Scholarly publications
van Woerden, R., van Goch, M., van der Tuin, I., & Schruijer, S. (2022). The effect of team reflection on team work competences, team work processes, and team performance in multidisciplinary student teams doing interdisciplinary research. Abstract from Sixth Its 21 conference, Trondheim, Norway.
Schruijer, S., Snoeren, M., Veltman, M., Woudstra, L., & Grobbe, F. (2022).
Dynamiek en begeleiding van Learning Communities. In T. schipper, M. vos, & C. wallner (Eds.),
Landelijk position paper Learning Communities (pp. 27-31). NWO. Curseu, P. L.
, & Schruijer, S. (2022).
Minority dissent, social acceptance and conflict transformation in multiparty systems.
International Journal of Conflict Management,
34(1), 167-180., S., Hujala, A., laulainen, S., taskinen, H., & Klinga, C. (2022).
Discourses of middle-managers on cross-boundary collaboration in health and social care.
Journal of Integrated Care,
30(2), 203-215. Schruijer, S. (2022). De Gemeenschap Gebouw G. In P. siebers (Ed.), Een halve eeuw psychologie in Tilburg Tilburg University Press.
Schruijer, S. (2022). Multi-organisationele groepsdynamiek. In P. verhagen, & A. ter haar (Eds.), Leerboek groepspsychotherapie Boom.
Popularising publications
Schruijer, S. (2022). Woningbouw en architecten in Utrecht in de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Oud Utrecht.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. (2021). The group dynamics of inter-organizational relationships. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology (Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Psychology). Oxford University Press.
Schruijer, S., & Curseu, P. L. (2021).
Distrust, identification and collaboration effectiveness in multiparty systems.
13(13), [7364]. Schruijer, S. (2021). Whatever happened to group dynamics in the scientific study of groups? Team Performance Management, 27(3/4), 229-239.
Professional publications
Schruijer, S. (2021). Jeuk. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie.
Schruijer, S. (2021). Geworpen stenen en botsende verklaringen. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie.
Schruijer, S. (2021). Een pleidooi voor moeite. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie.
Schruijer, S. (2021). Splijting en integratie aan interorganisationele samenwerkingstafels. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie.
Schiffelers, M-J., Terpstra, N., Ardon, D., Slothouwer, M.
, Douglas, S., Noordegraaf, M., Schruijer, S., & van der Spek, M. (2021).
Toekomstbestendig Centrum Seksueel Geweld: Een bestuurlijke en organisatorische evaluatie ten behoeve van de doorontwikkeling van het CSG. 2020
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. (2020). The dynamics of collaborative interorganizational relationships: Introduction. Administrative Sciences, 10(3), 1-9.
Curşeu, P. L.
, & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2020).
Participation and Goal Achievement of Multiparty Collaborative Systems Dealing with Complex Problems: A Natural Experiment.
12(3), [987]., S. G. L. (2020).
Developing collaborative interorganizational relationships: An action research approach. Team Performance Management,
26(1/2), 17-28. Professional publications
Schruijer, S. (2020). Over de afwezigheid van een groepsdynamisch perspectief in het wetenschappelijk onderzoek naar groepen. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie, (4).
Schruijer, S. (2020). Groepsdynamiek en de virtuele samenkomst – een contradictio in terminis. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie, (4).
Schruijer, S. (2020). Van objectief en waardevrij naar subjectief en waardevol onderzoek. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie, (3).
Schruijer, S. (2020). Groepsliefde in tijden van corona. Groepen: Tijdschrift voor Groepsdynamiek en Groepspsychotherapie, (2).
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2019). Developing multiparty collaboration: A group dynamics approach.
Schruijer, S. G. L., Hujala, A., Klinga, C., Mulherin, T., & Laulainen, S. (2019). It is easier to lead alone ... but… – Managing as a collective practice in integrated care..
Professional publications
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2018). The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology in the Cold War. Paper presented at the ESHHS Conference, University of Groningen, July..
