Dr. Rob Govers

Vening Meineszgebouw A
Princetonlaan 8a
Kamer 248
3584 CB Utrecht

Dr. Rob Govers

Associate Professor
+31 30 253 4985

Associate Professor (Tectonophysics)

My main research interests are the geodynamics of plate boundaries, lithosphere to upper mantle scale deformation processes and the expressions of these processes in geophysical and geological data.

Another main research interest is the earthquake cycle and the geodetic (GPS, InSAR) imprints of it, particularly at subduction plate boundaries.

Particular regions of interest are the active margins of the North American continent, the Caribbean region, the Mediterranean-Tethys region including Tibet.

I develop numerical modeling tools, in particular for the solution of partial differential equations (e.g., GTECTON, GFLEX). I use the numerical models to integrate processes and observations.

More information is available on my professional site.