Dr. S.A.M. (Stephen) Snelders

Dr. S.A.M. (Stephen) Snelders

Assistant Professor
History and Philosophy of Science
+31 30 253 1179

2015- research fellow Freudnthal Institute/History and Philosophy of Science

2012-2015 assistant professor University Medical Center Utrecht, Julius Center of Health Sciences.

2008- 2019 editor Studium, journal for the history of the sciences in the Netherlands and Belgium.

2011-2012 senior research fellow Utrecht University, Faculty of Science, section Pharmaco-Epidemiology,

2004- 2010 senior research fellow VU-University Medical Center, Department of Metamedica (Medical Humanities), Amsterdam

2003 senior researcher affiliated to Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, History of Pharmacology.

2002 Post-doc researcher, VU- University Medical Center, Department of Metamedica (Medical Humanities), Amsterdam.

2001 Tutor Medical History, VU-University Medical Center, Amsterdam

1999 Ph.D. in History, VU-University, Amsterdam