Dr. R.H.S. (Remco) Westerink

Dr. R.H.S. (Remco) Westerink

Associate Professor
Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)
+31 6 48 456 256

International collaborations

TUBE. This EU-funded project addresses the potential neurotoxicity of traffic-derived ultrafine particles in vitro, in vivo and in human epidemiological studies. EU-H2020-814978. 2019-2023.

ENDpoiNTs. This EU-funded project addresses sex-specific effects of exposure to endocrine disruptive compounds in vitro, in vivo and in human epidemiological studies. EU-H2020-825759. 2019-2023.

FACTS. Collaboration with RIVM and TNO for neurotoxic hazard characterization of pyrolysis products of turbine engine oils and de-icing fluids using a combined air-liquid interphase (ALI)-MEA approach. TNO/DG MOVE. 2017-2020.

Transform Tox Testing: Hepa-HTS™, a high-throughput organ-on-a-chip model for integrated toxicity screening. Collaboration with Mimetas (Leiden) to develop metabolically competent models for improved toxicity screening. EPA/NIH/NIEHS. 2016.

InnoSysTox/N3rvousSystem. Collaboration with RIVM-Bilthoven, IUF-Leibniz-Institut für Umwelt-Medizinische Forschung (Düsseldorf, DE), Pamgene (Den Bosch), IUTA-Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik (Duisburg-DE) and Tacson (Münster-DE) to improve human neurotoxicity hazard, risk and safety assessment using a 3R-systems biology strategy. ZonMW-40-42600-98-14005. 2015-2018.

AVOIL. Collaboration with RIVM and TNO for neurotoxic hazard characterization of pyrolysis products of turbine engine oil using a combined air-liquid interphase (ALI)-MEA approach. RIVM/EASA. 2016.

Neuroscreen-3D: Human in vitro neurotoxicity testing using 3D-culture models. Collaboration with Mimetas (Leiden) and Cellular Dynamics International (Madison, WI, USA) to develop new tools and models for human in vitro neurotoxicity screening and seizure liability. NC3R - Crack-It. 2014-2018.

DENAMIC: Developmental neurotoxicity assessment of mixtures in children. This EU-funded project addresses developmental neurotoxicity by environmental pollutants in vitro, in vivo and in human epidemiological studies. EU-FP7-ENV-2011-282957. 2011-2015.

Short Stay UU-China Fellowship: Effects of binary mixtures of XTC ingredients (MDMA, MDA and mCPP) on GABAA receptor function. This project addressed if effects of different drugs of abuse cause additive or synergistic effects on neurotransmitter receptors. Utrecht University. 2011-2012.

ACROPOLIS: Aggregate and Cumulative Risk Of Pesticides: an On-Line Integrated Strategy. This EU-funded project focused on the human health risk associated with exposure to mixtures of pesticides. EU-FP7- KBBE-245163. 2010-2014.

ENFIRO: Life Cycle Assessment of Environment-Compatible Flame Retardants. This EU-funded project focused on prioritization of safe(r) halogen-free alternative flame retardants for the replacement of brominated flame retardants. EU-FP7-ENV-2008-1-226563. 2009-2014.

UK-Discipline-hopping: Linking environmental fate with the toxicology of organic pollutants. Collaboration with Dr. G. Thomas (Lancaster University-UK) to study the neurotoxicity of persistent organochlorine insecticides. UK Joint Environment and Human Health Programme. 2007-2008.

ATHON: Assessing the toxicity and hazard of non-dioxin-like PCBs present in food. This EU-funded project addressed neurobehavioral, reproductive and developmental toxicity, liver toxicity and tumor promotion by non-dioxin-like PCBs (NDL-PCBs). FOOD-CT-2006-022923-ATHON. 2005-2011.

National collaborations

Neurotoxicity of microplastics. Collaboration with Dr. R. Wubbolts (UU-CCI), Prof. D. Vethaak (Deltares) and Dr. M. Cullot (Université d’Artois, France) to investigate the potential of small plastic particles to reach the brain and affect its development and function in vitro. ZonMW. 2019-2020.

Differences in human sensitivity for tetrodotoxin and potential interaction with pharmaceuticals. Investigation of additivity of human-relevant pharmaceuticals and tetrodotoxin (TTX) from shellfish for identification of risk groups to establish consumer risk. NVWA. 2017-2021.

Risk assessment and differences in human sensitivity for tetrodotoxin. Interspecies comparison of tetrodotoxin (TTX) in Dutch shellfish to establish consumer risk. NVWA. 2016.

Integrated lung-brain in vitro model to reduce in vivo animal experimentation for toxicity testing. Collaboration with prof. F. Cassee/Dr. H.J. Heusinkveld (RIVM) to develop an air-liquid interface (ALI) for realistic exposure of neuronal cultures to establish the neurotoxicity of e-cigarette smoke. 3V-Stimuleringsfonds, Utrecht University. 2016.

Neuroinflammation and chronic pain. Collaboration with Dr. N. Eijkelkamp (Laboratory of Translational Immunology, UMCU) to investigate the role of cytokines in sensory neuron function in relation to treatment of chronic pain. UU seed grant. 2014-2016.

In vitro neurotoxicity of TCP. Collaboration with RIVM and TNO for hazard characterization of different tricresyl phosphate isomers and mixtures to determine the relative neurotoxic potency in relation to the so-called aerotoxic syndrome. Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. 2014-2015.

In vitro efficacy of kisspeptin-receptor antagonists. Collaboration with K. Albers-Wolthers (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dept. Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Utrecht University) to investigate the efficacy of kisspeptin-receptor antagonist using in vitro calcium imaging. 2012-2014.

New bioassays for detection of marine biotoxins. Collaboration with RIKILT and Wageningen University (Prof. I. Rietjens, Dr. T. Bovee, and P. Hendriksen) to develop rapid in vitro screening methods for the detection of marine biotoxins using neuronal activity as readout. RIKILT. 2011-2015.

Parkinson Genes and Environment study-group (PAGES). Collaboration with Elisabeth Hospital (Dr. P. Nijssen, Tilburg), Leiden University (Prof. G. de Snoo), Erasmus MC (Rotterdam, Dr. V. Bonifati) and IRAS-EEPI (Drs Kromhout and Vermeulen) to investigate the relation between environmental toxins and genetic susceptibility in Parkinson’s disease. Internationaal Parkinson Fonds. 2008-2010.

Neuroreceptor interactions of drugs of abuse. Collaboration with the Dutch Poisons Information Center (NVIC, Prof. J. Meulenbelt, Dr. L. Hondebrink) to investigate interactions of drugs of abuse with neurotransmitter receptors and transporters, intracellular signaling pathways and neurotransmission to predict human health effects. The collaboration currently focusses on novel psychoactive substances and interindividual differences. NVIC. 2007-present.

Mast cells and neuro-immune regulation of the gut. Collaboration with the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU, Dr. A. Kroese) to investigate the role of mast cells in neuro-immune interaction in the gut. UMCU. 2006-2010.