Prof. dr. S.J.L. (Sander) van den Heuvel

Head of Department 
Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer O 507
3584 CH Utrecht

Prof. dr. S.J.L. (Sander) van den Heuvel

Head of Department
Developmental Biology
+31 30 253 3573

Our research aims to improve our understanding of cell division control in the context of animal development.

We focus our efforts in two directions, which relate to the questions:

  • How can cells divide asymmetrically to form daughter cells with different fates? 
  • How are cell proliferation and differentiation coordinated during animal development?

To address these questions, we use a multi-disciplinary approach which combines genetics and life imaging in the animal model Caenorhabditis elegans with gene-expression profiling, mass spectrometry analysis and experiments with cells in tissue culture.

While this research starts from a fundamental question, our results are relevant to the fields of cancer biology and regenerative medicine.

Sander van den Heuvel received several competitive grants and academic prizes, including: 

  • Grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for studies of asymmetric cell division (RO1,1999), for studies of developmental control of cell-cycle entry (RO1, 2001), and for the use of C. elegans in the discovery of cancer related genes (PO1, 2002). 
  • AstraZenica’s Academic Sponsorship Award (2003). 
  • The Basil O’Connor award from the March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation (1999). 
  • The Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust Award (1999). 
  • The New Investigator Award, from The Medical Foundation (1998). 
  • The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation, Postdoctoral Fellowship (1992).