Santiago Cardona Urrea

PhD Candidate
Urban Geography
  • Rodas-Zuleta, M. del M., Cardona, S., & Escobar, D. A. (2022). Gender-based violence and Women’s mobility, findings from a medium-sized Colombian city: A quantitative approach. Journal of Transport & Health, 25(April), 101376.
  • Cardona, S., Escobar, D. A., & Montoya, J. A. (2021). Isolation typology through accessibility measures considering rurality and armed conflict: A case study in Caldas, Colombia. Rural and Remote Health, 21(6128).
  • Escobar, D. A., Cardona, S., & Hernández-Pulgarín, G. (2021). Risky pedestrian behaviour and its relationship with road infrastructure and age group?: An observational analysis. Safety Science, 143(May), 105418.