

Scholarly publications

Melchers, S. (2024). The relationship between the legal system and technological innovations in freshwater management: Understanding potential points of friction. In E. Cocciolo, J. Jaria-Manzano, A. De la Varga-Pastor, & M. Marques-Banque (Eds.), Rethinking Environmental Law: Connectivity, Intersections and Conflicts in the Global Environmental Crisis (pp. 239-258). (European Environmental Law Forum Series; Vol. 9). Intersentia.


Scholarly publications

Outhuijse, A., Melchers, S., & Gilissen, H. K. (2022). Hergebruik van stedelijk afvalwater: op (de Europese) weg naar een circulaire economie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Europees recht, 28(3/4), 81-88.

Professional publications

Melchers, S., & Barshini, T. (2022). Watercrisis: conflicterende belangen en mogelijke aanpak. Milieu en Recht, 2022(3), 180-182. Article 29.


Scholarly publications

Paiement, P., & Melchers, S. (2020). Finding international law in private governance: How codes of conduct in the apparel industry refer to international instruments. Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies, 27(2), 303-345.