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Hujala, A. (2018). On the integration of health and social care in Finland.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2018). The dynamics of intramural elderly care seen from a family carer’s perspective: Challenges for the HR domain.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Curşeu, P. L. (2018). Dynamics of collaboration and conflict in multi-party systems: An empirical investigation using a multiparty simulation.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2018). The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology in the Cold War..
Curşeu, P. L.
, & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2018).
Cross-level dynamics of collaboration and conflict in multi-party Systems: An empirical investigation using a behavioural simulation.
Administrative Sciences,
83, [26]., S. (2018).
The Role of Collusive Dynamics in the Occurrence of Organizational Crime: A Psychoanalytically Informed Social Psychological Perspective.
Administrative Sciences,
8(3), [24]. Professional publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2018). Zo logisch op paper maar toch zo moeilijk in de praktijk: Een groepsdynamische kijk op multipartijsamenwerking. In Tweebenig samenwerken
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2017). Walter’s Werdegang als waardenvrije wetenschapper. In Over grenzen gaan: Liber Amicorum Ruud Abma Translucent Moon Press Utrecht.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2017). The never-ending pursuit of happiness: Taking inspiration from Sigmund Freud’s Das Unbehagen in der Kultur. In H. Drop, & E. Cohen de Lara (Eds.), Back to the core: Rethinking Core Texts in Liberal Arts & Sciences Education in Europe [19] Vernon Press.
Curşeu, P. L.
, & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2017).
Stakeholder diversity and the comprehensiveness of sustainability decisions: the role of collaboration and conflict.
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,
28, 114-120.şeu, P. L.
, Schruijer, S. G. L., & Fodor, O. (2017).
Minority dissent, social acceptance in collaborative learning groups.
Frontiers in Psychology,
8, [458]. output
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Curşeu, P. L. (2017). Relational dynamics and emergent states in multi-party collaboration.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2017). Thin- and thick skinned narcissistic group dynamics in interorganizational systems..
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Beemer, F. (2017). Network dynamics in palliative care: Experiences from the Netherlands..
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2017). Designing and developing learning spaces with multi-organizational groups..
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2017). The shaping of social psychology during the Cold War..
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2016). Working with group dynamics while teaching group dynamics in a traditional classroom setting: An illustration of a systems-psychodynamic point of view. Team Performance Management.
Schruijer, S. G. L., Curşeu, P. L., & Fodor, O. (2016). Decision rules, escalation of commitment and sensitivity to framing in group decision-making: An experimental investigation, Management Decision.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2016). Relational and contextual obstacles to successful interorganizational collaboration..
Schruijer, S. G. L., Curşeu, P. L., & Fodor, O. (2016). Minority dissent and social acceptance in collaborative learning groups.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2016). Creating reflective spaces for a team of nurses to work through emotional dynamics of projective identification and helping them to regain self-confidence: A systems-psychodynamic intervention..
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Hujala, A. (2016). Multiparty group dynamics among care professionals..
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2015). The narcissistic group dynamics of multiparty systems. Team Performance Management.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2015). "Book review of "Psychoanalytic reflections on politics" by Eszter Salgo. Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2015). Like hedgehogs making love: Ups and downs in the relationship between a public body and private contractors in reconstructing a main Dutch highway.. Paper presented at NIG 2015, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2015). The psychological dynamics of working in interorganizational teams: Towards an HR agenda.. Paper presented at International Conference of the Dutch HRM Network, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2015). The never-ending pursuit of happiness: Taking inspiration from Sigmund Freud’s Das Unbehagen in der Kultur.. Paper presented at Liberal Arts and Sciences Education and Core Texts in the European Context Conference, Netherlands.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2015). Working with group dynamics while teaching group dynamics in a traditional classroom setting.. Paper presented at IWOT (International Workshop on Team Working), Leiden.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2014). Book review of “Psychology and politics: A social identity perspective”. Political Psychology.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Curşeu, P. L. (2014). Looking at the gap between the social psychological and psychodynamic perspectives on group dynamics historically. Journal of Organizational Change Management.
Professional publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2014). Het werken met de systeem-psychodynamiek van interorganisationele samenwerking: inspiratie vanuit de psychoanalyse. Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse, 19(4).
