My research interests span computational structural geology, geomechanics and image analysis. I am interested in the patterns and processes of strain localisation, in the statistical distribution of fault and fracture networks, and in the mechanical, hydraulic, thermal, and seismic anisotropies of rocks. I have more than 3 years’ experience in synchrotron X-ray micro- computed tomography. I have accumulated over 40 days of beam time at synchrotron light and neutron sources in France (SOLEIL), the UK (Diamond) and Switzerland (SLS). I tackle problems through field work, laboratory experiments, theoretical analysis, and numerical modelling. I use numerical models to integrate observations with, and explore the consequences of, physical theory. I have developed codes freely available for the geoscience community, such as a Wavelet analysis toolbox and the statistical analysis, permeability and connectivity suites within the FracPaQ toolbox.