Dr. S. (Shahab) Abtahi

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
Kamer 1.01
3584 CG Utrecht

Dr. S. (Shahab) Abtahi

Assistant Professor
Pharmacoepi. and Clinical Pharmacol.
+31 6 44 330 927

Shahab is currently appointed as Assistant Professor at Division of Pharmacoepidemiology and Clinical Pharmacology of UIPS at Utrecht University. He did his postdoc at Utrecht University between 2021-2023, defended his PhD in ‘Pharmacoepidemiology’ at Maastricht University in 2021, finished a master course in 'Vitality and Ageing' at Leiden University in 2016, and graduated in 'General Medicine' from Tehran University of Medical Sciences in 2011.

Shahab has a strong interest in studying drugs utilisation and outcomes using real-world data from electronic healthcare databases, with a particular focus on multi-database studies and signal detection methodologies. They have recently finished the following projects:


Shahab is currently working, amongst others, on the projects below: 

  • ISPE data quality paper: Guidance and best practices for data quality checking and benchmarking of results in large multi-database pharmacoepidemiologic studies using heterogenous data sources
  • ADEPT: Antiseizure meDication Exposure and Pregnancy and neonaTal outcomes research
  • U'RE-SPARED: the Usability of REal-world data and Signal detection methodologies to explore Preventive pharmacotherapies Against RhEumatoiD arthritis
  • Sapere Aude: Hypothesis-free screening for adverse events: A new approach in drug safety research
  • ACESO: A multinational big data Covid-19 epidemiological study on post-infection outcomes


Besides research, he teaches several courses in pharmacoepidemiology, and supervises PhD, master and bachelor students at Utrecht University. He is also course coordinator, instructor, and course developer at the Eu2P, the first European training programme in pharmacovigilance and pharmacoepidemiology.

Furthermore, he acts as co-chair of the Special Interest Group in Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research (DB SIG) at the International Society for Pharmacoepidemiology (ISPE).