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2014). The narcissistic group dynamics of multiparty systems.. Paper presented at IWOT-18, United Kingdom.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2014). Interorganizational collaboration as play.. Paper presented at 5. 31nd Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), Utrecht, United Kingdom.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2014). Experiencing and dealing with the psychodynamics of interacting work and family systems around the care of an elderly family member residing in a nursing home.. Paper presented at OPUS, United Kingdom.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Over de (on)mogelijkheid van het werken met groepsdynamica in managementeducatie. In J. Bücker, E. Poutsma, & R. Schouteten (Eds.), HRM, het nuttigheidsdenken voorbij? (pp. 175-181). Boom Lemma.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Are we losing the group in the study of group dynamics? Three illustrations. In L. Vansina (Ed.), Humanness in organizations: A psychodynamic contribution. (pp. 71-89). Karnac.
Vansina, L., & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Facilitating transitional change. In L. Vansina (Ed.), Humanness in organizations: A psychodynamic contribution. (pp. 125-136). Karnac.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Venalism in higher education: A systems-psychodynamic perspective. Organisational and Social Dynamics Journal, 13(2), 115-126.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Laakbaar handelen in systemisch perspectief: implicaties voor managementeducatie. In J. Geurts, W. Reijnders, & J. Eijkmans-Reijntjes (Eds.), Managers onderwijzen: een agenda voor management opleiders. (pp. 115-118). Haveka.
Professional publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Venalisme: Over de perverse consequenties van outputfinanciering in het hoger onderwijs. De Psycholoog, (juli/augustus), 34-42.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Informatief en sprankelend: Verslag van het tweede ISTFP-congres. Tijdschrift voor Psychoanalyse, 19(1), 59-61.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Book review of Ballen (m/v) op het blok: Succesgericht veranderen binnen overheden. Openbaar Bestuur.
Alaya, D., Chryssochoou, X., Clemence, A., De Rosa, A. M., Drozda-Senkowska, E., Elcheroth, G., Ernst-Vintila, A., Goncalves, I., Green, E., Hansen, K., Howarth, C., Kalampalikis, N., Reicher, S., Schruijer, S. G. L., Simon, B., Staerkle, C., Uskul, A., Valadas, J., Verkuyten, M., ... Wagner, W. (2013). Developing diversity in EASP as a mean to achieve a vibrant and relevant social psychology. (Opinion piece). Bulletin of the European Association of Social Psychology, 25(2), 5-10.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). Collaboration, escalation of commitment and framing in group decision-making. Paper.. Paper presented at IWOT (International Workshop on Team Working), Leiden.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2013). On the need to collaborate and transform the institutional life of psychoanalysis. Paper.. Paper presented at The European Psychoanalytical Federation conference, Basel.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2011). Leiderschap in interorganisationele contexten. In J. Boonstra, J. van Muijen, & H. Tour (Eds.), Leiderschap in organisaties: Crisis in leiderschap – op zoek naar nieuwe wegen (pp. 107-120). Kluwer.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Vansina, L. (2011). Samenwerking over organisatiegrenzen als psychologische opgave. In M. Noordegraaf, K. Geuijen, & A. Meijer (Eds.), Handboek Publiek Management (pp. 241-258). Boom Lemma.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2011). Over de waarde van verschil in interorganisationele samenwerking. In T. Wentink (Ed.), Perspectieven op management: Een agenda voor managers. (pp. 347-363). Boom Lemma.
Curseu, P.
, Schruijer, S. G. L., & Boros, S. (2011).
Socially rejected while cognitively successful? The impact of deviants on groups’ cognitive complexity. DOI:
British Journal of Social Psychology., S. G. L. (2011). De betekenis van interorganisationeel leiderschap: Een literatuurverkenning en empirische illustratie. M & O, 6(4), 76-90.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2011). Leadership in interorganizational work. Paper. Paper presented at 19th Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Glasgow., Glasgow.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Curseu, P. (2011). How the study of groups have lost its dynamic focus over the last fifty years. Paper. Paper presented at 15th International Workshop on Teamworking (IWOT)., Leuven.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2010). Fighting over Shakespeare’s authorship: Identity, power and academic debate. In W. Leahy (Ed.), Shakespeare and his authors: Critical perspectives on the Authorship Question (pp. 125-141). Continuum.
