting using satellite detected flood extent (2016) by Mrs Beatriz Revilla-Romero. Funding: EC-JRC Ispra. Together with Prof.A.P.J. de Roo, Dr. J. Thielen-del Pozo (EC-JRC) & Dr N. Wanders (Princeton).
33. Quantifying and reducing uncertainty in land use change model projections (2016) by Judith Verstegen. Funding: BE-Basic. Together with Prof. A. Faaij, Dr F. van der Hilst & Dr D. karssenberg.
32. Life, death and revival of debris-flow fans on Earth and Mars (2016) by Tjalling de Haas Cum Laude. Funding: NWO-GO/PL17. Together with Prof. M. Kleinhans & Dr E. Hauber (DLR).30. Remote Sensing for landscape epidemiology: spatial analysis of plague hosts in Kazakhstan (2015) by Liesbeth Wilschut. Funding: Wellcome Trust & NWO-VICI) Together with Prof. J.A.P. Heesterbeek & Dr E.A. Addink. Utrecht studies in earth Sciences No. 88. ISSN 2211-4335.
30. Martian groundwater outflow processes and morphology: reconstruction of paleaohydrology using landscape evolution experiments (2015) by Wouter Marra. Funding: NWO-GO/PL13. Together with Prof. M. Kleinhans & Dr E. Hauber (DLR). Utrecht studies in earth Sciences No. 81. ISSN 2211-4335.
29. Improving near real-time flood forecasting using multi-sensor soil moisture assessment (2015) by Niko Wanders. Funding: NWO-GO/AO30. Together with Prof. M.F.P. Bierkens. Prof. A.P.J. de Roo & Dr. D. Karssenberg. Utrecht studies in earth Sciences No. 72. ISSN 2211-4335.
28. The development of pan-African flood forecasting & the exploration of satellite-based precipitation estimates (2014), Vera Thiemig. Funding: EC-JRC, Ispra, Italy. Toegther with Prof. A.P.J. de Roo. Utrecht studies in earth Sciences No. 61. ISSN 2211-4335.
27. Hydrograph prediction in ungauged basins: development of a closure relation for Hortonian runoff (2014), Ekkamol Vannametee. Funding: Thai Government. Together with Prof. M.F.P. Bierkens & Dr D. Karssenberg. Utrecht studies in earth Sciences No. 60. ISSN 2211-4335.
26. Integrating environmental component models: development of a software framework (2014), Oliver Schmitz. Funding: VITO, Belgium. Toegther with Prof. M.P.J. Bierkens, Dr D. Karssenberg & Dr J.L. de Kok (VITO). Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences No.53. ISSN 2211-4335.
25. Airborne Laser Scanning for forested land slide investigation in temperate and tropical environments (2014), Khamarrul Azahari Razak. Funding: Malaysian Government, ITC, UU. Toegther with Dr C. van Westen & Dr M.W. Straatsma. ITC PhD thesis 244, ISBN 978-90-365-3625-7.
24. Lake Delta and Fluvial Fan Morphology on Mars as Climate Indicators (2013) by Germari de Villiers. Funding: NWO-SRON/PL. Together with Prof. P.L. de Boer, Dr G. Postma & Dr M. Kleinhans. Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences No.42. ISSN 2211-4335.
23. Efficiency of vegetation roots for protection against surface erosion in mountainous areas: the case of Mahonia aquifolium (2013) by Csilla Hudek. Together with Dr G. Sterk & Dr R. van Beek. Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences No.47. ISSN 2211-4335.
22. The use of soil moisture – remote sensing products for large scale groundwater modelling and assessment (2012) by Edwin Husni Sutanudjaja. Funding: NWO-ALW-GO10. Together with Prof. M.F.P. Bierkens & Prof. F.C. van Geer. Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences No.25. ISSN 2211-4335.
21. Mediterranean evergreen vegetation dynamics: detection and modelling of forest and shrub-land development in the Peyne catchment (2011) by Wiebe Nijland. Funding: UU & ITC. Together with Prof. F.D. van der Meer & Dr E.A. Addink. Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences No.2. ISSN 2211-4335.
20. Ensemble modeling and statistical mapping of airborne radioactivity (2011) by Paul Hiemstra (UU & RIVM). Together with Prof. E. Pebesma (Munster), Dr D. Karssenberg & Dr G.B.M. Heuvelink (Wageningen). Funding: RIVM S/610003. Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences No.1. ISSN 2211-4335.
