My general research interest revolves around elucidating how the human brain interprets the plethora of sensory input that is registered by our sensors (e.g., through our eyes and ears) on a moment-to-moment basis, ultimately leading to a conscious experience of the world around us.
To this end, I make use of a combination of psychophysical, computational, eye-tracking, and neuro-imaging methods (fMRI, EEG). Key-words describing my research include visual perception, visual working memory, consciousness, and attentional selection.
I am the head of the CAP-Lab, and work in close collaboration with the Visual Cognitive Neuroscience Lab headed by Marius Peelen (Donders Institute, Nijmegen), and the Attention Lab headed by Stefan van der Stigchel (Utrecht University).
>> Overview of scientific publications <<
See my Dutch profile page for more outreach activities (by clicking on "Nederlands" at the top right).
Studium Generale Eindhoven 2023 (EN): "Visual vs Brains - Seeing the world through our brains"