- Tamimi Arab, P., Hughes, J.S., and Rodríguez-Plate, S. B. (eds.). 2024. The Routledge Handbook of Material Religion. London: Routledge.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2022. Why Do Religious Forms Matter? Reflections on Materialism, Toleration, and Public Reason. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Krop, H. and Tamimi Arab, P. (eds.). 2021. Spinoza’s Theological-Political Treatise (1670–2020). Commemorating A Long-Forgotten Masterpiece. Basel: MDPI (click here for open access).
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2017. Amplifying Islam in the European Soundscape: Religious Pluralism and Secularism in The Netherlands. London: Bloomsbury (click here for open access).
Articles | Chapters | Reports | Reviews
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2025. “Secularisme.” In Inleiding tot de islam: Een levende traditie, edited by Joas Wagemakers. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 375-386.
- Tamimi Arab, P., and Maleki, A. 2025. "The secular-religious divide in Iran: An analysis of GAMAAN’s online surveys." In Nonbelievers, Apostates, and Atheists in the Muslim World, edited by Jack D. Eller and Natalie Khazaal. London: Routledge, 112-142.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2024. Book review: Gijs Kruijtzer. Justifying Transgression: Muslims, Christians, and the Law – 1200 to 1700. Global Intellectual History, 1-3.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2024. "Pictures That Divide: The Prophet Muhammad in the Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam." In Image Controversies: Contemporary Iconoclasm in Art, Media, and Cultural Heritage, edited by Birgit Mersmann, Christiane Kruse, and Arnold Bartetzky. Berlin: De Gruyter, 83-107.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2024. “Spinoza: Arch-Father of the Material Religion Approach.” In The Routledge Handbook of Material Religion, edited by Brent S Plate, Pooyan Tamimi Arab and Jennifer Scheper Hughes. London: Routledge, 15-32.
- Stausberg, M., Tamimi Arab, P., and Maleki, A. 2023. Survey Zoroastrians: Online Religious Identification in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 62(4): 823-844.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2023. “Pictures That Divide: Worldly Justice, Erotic Nationalism, and the Globalization of the Kiss.” In Provocative Images in Contemporary Islam, edited by Bart Barendregt, David Kloos, Leonie Schmidt and Mark Westmoreland. Leiden: Leiden University press, 109-139.
- Maleki, A., and Tamimi Arab, P. 2023. Iranians’ Attitudes Toward the 2022 Nationwide Protests. Published online, GAMAAN.
- Is it OK to Laugh? Pooyan Tamimi Arab, Konstantinos Kalantzis, and Rihan Yeh discuss the analytical power of jokes. Comparative Studies in Society and History - In Dialogue. 28 June 2022.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2022. Can Muslims Drink? Rumi Vodka, Persianate Ideals, and the Anthropology of Islam. Comparative Studies in Society and History 64(2): 1-37.
- Zarei Talabad, P. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2022. Iranian Public Opinion: A Literature Review for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Report commissioned by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2021. Book review: Wendy Shaw. What is “Islamic” Art? Between Religion and Perception. Art History 44(4): 864-866.
- Maleki, A. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2021. Iranians’ Attitudes Toward International Relations: A 2021 Survey Report. Published online, GAMAAN (for the report in Persian, click here).
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2021. Materiële Religie en Pluriformiteit in de Politieke Filosofie van Spinoza. Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 83(3): 427-456.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2021. Islamic heritage versus orthodoxy: figural painting, musical instruments, and wine bowls at the Dutch National Museum of World Cultures. Journal of Material Culture 26(2): 178-200.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2021. “Strict Neutrality Reconsidered: Religion and Political Belonging in the Netherlands.” In Religion, Secularism, and Political Belonging, edited by Leerom Medovoi and Elizabeth Bentley. Durham: Duke University Press, 49-68.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2021. Cracking and Moderating Secularist Assumptions (part of A Conversation on Tariq Modood's Essays on Secularism and Multiculturalism). Patterns of Prejudice, 55(2): 133-140.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2020. Exhibition review: Longing for Mecca (Verlangen naar Mekka): Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (february 2019–january 2020). Material Religion 16(3): 394-396.
