Dr. Q.G. (Quentin) Faucher

David de Wiedgebouw
Universiteitsweg 99
3584 CG Utrecht

Dr. Q.G. (Quentin) Faucher



Advanced chronic kidney disease patients display a systemic metabolic disorder driven by the plasma retention of endogenous metabolites (uremic toxins), known as the uremic syndrome. Uremic toxins accumulate in the blood circulation due to limited kidney cleansing function and dialysis capacity. These toxins promote a chronic proinflammatory state as well as multi-organ dysfunctions. Indeed, the uremic syndrome has been associated with neurological complications leading to severe deterioration of living conditions for chronic kidney disease patients.

My research aims to engineer an appropriate and innovative multi-organs-on-chip model mimicking the kidney-brain crosstalk. This model is used to decipher the underlying mechanisms of chronic kidney disease-induced neurotoxicity, by focusing on the blood-brain barrier



I hold a PhD degree in Pharmacology, Infectious diseases and Drug Science awarded by Limoges University, France.

During my PhD, I conducted a translational study from the bench (human kidney cell-based model) to the bedside (graft perfusion fluids) to decipher the impact of ischemia-reperfusion, in the context of kidney transplantation, on the tubular transport system within the INSERM U1248 Pharmacology and Transplantation unit (Limoges, France). Since May 2022, I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Division of Pharmacology at Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University (Utrecht, The Netherlands). In February 2023, I was awarded a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship by the European Research Executive Agency to carry out a project aiming to engineer a miniature kidney-brain axis to unravel neuropathies associated with chronic kidney disease.