Prof. dr. R.H.H.G. (René) van Roij

Prof. dr. R.H.H.G. (René) van Roij

Cond-Matter Theory, Stat & Comp Phys
+31 30 253 7579



Demixing and stretching in suspensions of semi-flexible colloidal rodsvan Roij, R. (Invited speaker)
18 Jan 2011
, Physics@FOM (Veldhoven)


Triangular tessellation: crystal structures of anisotropic particlesvan Roij, R. (Invited speaker)
26 Nov 2010
, Dutch Soft Matter Days (Leiden, NL)
Triangular tessellation techniques in colloid science: interfacial adsorption and crystal structure prediction for anisotropic particlesvan Roij, R. (Invited speaker)
15 Oct 2010
, SCM-FCC NanoSeminar
Towards adsorption dynamics of colloids at the liquid-liquid interfacevan Roij, R. (Invited speaker)
14 Apr 2010
, Dutch Soft Matter Days (Wageningen)
Rodlike model colloids in electric fields and confinementvan Roij, R. (Invited speaker)
1 Mar 2010
, Kick-Off Meeting SFB-TR6 on Colloids in External Fields
Towards adsorption dynamics of colloids at the liquid-liquid interface: an application of the triangular tessellation schemevan Roij, R. (Invited speaker)
25 Feb 2010
, IOP Complex Fluid-Fluid Interfaces (London, UK)