Gray, B., & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2010). Integrating multiple voices: Working with collusion. In C. Steyaert, & B. van Looy (Eds.), Relational practices, participative organizing. (pp. 121-135). Emerald.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Stephenson, G. S. (2010).
Trends and developments in community and applied social psychology: JCASP 1991-2010.
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology,
20(6), 437-444. Curseu, P.
, & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2010).
Does conflict shatter trust or does trust obliterate conflict? Revisiting the relationships between team diversity, conflict, and trust.
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, Practice,
14(1), 66-79. output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2010). Normative interventions, emergent cognition and decision rationality in ad-hoc and established groups. Paper. Paper presented at the 14th International Workshop on Teamworking (IWOT), Edinburgh.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2010). Collusion in a large infrastructural project: how to work with it once its dynamics have been unveiled? Paper. Paper presented at the Academy of Management., Montreal, Canada.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2010). The meaning and dynamics of collusion in interorganizational relationships: A theoretical exploration. Paper. Paper presented at 17th Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Keele, England.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2009). The dynamics of collusion in multiparty interactions. Paper. Paper presented at 26th Conference of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, Toledo.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2009). Developing collaborative relationships in a traditionally non-collaborative sector: a case from the Dutch building industry. Paper. Paper presented at 16th Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Dublin.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2009). Asserting a European identity for social psychology in the face of American supremacy: Ideological motives underpinning the formation of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology (EAESP). Paper. Paper presented at 26th meeting of the European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, Budapest.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). Wat samenwerking over grenzen zo lastig maakt... Jeugdbeleid, 2(3), 223-224.
Curseu, P., & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). The effects of framing on group negotiation. Group Decision and Negotiation, 17(4), 347-362.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Vansina, L. (2008). Working across organizational boundaries: Understanding and working with the psychological dynamics. In L. Vansina, & M. J. Vansina-Cobbaert (Eds.), Psychodynamics for consultants and managers: From understanding to leading meaningful change. (pp. 390-410). Wiley.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). Organisatiecultuur, interorganisationele samenwerking en de psychologie van verandering: Inzichten en misvattingen. In T. Wentink (Ed.), Business performance management (pp. 387-400). Boom Academic Publishers.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). The difference between "True Christian Enlightenment and Obscurantism": Antipapism in The Netherlands 1795-1830. Dutch Crossing, 32(1).
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). Samenwerking, collusie en de rol van devianten. Inaugural address UU. Labor.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). The psychology of interorganizational relations. In S. Cropper, M. Ebers, C. Huxham, & P. Smith Rings (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of interorganizational relations (pp. 417-440). Oxford University Press.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2008). Is the EAESP a Cold War baby? An investigation into the political context of its formation.Paper.. Paper presented at Divided Dreamworlds - The Cultural Cold War East and West, Utrecht University.
Curseu, P., Schruijer, S. G. L., & Boros, S. (2008). The impact of minority dissent on groups' cognitive complexity. Paper.. Paper presented at 15th General Meeting of the EAESP, Opatija.
Scholarly publications
Curseu, P., Schruijer, S. G. L., & Boros, S. (2007). The effects of groups' variety and disparity on groups'cognitive complexity. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, Practice, 11(3), 187-206.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2007). Wat maakt samenwerking tussen organisaties problematisch? De ervaringen en beelden van directeuren en managers. In S. Prins, S. Schruijer, J. Verboven, & K. de Witte (Eds.), Diversiteit en vertrouwen in sociale systemen (pp. 149-161). Lannoo.
