Prof. dr. ir. R.C.H. (Roel) Vermeulen

Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences (IRAS)


MOOC on the exposome

Utrecht University offers several MOOCs: Massive Online Open Courses. These allow you to explore scientific subjects from the comfort of your own home. As the name implies, these courses are free and open to everyone. In February 2021 Utrecht University added a new member to the MOOC family: The Exposome - cracking the science about what makes us sick. In this course several researchers will introduce you to the exposome concept; the non-genetic drivers of health and disease, since our genes alone do not determine our fate.

Utrecht Summer School

Utrecht Summer School  offers many courses covering numerous subjects including medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacology, global health and epidemiology. For instance, you can get an insight in the principles and important issues of environmental and occupational epidemiology.