19. Physically-based dynamic modelling of the effect of land use changes on shallow landslides initiation in the Western Ghats of Kerala (2010) by Sekhar Lukose Kuriakose. Funding: ITC. Together with Prof. V.G. Jetten, Dr C. van Westen & Dr R. van Beek. ITC Dissertation 178, ITC Enschede.
18. Mr Armel Thibaut Kaptué, 2010, Cartographie des ecosystems et paramèters biophysiques à moyenne échelle satellitaire pour l’ étude des flux hydriques sur le continent Africain. Université Toulouse-3 Paul Sabatier (UT3), France. Guest Promotor.
17. The role of macropore flow from plot to catchment scale. A study in a semi-arid area (2010) by Loes van Schaik. Funding: Wageningen UR & UU. Together with Prof. C.J. Ritsema, Prof. V.G. Jetten & Dr J. van Dam. Netherlands Geographical Studies 390, KNAG Utrecht.
16. Modelling land use change. inproving the prediction of future land use patterns (2009) by Ton de Nijs (RIVM & UU), Netherlands Geographical Studies 386, KNAG Utrecht.
15. Quantification of Top Soil Moisture Patterns: evaluation of field methods, proces-based modelling, remote sensing and an integrated approach (2009) by Hans van der Kwast (now at VITO, Belgium) Netherlands Geographical Studies 381, KNAG, Utrecht.
14. Multi-scale Landslide Risk Assessment in Cuba (2008) by Enrique Castellanos. ITC Dissertations 154, ITC Enschede.
13. Spatial Modelling of Mountainous Basins: An Integrated Analysis of the Hydrological Cycle, Climate Change and Agriculture (2008) by Walter Immerzeel (ICIMOD). Netherlands Geographical Studies 369, KNAG, Utrecht.
12. Simulating floods: on the application of a 2D-hydraulic model for flood hazard and risk assessment (2007) by Dinand Alkema. ITC Dissertations 147, ITC Enschede.
11. Imaging Spectroscopy of Salt-Affected Soils: model-based integrated method (2007) by Jamshid Farifteh, ITC Dissertation 143.
10. Laser Altimetry to Survey Hydraulic Roughness within River Banks (2007) by Menno Straatsma (NWO-ALW LOCIZ) Netherlands Geographical Studies 358, KNAG, Utrecht.
9. Integrating crop growth simulation and remote sensing to improve resource use efficiency in farming systems (2006) by Raymond Jongschaap. Funded by Plant Research International (PRI-WUR), Wageningen UR.
8. Hydrogeomorphic Hazards in Northern British Columbia, Canada, (2006) by Marten Geertsema, BC Forest Service, Canada Netherlands Geographical Studies 341, KNAG, Utrecht.
7. Knowledge-based Remote Sensing of Complex Objects: Recognition of Spatial Patterns Resulting from Natural Hydrocarbon Seepages, (2006) by Harald van der Werff, ITC Dissertations 131, ITC Enschede.
6. Mediterranean Land Cover Change: modelling and monitoring natural vegetation using GIS and remote sensing, (2005) by Raymond Sluiter. Netherlands Geographical Studies 333, KNAG, Utrecht.
5. Modelling and Monitoring Soil and Land Use Dynamics under Shifting Agricultural Landscape Mosaic Systems of Southern Cameroon, (2005) by Martin Yemefack ITC Dissertations 121, ITC Enschede.
4. Sub-Arctic Hydrology and Climate Change: a case study of the Tana River Basin in Northern Fennoscandia, (2002) by Rutger Dankers. Netherlands Geographical Studies 304, KNAG, Utrecht.
3. Mapping and Monitoring Forest Remnants: a multi-scale analysis of spatio-temporal data in S.E. Brazil, (2001) by Luis de Carvalho, CAPES, Brazil & Wageningen UR.
2. Change Detection with Remote Sensing: relating NOAA-AVHRR to environmental impact of agriculture in Europe, (2001) by Elisabeth Addink, Wageningen UR. Funded by the National Remote Sensing program, NRSP-BCRS,
1. Runoff Controlling Factors in Mediterranean Catchments (2001) by Anja de Wit. Netherlands Geographical Studies 284, KNAG, Utrecht. Funded by NWO-ALW.
Are you interested in a copy of these PhD theses? These PhD theses are pdf-published in the bookseries USES: Utrecht Studies in Earth Sciences ISSN 2211-4335 ( Earlier PhD theses are published in NGS: Netherlands Geographical Studies ISSN 0169-4839. All Utrecht University PhD theses are available in the library using Igitur: