Dr. R.H.S. (Remco) Westerink

Dr. R.H.S. (Remco) Westerink

Associate Professor
Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)
+31 6 48 456 256

EU-TUBE: In vitro neurotoxicity of transport-derived (ultra)fine particles

Principle investigator: Lora Gerber, M.Sc
Project leaders: Remco Westerink, Ph.D. and Flemming Cassee, Ph.D.

The overall aim of TUBE (Transport derived Ultrafines and the Brain Effects) is to gain insights on the effects of traffic-derived ultrafine particles (UFPs) on lung- and brain health. Our major tasks within TUBE include the identification of UFPs with neurotoxic potency and the investigation of the impact of primary cytotoxic and inflammatory effects at the port of entry (lung) induced by UFPs on neuronal development, function and degeneration.
We aim to understand the biological processes and to discover the underlying mechanisms leading to neurotoxic effects of air pollutants by UFPs. Moreover we are improving, promoting and combining the application of in vitro models contributing to the principle of the 3R’s and providing an in vitro risk assessment approach of inhaled UFPs with regard to human brain health.
This research is part of the EU-funded TUBE project.

EU-ENDpoiNTs: In vitro developmental neurotoxicity of endocrine disruptors

Principle investigator: Lennart van Melis, M.Sc
Project leaders: Remco Westerink, Ph.D.

Worldwide, serious concern has arisen about exposure to chemicals that can produce adverse health effects via disruption of the body’s endocrine system, known as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs).
The aim of ENDpoiNTs is to extend knowledge about the correlative and causal links between endocrine disruption and developmental neurotoxicity at the molecular and cellular level. Furthermore, we investigate species- and sex-specific effects on both acute and developmental neurotoxicity after exposure to a variety of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Based on these results, we aim to develop and validate in vitro testing and screening tools, which could be used to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals that have the potential to induce developmental neurotoxicity.
This research is part of the EU-funded ENDpoiNTs project.