

Scholarly publications

Furlan, S. (2024). Uprooting the Tree of Physics: John Wheeler between Black Holes and 'It from Bit'. Max Planck Institut.
Furlan, S. (2024). The Smile of Mnemosyne: John Wheeler Between the History of Science and Arts. Scientia, 2024(1).
Furlan, S., & Gaudenzi, R. (2024). John Wheeler, A Seeker in the Atomic Age. In P. Allen, & F. Marcacci (Eds.), Divined Explanations: The Theological and Philosophical Context for the Development of the Sciences (1600-2000) (pp. 286–316). (Philosophical Studies in Science and Religion; Vol. 11). Brill.

Professional publications

Furlan, S. (2024). Aesthetics of Visionaries and Engineering: John Wheeler Between Black Holes and It from Bit. Physis, 2024(1), 209-240.
Furlan, S. (2024). An Essay in Counterpoint: Wheeler, Schwinger, and ‘Conflicts in Physics’. In Atti del XLIII Convegno annuale: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference, Padua, 5–8 September 2023, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA) (pp. 295-303). FeDOA - Federico II University Press.
Furlan, S., & Puleio, D. (2024). At Home in a Super-Copernican Cosmos: The Genesis of John Wheeler’s Participatory Universe. In Atti del XLIII Convegno annuale: Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference, Padua, 5–8 September 2023, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA) (pp. 305-312). FeDOA - Federico II University Press.
Furlan, S. (2024). Katharine Way, John Wheeler, and the Dawn of Nuclear Fission. Web publication/site, American Philosophical Society Library.


Scholarly publications

Costa, M. T., & Furlan, S. (2023). Risalendo alla Fonte Castalia tra Arte, Storia e Scienza: Aby Warburg e John Wheeler. In Ad limina: Frontiere e contaminazioni transdisciplinari nella storia delle scienze: Atti del Convegno nazionale della Società Italiana di Storia della Scienza Catania, 30 maggio – 1 giugno 2022 (pp. 136-146). Editrice Bibliografica.
Furlan, S. (2023). Trespassing boundaries in Tartu, 1962: Zel'dovich, Pontecorvo, and the future of astrophysics. In P. Bussotti, D. Capecchi, & P. Tucci (Eds.), Proceedings of the SISFA 42nd Annual Conference: Perugia, 26-29 September 2022 Pisa University Press.

Professional publications

Furlan, S. (2023). Non dalla testa di Zeus: Heisenberg, Wheeler e il rapporto con il passato della scienza. Bollettino Filosofico, 38, 207-218.
Furlan, S. (2023). Leonardo come ‘maschera’ e come simbolo in Julian Schwinger e Jagdish Mehra. Achademia Leonardi Vinci. Journal of Leonardo Studies & Bibliography of Vinciana, 3(3), 155-168.


Scholarly publications

Furlan, S. (2022). Pursuitworthiness between daring conservatism and procrastination: Wheeler and the path towards black holes. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 96, 174-185.
Blum, A., & Furlan, S. (2022). How John Wheeler Lost His Faith in the Law. In Rethinking the Concept of Law of Nature: Natural Order in the Light of Contemporary Science (pp. 283-322). (Jerusalem Studies in Philosophy and History of Science ). Springer Nature.
Furlan, S., & Gaudenzi, R. (2022). Looking Stereoscopically at Goethe vs. Newton: Heisenberg and Pauli on the Future of Physics. In V. Zanini, A. Naddeo, & F. Bonoli (Eds.), Società italiana degli storici della fisica e dell'astronomia: atti del XLI Convegno annuale = proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference (pp. 190-196). Pisa University Press.
Furlan, S., & Gaudenzi, R. (2022). The earth vibrates with analogies: The Dirac sea and the geology of the vacuum. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, 93, 163-174.
Carini, G., & Furlan, S. (2022). Some Aspects of the Reception of Enrico Fermi in the Soviet Union. In V. Zanini, A. Naddeo, & F. Bonoli (Eds.), Società italiana degli storici della fisica e dell'astronomia: atti del XLI Convegno annuale = proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference (pp. 114-121). Pisa University Press.


Scholarly publications

Gaudenzi, R., & Furlan, S. (2021). Far from the particle crowd: Shugyosha nambu and Michizane wheeler. In F. Bevilacqua, & I. Gambaro (Eds.), Società italiana degli storici della fisica e dell'astronomia: atti del XL Convegno annuale = proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference (pp. 147-153). Pisa University Press.
Furlan, S. (2021). John Wheeler Between Cold Matter and Frozen Stars: The Road Towards Black Holes. Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte.
Carini, G., Furlan, S., & Gaudenzi, R. (2021). Tales from Dubna's Oakwood: Bogoliubov, Pontecorvo, and the JINR Seminars. In F. Bevilacqua, & I. Gambaro (Eds.), Società italiana degli storici della fisica e dell'astronomia: atti del XL Convegno annuale = proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference (pp. 155-161). Pisa University Press.
Furlan, S. (2021). John Wheeler: Dalla Geometrodinamica a 'Law without Law'. 1-7.


Scholarly publications

Furlan, Stefano (2020). Einstein's Mantle, Bohr's Shadow: Glimpses from Wheeler's Relativity Notebook III. In Atti del XXXIX Convegno annuale = Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference: Pisa, 9-12 Settembre 2019 ; Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia (SISFA) / edited by Adele La Rana, Paolo Rossi (pp. 221-227). Pisa University Press.

Professional publications

Furlan, S. (2020). Merging Labyrinths: Leibniz in J. A. Wheeler's Quest. Studia Leibnitiana, 52(1-2), 123-155.