Prins, S., Schruijer, S. G. L., Verboven, J., & de Wiite, K. (2007). Diversiteit en vertrouwen in sociale cohesie. Lannoo.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Vansina, L. (2007). Werken over organisatiegrenzen: Theorie en praktijk. In J. Boonstra (Ed.), Ondernemen in allianties en netwerken. (pp. 211-226). Kluwer.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Vansina, L. (2007). Werken over organisatiegrenzen: Theorie en praktijk. M & O, 203-218.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2007). Entrenched vs. shifting identities: Debating the authorship of the Shakespeare cannon. Paper. Paper presented at Academy of Management Meeting, San Antonio, USA.
Curseu, P., Schruijer, S. G. L., & Boros, S. (2007). How interim CEO's construct their identities through reaffirmation and bifurcation. Paper. Paper presented at SUS.DIV Third General Assembly, Athene.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2007). Who was Shakespeare? Relational conflict between different factions claiming to know his true identity. Paper. Paper presented at 14th Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Leuven.
Curseu, P., & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2007). Does conflict shatter trust or does trust reduce conflict in teams? Revisiting the relationships between team diversity, conflict, trust and team effectiveness. Paper. Paper presented at International Association of Conflict Management, Budapest.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2007). Political and intellectual considerations in founding a European association of social psychologists during the Cold War. Paper. Paper presented at ESHHS-Cheiron Conference, Dublin.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2006). Research on collaboration in action. International Journal of Action Research, 2(2), 222-242.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2006). Leadership and interorganizational collaboration as perceived by directors and managers. In N. Gould (Ed.), Engagement (pp. 271-280). Short Run Press.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2006). Do women want to break the glass ceiling? A study of their career orientations and gender identity. The management review, 17(2), 13-154.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Vansina, L. (2006). The meaning of 'social' in international conflict and its resolution. In M. Hermann (Ed.), Blackwell handbook of mediation and conflict resolution: Tools for working with interpersonal problems. (pp. 326-343). Malden MA, Blackwell.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2006). How political was the founding of an association of experimental social psychologists? The EAESP and the Cold WAR.. Paper presented at European Society for the History of the Human Sciences, University of Oslo.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2006). Age stereotyping among managers.. Paper presented at Pre-Conference at AHRD 2006 Older Workers, new directions: An international and interdisciplinary view of polities and perspectives on an aging workforce., Ohio, USA.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2005). Op weg naar een waardenvolle wetenschap. In B. Boog, M. Slagter, I. Jacobs-Moonen, & F. Meijering (Eds.), Focus op actie-onderzoek (pp. 1-17). Koninklijke Van Gorcum.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2005). Leiderschap en multipartijensamenwerking. In Samenwerking en leiderschap (pp. 26-62). Eiffel.
Neven, I., & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2005). Creativity and conflict in shellfish fisheries: assessment of a short intervention. In T. Goessling, R. Jansen, & L. Oerlemans (Eds.), Coalitions and collissions (pp. 197-206). Wolf Publishers.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2005). Towards a dialogue between social psychology and history. Cognition, Brain, Behavior, 9(4), 623-640.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2005). The Shakespeare Authorship Debate: relational or task conflict?. Paper presented at Shakespeare Authorship Studies Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2005). Street wisdom on the man Shakespeare. Paper presented at Second Dutch Shakespeare Authorship Conference, Utrecht, The netherlands.
Scholarly publications
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2004). Naar ontzuiling en samenwerking in de studie van gedrag en organisatie. Gedrag en Organisatie, 17, 303-309.
Vansina, L., & Schruijer, S. G. L. (2004). Organisatieadviseurs: Wetenschappelijk denken en professioneel handelen. M & O, 2, 9-26.
Schruijer, S. G. L., & Vansina, L. (2004). Multiparty collaboration and leadership. In T. Camps (Ed.), The emerging world of chains and networks: Bridging theory and practice Reed Business Publications.
Other output
Schruijer, S. G. L., Neven, I., & Boonstra, F. (2004). Reflexive Analysis of the Dutch Policy on Shellfish Fisheries. Paper presented at 11th Conference on Multi-Organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks, Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Schruijer, S. G. L. (2004). Constructing identities in the Shakespeare Authorship Debate: A social psychological analysis. Paper presented at First Dutch Conference on the Shakespeare Authorship Question, Utrecht, The Netherlands.