Through her research, Ronette seeks to understand inter- and intraspecies differences in how animals react to chemicals used as medicines. She applies this knowledge to seek and improve pharmacotherapeutic approaches to treat disease and alleviate pain and suffering in a wide variety of animal species. Computer-based models are a key tool in this research to summarize, analyze, interpret, and integrate pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data from both in vivo and in vitro experiments. These models are then applied to design safe and effective dosage regimens for a variety of classes of medicines, ranging from antimicrobials and antiparasitics to pain relievers, in different target animal populations. They are also applied to assess the risk for drug residues in food of animal origin and the development of antimicrobial resistance.
National research project in collaborations with various other institutes (e.g. WUR, RIVM, NVWA, GGD) which aims to develop a one health approach to zoonotic chlamydiosis in humans and birds.
As a collaborator in this project, my role is to participate in the analysis and interpretation of plasma pharmacokinetic data and feces concentrations.