- Maleki, A. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2020. Iranians' attitudes toward the death penalty: A 2020 survey report. Published online, GAMAAN (for the report in Persian, click here).
- Maleki, A. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2020. Iranians' attitudes toward religion: A 2020 survey report. Published online, GAMAAN (for the report in Persian, click here).
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2019. “Wanneer is iets 'islamitisch'? Geen makkelijke vraag, geen makkelijke antwoorden.” In Wie is er bang voor religie? Waarom kennis van religie belangrijk is, samengesteld door Joas Wagemakers en Lucien van Liere. Almere: Uitgeverij Parthenon, 235-245.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2019. In Conversation: Spinoza, Arch-Father of the Material Religion Approach and New Materialisms. Material Religion 15(5): 624-626.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2019. Comment to Sarah Bakker Kellogg: Religion, Refugees, and the Fragility of Family Life. Current Anthropology 60(4): 492-493.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2018. On the Primacy of the Eye: Amplifying Islam, Racism, and the Senses. Etnofoor 30(2): 95-100.
- Beekers, D. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2018. Sonhos de uma mesquita icônica: entrelaçamentos temporais e espaciais em uma igreja convertida de Amsterdã. Debates do NER 19(34): 183-222.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2018. Book review: Shahab Ahmed. What is Islam? The Importance of Being Islamic. Material Religion 14(2): 128-130.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2018. Book review: Donovan Schafer. Religious Affects Animality, Evolution, and Power. Online: American Academy of Religion.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2017. Solidarity, Selective Indignation, and Queer Muslims: In conversation with Dino Suhonic. Etnofoor 29(2): 105-114.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2017. “Megamoskeeën.” In Gods Huis in de Steigers: religieuze gebouwen in ontwikkeling, geschreven door Oskar Verkaaik met bijdragen van Daan Beekers en Pooyan Tamimi Arab. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 55-82.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2017. Devotie-afbeeldingen van de profeet Mohammed in het Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen. ZemZem, Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en de islam 2016(2): 15-26.
- Rasch, E. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2017. Solidarity. Etnofoor 29(2): 7-10 (introduction to edited special issue).
- Verkaaik, O. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2017. Managing Mosques in the Netherlands: Constitutional versus Culturalist Secularism. In Secularisms in a Postsecular Age? Religiosities and Subjectivities in Comparative Perspective, edited by José Mapril, Ruy Blanes, Emerson Giumbelli, and Erin K. Wilson. Cham (Switzerland): Palgrave, 169-186.
- Verkaaik, O. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2016. Managing Mosques in the Netherlands: Constitutional versus Culturalist Secularism. Journal of Muslims in Europe 5(2): 251-268.
- Beekers, D. T. and Tamimi Arab, P. 2016. Dreams of an iconic mosque: Spatial and temporal entanglements of a converted church. Material Religion: The Journal of Objects, Art and Belief 12(2): 137-164.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2015. Book review: Stathis Gourgouris. Lessons in Secular Criticism. Constellations 22(1): 161-162.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2015. “A minaret of light”: transducing the Islamic call to prayer? Material Religion 11(2): 136-163.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2015. A Proibição de Procissões nos Países Baixos. Religião & Sociedade 35(2): 123-142.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2014. “The Covenant of the Allochthons: How Nativist Racism Affects Youth Culture in Amsterdam.” In Dutch Racism, edited by Philomena Essed and Isabel Hoving. Brill / Rodopi, 397-406.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2014. Book review: Isaac Weiner. Religion Out Loud: Religious Sound, Public Space, and American Pluralism. Material Religion 10(3): 392-394.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2013. “The Biggest Mosque in Europe! A Symmetrical Anthropology of Islamic Architecture in Rotterdam.” In Religious Architecture: Anthropological Perspectives, edited by Oskar Verkaaik. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 47-61.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2013. Mosques in the Netherlands: Transforming the Meaning of Marginal Spaces. Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 33(4): 477-494.
- Tamimi Arab, P. 2012. (Dis)Entangling culturalism, nativism, racism. Krisis 2: 68-74.