Dr. Pooyan Tamimi Arab
Assistant Professor
In the media
Iran Protests Are Proving a Durable Challenge to the Islamic Republic . 09-10-2022, The Wall Street Journal (this article cites my research together with Ammar Maleki, also see GAMAAN.org). Iran protests: majority of people reject compulsory hijab and an Islamic regime, surveys find . Co-authored with Ammar Maleki, 28-09-2022, The Conversation. Eindelijk verandering in Iran? Hoop vinden in de hopeloosheid (interview met o.a. P. Tamimi Arab). 05-10-2022, De Groene Amsterdammer. Islamofobie of 'religiekritiek'? Soms is het hetzelfde (interview met o.a. P. Tamimi Arab). 08-09-2022, OneWorld. Realities of Iranian youth living under the shadow of a regime's culture and revolutionary ideals (in Persian). 6-07-2022, VOA Persian. Zo islamitisch is Iran niet meer, wat de ayatollahs ook zeggen. Trouw, 14-06-2022. 'Nederland geen gelovig land meer', wat betekent dat voor ons wederzijds (on)begrip? NOS, 24-03-2022. Religiewetenschapper Pooyan Tamimi Arab treedt toe tot De Jonge Akademie. Universiteit Utrecht, 09-12-2021. Iranians are disillusioned with Biden’s soft approach to the Islamic Republic. Opinion co-authored with Ammar Maleki. Middle East Institute, 01-12-2021. Which secularism? In conversation about the work of Rajeev Bhargava (in Persian). Iran Academia, 30-10-2021. ‘Kritiekloos de cijfers van autoritaire regimes publiceren, is verraad aan hun bevolking’. Vrij Links, 30-06-2021. Elecciones en Irán: 3 claves para entender por qué muchos ciudadanos planean no votar en las presidenciales (y cómo el resultado puede afectar al acuerdo nuclear con Occidente). BBC News | Mundo, 18-06-2021. Iran: elezioni presidenziali, la vera minaccia è l’astensione. L'Indro, 16-06-2021. Why Iranians won’t vote: new survey reveals massive political disenchantment. Co-authored with Ammar Maleki. The Conversation, 10-06-2021 (Arabic translation , Fanack.com, 18-06-2021). De toekomst van God volgens het Godsbegrip bij Spinoza. Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam, 28-04-201.
Kerk doopt asielzoekers na „gedegen Bijbelonderwijs”. Reformatorisch Dagblad, 17-04-2021. Door minaret en klok publiek present . Reformatorisch Dagblad, 12-04-2021. Arap ülkelerinde laikligi savunanlarin sayisinda artis . Cumhuriyet, 13 February 2021. Islamische Republik ohne islamische Mehrheit . Deutschlandfunk, 01-03-2021.Middle East: Are people losing their religion? Deutsche Welle, 04-02-2021, click here for Persian , Urdu , Spanish , Arabic , Chinese , Indonesian , Turkish . Disenchanted Iranians are turning to other faiths. The Economist, 21-01-2021 (this article cites my work together with Ammar Maleki, also see GAMAAN.org; click here for the Persian translation of the article, here for Arabic , and Uzbek ). Groundbreaking Survey Reveals Iranians' Attitudes Towards the Death Penalty. World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, 22-10-2020. Click here for French translation and here for Persian. Survey reveals changing social attitudes in Iran . TRT World, 09-12-2020. Wat hebben Mohammedcartoons te maken met de onthoofde Franse leraar? NOS, 26-10-2020. Iran: 2:8 ratio between regime sympathizers and opponents. Democracy Digest, 20-10-2020. Corona als Herausforderung für Irans Theokratie . Deutsche Welle, 17-09-2020. Iran's Secular Shift: New Survey Reveals Huge Changes In Religiosity. Co-authored with Ammar Maleki. The Conversation, 10-09-2020. Click here for translations in Malay, Turkish , German , and French. Interview - De Filosoof Wijnbar, 04-07-2020. Desecration of three religious sites in Iran signal the Islamic Republic's continued oppression of minorities. Global Voices, 29-05-2020 (also in Persian, Arabic, Italian, French, Spanish, and Russian). Door Corona geloven Iraniërs hun leiders nog minder. VPRO Bureau Buitenland, 03-03-2020. Interview about the amplified call to prayer (Japanese, includes video in English with Japanese subtitles). Asahi Shimbun, 18-02-2020. Would most Iranians vote NO to the Islamic Republic? Opinion co-authored with Ammar Maleki. Open Democracy, 03-02-2020. In Iran wint walging tenslotte van angst. Opinie in NRC, geschreven met Ammar Maleki, 17-01-2020. In Iran is het wachten op een seculiere leider. Opinie in NRC, 21-11-2019. Mogen moslims wijn drinken? NU.nl, 09-11-2019. Zie ook: Kunnen moslims wijn drinken? Wetenschap.nu, 04-11-2019. Amsterdamse moskee begint met versterkte gebedsoproep, maar is zeker niet de eerste. NOS, 08-11-2019. Voer Iran niet te gemakkelijk op in de boerkadiscussie. Opinie, NRC, 13-08-2019. 'Jonge mensen kunnen geen middenklasse-leven opbouwen'. NPO Radio 1, 09-05-2018. Hoe ga je om met afbeeldingen van de profeet Mohammed? Trouw, 18-04-2017.