Dr. R. (Ruurd) Jorritsma

Martinus G. de Bruingebouw
Yalelaan 7
Kamer MGB 0.029
3584 CL Utrecht

Dr. R. (Ruurd) Jorritsma

Associate Professor
Farm Animal Health
+31 30 253 7551

Ruurd Jorritsma graduated as veterinarian at Utrecht University in 1999. He immediately started a PhD on the association between negative energy balance and fertility in cows and completed his thesis in 2003. Apart from his research activities, he was heavily involved in clinical teaching in the ambulatory clinic of the university, as well as in the theoretic part of the veterinary curriculum.

Besides teaching, Ruurd developed large parts of the BaMa curriculum, which was introduced in 2007. Afterwards, he has been coorditor and examinator of several courses. In 2007, he was affiliated with ONIRIS, Nantes, France as visiting teacher. He is also frequently involved in post-graduate courses voor veterinary clinicians on Salmonellosis, Johne's disease, BVD, IBR and dry cow management.

His research is currently focussee on calf health and metabolic diseases in dairy cattle.

He is currently responsible for a teaching program to enable lateral entrance into the master program on farm animals and veterinary public health.