Scholarly Publications
- Van Dijk, R., Mastrotheodoros, S., Van der Valk, I. E., Branje, S., & Dekovic, M. (2024). Daily and half-yearly associations between boundary diffusion and parent-adolescent relationship quality after divorce. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 1-17.
- Pellón-Elexpuru, I., Van Dijk, R., Van der Valk, I. E., Martínez-Pampliega, A., Molleda, A., & Cormenzana, S. (2024). Divorce and physical health: A three-level meta-analysis. Social Science & Medicine, 352, 117005.
- Van Dijk, R. (2022). Family Break-up, System Break-down: Family Dynamics and Child Adjustment after Divorce. [Doctoral thesis (Research UU / Graduation UU), Universiteit Utrecht]. Utrecht University. ISBN: 978-94-6421-912-8.
- Van Dijk, R., Van der Valk, I. E., Branje, S., & Dekovic. M. (2022). Triangulation and child adjustment after parental divorce: Underlying mechanisms and risk factors. Journal of Family Psychology, 36(7), 1117-1131.
- Van Dijk, R., Van der Valk, I. E., Buist, K. L., Branje, S., & Dekovic, M. (2022). Longitudinal associations between sibling relationship quality and child adjustment after divorce. Journal of Marriage and Family, 84(2), 393-414.
- Van Dijk, R., Van der Valk, I. E., Vossen, H. G., Branje, S., & Dekovic, M. (2021). Problematic internet use in adolescents from divorced families: The role of family factors and adolescents’ self-esteem. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(7), 3385.
- Van Dijk, R., Van der Valk, I. E., Dekovic, M., & Branje, S. J. (2020). A meta-analysis on interparental conflict, parenting, and child adjustment in divorced families: Examining mediation using meta-analytic structural equation models. Clinical Psychology Review, 79, 101861.
- Van Dijk, R., van der Valk, I.E., Dekovic, M. & Branje, S.J.T. (2020). Meta-analyse van directe en indirecte associaties met ouderlijke conflicten, opvoedingsgedrag en psychosociale problemen van kinderen na een scheiding. Tijdschrift Kinder- & Jeugdpsychotherapie, 47(2), 218-252. [Dutch translation of Van Dijk et al., 2020 in Clinical Psychology Review)]
- Van Dijk, R., Dekovic, M., Bunte, T. L., Schoemaker, K., Zondervan-Zwijnenburg, M., Espy, K. A. & Matthys, W. (2017). Mother-child interactions and externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers over time: Inhibitory control as a mediator. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 45, 1503-1517.
- Van Dijk, R., Rejaän, Z., Mol, C. R., Van der Valk, I. E. (20-06-2024). Presentation at the ISSBD Biennial meeting 2024. Development and psychometric properties of the ChiPPS: Children’s Participation Post-Separation Scale.
- Mol, C. R., Van Dijk, R. & Groenendijk, J. (21-09-2023). Presentation at Youth in Research: Growing up in a digital world. Youth participation in research: Youth panel on divorce.
- Van Dijk, R. & Rejaän, Z. (22-06-2023). Presentation at National legal staff meeting. Jongeren en Scheiding.
- Van Dijk, R. (14-06-2023) Presentation at ESFR Biennial meeting 2023. Triangulation and child adjustment after parental divorce: Underlying mechanisms and risk factors.
- Van Dijk, R. (11-10-2022) Symposium presentation at IAFP Annual meeting 2022. A meta-analysis on interparental conflict, parenting, and child adjustment in divorced families: Examining mediation using meta-analytic structural equation models.
- Van Dijk, R. (27-08-2022) Symposium presentation at EARA Biennial meeting 2022. Boundary diffusion and parent-child relationship quality after divorce: Daily and long-term associations.
- Van Dijk, R. (23-03-2019) Symposium presentation at SRCD Biennial meeting 2019. A meta-analysis on interparental conflict, parenting and child adjustment in divorced families: Preliminary results.
- Van Dijk, R. (07-03-2018) Poster presentation at S4 Meeting 2018 in Utrecht. Longitudinal data from recently divorced parents and their children: What N is deemed sufficient?
- Van Dijk, R. (04-04-2017) Invited speaker at Texas A and M University. Mother-child interactions and externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers over time: Inhibitory control as a mediator.
- Van Dijk, R. (08-04-2017) Symposium presentation at SRCD Biennial Meeting 2017 in Austin. Mother-child interactions and externalizing behavior problems in preschoolers over time: Inhibitory control as a mediator.
- Van Dijk, R. (13-01-2016) Invited speaker 7th Mplus Users meeting: Bayesian Statistics with Mplus 2016 Utrecht. Applying Bayes to real-life data.