Dr. Pooyan Tamimi Arab
Assistant Professor
- 2023: NWO Open XS grant for the research project "Iran's Secular Shift: A Survey Challenge to Measure Declining Religiosity in the Middle East"
- 2022: President's Medal of the Market Research Society (UK), with Ammar Maleki, for research conducted as GAMAAN - The Group for Analyzing and Measuring Attitudes in Iran.
- 2021: KNAW Early Career Partnership to organize an international conference on "Big Data and the Study of Religion."
- 2018: NWO Veni grant for the research project “Pictures That Divide: Islam, Visual Culture, and Diversity in The Netherlands.”
- 2018: Nominated for the Agnites Vrolik Award of Utrecht University.
- 2018: Nominated for the J.C. Ruigrok Award of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities.
- 2015: Global Cultures Postdoctoral Writing Grant. Department of Anthropology, University of Amsterdam.
- 2008, 2009: Nuffic HSP - Huygens Scholarship for obtaining the M.A. degree in Philosophy at the New School for Social Research, New York City.