Dr. Saeb Faraji Gargari

Physical Geography Office

Peer-reviewed journal papers:

An Upwind Moving Least Squares Approximation to Solve Convection-Dominated Problems: an Application in Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshfree Method, SF Gargari, Z Huang, S Dabiri, Journal of Computational Physics, 112931, 2024
A fully Lagrangian mixed discrete least squares meshfree method for simulating the free surface flow problems, N Eini, MH Afshar, S Faraji Gargari, G Shobeyri, A Afshar, Engineering with Computers, 1-21, 2020
An Eulerian–Lagrangian mixed discrete least squares meshfree method for incompressible multiphase flow problems, SF Gargari, M Kolahdoozan, MH Afshar, S Dabiri, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 76, 193-224, 2019

Mapped Moving Least Squares Approximation Used in Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshfree Method, M Kolahdoozan, E Amani, S Faraji, Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering 51 (4), 805-816, 2019

Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshfree method for solving the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, SF Gargari, M Kolahdoozan, MH Afshar, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 88, 64–79, 2018
Collocated Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshless (CMDLSM) method for solving quadratic partial differential equations, S Faraji, M Kolahdoozan, MH Afshar, Scientia Iranica 25 (4), 2000-2011, 2018
Mixed discrete least squares meshless method for solving the linear and non-linear propagation problems, SF gargari, M Kolahdoozan, MH Afshar,Scientia Iranica 25 (2), 565-578, 2018

RPIM and RPIM-MLS based MDLSM method for the solution of elasticity problems, S Nikravesh Kazeroni, MH Afshar, S Faraji, Scientia Iranica 23 (6), 2458-2468, 2016

Node enrichment-moving error estimate and adaptive refinement in Mixed Discrete Least Squares Meshless method for solution of elasticity problems, S Faraji gargari, M Afshar, Modares Mechanical Engineering 14 (3), 194-202, 2014
Mixed discrete least square meshless method for solution of quadratic partial differential equations, S Faraji, MH Afshar, J Amani, Scientia Iranica 21 (3), 492-504, 2014