S. (Syl) Blad MSc MA

Hugo R. Kruytgebouw
Padualaan 8
Kamer O104
3584 CH Utrecht

S. (Syl) Blad MSc MA

Programme Manager
Education Institute Chemistry

Since 2019, I have been program manager at the Department of Chemistry at Utrecht University, where I started in 2015 as education coordinator. Before that, I worked for many years as a course coordinator and lecturer for the Bachelor program on Natural and Social Sciences Studies ('Beta-Gamma') at the University of Amsterdam.

In terms of education, I have a Master's degree in Philosophy of Science and a Master's degree in Molecular Biology. As a molecular biologist, I spent four years in the past researching the cell wall architecture of fission yeasts. As a philosopher, I have done interdisciplinary literature research on how it is that humans, who seem to be genetically so related to other primates, yet evolved into such a different kind of being.

Previously, I have held various positions at IMC Weekend School. This is a school for children (ages 10-14) who are motivated to come for 80 Sundays of short courses taught by volunteer professionals from various professional fields. I provided a complete 3-year curriculum there, scaled up the IMC Alumni project, and worked on quality assurance, educational innovation and policy advice.