Dr. Rebecca Kuiper

Sjoerd Groenmangebouw
Padualaan 14
3584 CH Utrecht

Dr. Rebecca Kuiper

Associate Professor
Methodology and Statistics


In my CV, you can find the courses I teach and coordinate, as well as (invited) workshops and more.

Some highlights:


Summer School course

Can you take your skills in evaluating hypotheses to the next level? We believe you can. 
Curious? Enrol in our ‘Beyond null-hypothesis-testing’ course. 


Coordination & Responsibilities

  • Panel-member of the UU-FSW Advisory committee for funds for Education for professionals (Utrecht University, 2022)
  • Panel-member of the UU-FSW Focus group for Education for professionals (Utrecht University, 2021 – present)
  • Coordinator of the M&S Utrecht summer school & M&S Education for professionals (Utrecht University, 2021 – present)
  • Tutor for students of the Research Master Methodology and Statistics for the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences (Utrecht University, 2021 – present)



I have supervised multiple bachelor and research master students (see CV); and supervise(d) the following PhD students:

  • Chuenjai Sukpan, PhD student (2019 – present)
  • Oisín Ryan, PhD student (2018 – present)
  • Yasin Altinisik, PhD student (2014 – present)



Statistical and methodological consulting regarding theses of students (bachelor and master) and dissertations of PhD students and for staff at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences.