Prof. dr. P.R. (René) van Weeren

Willem C. Schimmelgebouw
Yalelaan 114
Kamer 1.125
3584 CM Utrecht

Prof. dr. P.R. (René) van Weeren

Equine sciences
+31 30 253 1062



Scholarly publications

Varela, L., van de Lest, C. H. A., Boere, J., Libregts, S. F. W. M., Lozano-Andrés, E., van Weeren, P. R., & Wauben, M. H. M. (2023). Acute joint inflammation induces a sharp increase in the number of synovial fluid EVs and modifies their phospholipid profile. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1868(10), [159367].
Fugazzola, M., Nissinen, M. T., Jäntti, J., Tuppurainen, J., Plomp, S., Te Moller, N., Mäkelä, J. T. A., & van Weeren, R. (2023). Composition, architecture and biomechanical properties of articular cartilage in differently loaded areas of the equine stifle. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Pala, S., Hänninen, N. E., Mohammadi, A., Ebrahimi, M., Te Moller, N. C. R., Brommer, H., René van Weeren, P., Mäkelä, J. T. A., Korhonen, R. K., Afara, I. O., Töyräs, J., Mikkonen, S., Nissi, M. J., & Nykänen, O. (2023). 3D T1 relaxation time measurements in an equine model of subtle post-traumatic osteoarthritis using MB-SWIFT. Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
Elte, Y., Acton, K., Martin, J., Nielen, M., van Weeren, R., & Wolframm, I. (2023). Engage and enjoy-investigating predictors of employee engagement and work satisfaction in equine veterinary professionals. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 10, 1-11. [1036388].
Parmentier, J. I. M., Bosch, S., Zwaag, B. J. V. D., Weishaupt, M. A., Gmel, A. I., Havinga, P. J. M., Weeren, P. R. V., & Braganca, F. M. S. (2023). Prediction of continuous and discrete kinetic parameters in horses from inertial measurement units data using recurrent artificial neural networks. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 1-14. [740].


Scholarly publications

Tellegen, A. R., Rudnik-Jansen, I., Utomo, L., Versteeg, S., Beukers, M., Maarschalkerweerd, R., van Zuilen, D., van Klaveren, N. J., Houben, K., Teske, E., René van Weeren, P., Karssemakers-Degen, N., Mihov, G., Thies, J., Eijkelkamp, N., Creemers, L. B., Meij, B. P., & Tryfonidou, M. A. (2022). Sustained release of locally delivered celecoxib provides pain relief for osteoarthritis: a proof of concept in dog patients. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.
Kearney, C. M., Khatab, S., van Buul, G. M., Plomp, S. G. M., Korthagen, N. M., Labberté, M. C., Goodrich, L. R., Kisiday, J. D., Van Weeren, P. R., van Osch, G. J. V. M., & Brama, P. A. J. (2022). Treatment Effects of Intra-Articular Allogenic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome in an Equine Model of Joint Inflammation. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, [907616].
St George, L. B., Spoormakers, T. J. P., Smit, I. H., Hobbs, S. J., Clayton, H. M., Roy, S. H., van Weeren, P. R., Richards, J., & Serra Bragança, F. M. (2022). Adaptations in equine appendicular muscle activity and movement occur during induced fore- and hindlimb lameness: An electromyographic and kinematic evaluation. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, 1-21. [989522].
te Moller, N., Serra Braganca, F., van Rooijen, R., Kok, T., Plomp, S., & van Weeren, R. (2022). Responses of the healthy equine carpal joint to treadmill exercise. S60. Abstract from International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Uppsala, Sweden.
Parmentier, J. I. M., van der Zwaag, B. J., Weishaupt, M. A., Gmel, A. I., Havinga, P. J. M., van Weeren, P. R., & Serra Braganca, F. M. (2022). Prediction of kinetic parameters from body mounted IMU data using recurrent neural networks. S45. Abstract from International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology, Uppsala, Sweden.
Mancini, I. A. D., Levato, R., Castilho, M., Chen, M., Rijen, M. H. P. V., IJsseldijk, L. L., Kik, M., Weeren, P. R. V., & Malda, J. (2022). Nature’s design of the osteochondral unit: microstructural differences between terrestrial and aquatic mammals.
Mohammadi, A., Te Moller, N. C. R., Ebrahimi, M., Plomp, S., Brommer, H., van Weeren, P. R., Mäkelä, J. T. A., Töyräs, J., & Korhonen, R. K. (2022). Site- and Zone-Dependent Changes in Proteoglycan Content and Biomechanical Properties of Bluntly and Sharply Grooved Equine Articular Cartilage. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 50(12), 1787-1797.
Spoormakers, T. J. P., Bergmann, W., Veraa, S., van Weeren, P. R., & Brommer, H. (2022). The existence of intertransverse joints in young warmblood foals. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 260(10), 1206-1210.
Honkanen, M. K. M., Mohammadi, A., Te Moller, N. C. R., Ebrahimi, M., Xu, W., Plomp, S., Pouran, B., Lehto, V-P., Brommer, H., van Weeren, P. R., Korhonen, R. K., Töyräs, J., & Mäkelä, J. T. A. (2022). Dual-contrast micro-CT enables cartilage lesion detection and tissue condition evaluation ex vivo. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Pala, S., Nykänen, O., Hänninen, N., Mohammadi, A., Ebrahimi, M., te Moller, N., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Mäkelä, J. T. A., Korhonen, R. K., Töyräs, J., Mikkonen, S., & Nissi, M. J. (Accepted/In press). 3-D T1 relaxation time measurements in an equine model of mild post-traumatic osteoarthritis using MB-SWIFT. 0078. Poster session presented at Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB & ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, London.
Warmink, K., Siebelt, M., Low, P. S., Riemers, F. M., Wang, B., Plomp, S. G. M., Tryfonidou, M. A., van Weeren, P. R., Weinans, H., & Korthagen, N. M. (2022). Folate Receptor Expression by Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophage Subtypes and Effects of Corticosteroids. Cartilage, 13(1), [19476035221081469].
Pluim, M., Heier, A., Plomp, S., Boshuizen, B., Gröne, A., van Weeren, P. R., Vanderperren, K., Martens, A., Dewulf, J., Chantziaras, I., Koene, M., Luciani, A., Oosterlinck, M., Van Brantegem, L., & Delesalle, C. (2022). Histological tissue healing following high-power laser treatment in a model of suspensory ligament branch injury. Equine Veterinary Journal, 54(6), 1114-1122.

Professional publications

Hesselink, J. W., van Hoorn, N., Koolmees, P., van Weeren, R., Hartong, C., & Heunks, S. (2022). Dierbaar: 200 jaar opleiding diergeneeskunde in Utrecht . Utrecht University.


Scholarly publications

Abinzano, F., Diloksumpan, P., Ruijter, M. D., Mensinga, A., Plomp, S., Khan, I. M., Brommer, H., Smit, I., Castilho, M., van Weeren, R., Malda, J., & Levato, R. (2021). Building on established technology is no guarantee for success: challenges with the in vivo evaluation of an osteochondral implant based on a proven bone component. Abstract from Conference of the European Society for Biomaterials.
Spoormakers, T., Veraa, S., van Weeren, R., & Brommer, H. (2021). Ex vivo CT diagnosed degenerative articular changes in the equine thoracic spine. Abstract from ECVS annual congress 2021.
Hardeman, A. M., Egenvall, A., Serra Bragança, F. M., Swagemakers, J. H., Koene, M. H. W., Roepstorff, L., van Weeren, P. R., & Byström, A. (2021). Visual lameness assessment in comparison to quantitative gait analysis data in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Cokelaere, S. M., Groen, W. M. G. A. C., Plomp, S. G. M., de Grauw, J. C., van Midwoud, P. M., Weinans, H. H., van de Lest, C. H. A., Tryfonidou, M. A., van Weeren, P. R., & Korthagen, N. M. (2021). Sustained Intra-Articular Release and Biocompatibility of Tacrolimus (FK506) Loaded Monospheres Composed of [PDLA-PEG1000]-b-[PLLA] Multi-Block Copolymers in Healthy Horse Joints. Pharmaceutics, 13(9), 1-18. [1438].
Nykänen, O., Hänninen, N. E., Pala, S., Mohammadi, A., Ebrahimi, M., te Moller, N., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Mäkelä, J. T. A., Korhonen, R. K., Töyräs, J., & Nissi, M. J. (2021). T1 and T1rho Relaxation in Equine Groove Model of Cartilage Damage. Poster session presented at ISMRM & SMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition.
Elte, Y., Wolframm, I., Nielen, M., & van Weeren, R. (2021). Client satisfaction in equine veterinary practice: A structured review and qualitative synthesis. Veterinary Record, 189(10), 1-10. [e640].
Byström, A., Hardeman, A., Serra Braganca, F., Roepstorff, L., Swagemakers, J-H., van Weeren, R., & Egenvall, A. (2021). Differences in equine spinal kinematics between straight line and circle in trot. Scientific Reports, 11(1), [12832].
Smit, I., Hernlund, E., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Rhodin, M., & Serra Braganca, F. (2021). Continuous versus discrete data analysis for gait evaluation of horses with induced bilateral hindlimb lameness. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Spoormakers, T., Graat, E. A. M., Serra Braganca, F., van Weeren, R., & Brommer, H. (2021). Rater agreement for assessment of equine back mobility at walk and trot compared to quantitative gait analysis. PLoS One, 16(6), 1-15. [e0252536].
Saukko, A. E. A., Sarin, J. K., Nykänen, O., Nissi, M. J., te Moller, N. C. R., Weinans, H., Mancini, I. A. D., Visser, J., Brommer, H., van Weeren, P. R., Malda, J., Grinstaff, M. W., & Töyräs, J. (2021). Dual-contrast computed tomography enables detection of equine posttraumatic osteoarthritis in vitro. Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
Hardeman, A., van Weeren, R., Serra Braganca, F., Warmerdam, H., & Bok, H. (2021). A first exploration of perceived pros and cons of quantitative gait analysis in equine clinical practice. Equine Veterinary Education.
Spoormakers, T. J. P., Veraa, S., Graat, E. A. M., van Weeren, P. R., & Brommer, H. (2021). A comparative study of breed differences in the anatomical configuration of the equine vertebral column. Journal of Anatomy, 239(4), 829-838.
Hardeman, A., Egenvall, A., Serra Braganca, F., Koene, M., Swagemakers, J-H., Roepstorff, L., van Weeren, R., & Byström, A. (2021). Movement asymmetries in horses presented for pre purchase or lameness examination. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Van de Water, E., Oosterlinck, M., Korthagen, N. M., Duchateau, L., Dumoulin, M., van Weeren, P. R., Olijve, J., van Doorn, D. A., & Pille, F. (2021). The lipopolysaccharide model for the experimental induction of transient lameness and synovitis in Standardbred horses. Veterinary Journal, 270, [105626].


Scholarly publications

Castilho, M., Golafshan, N., Vorndran, E., Gbureck, U., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., & Malda, J. (2020). 3D printed tough magnesium phosphate-based implants induce bone regeneration in an equine defect model. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 35, 71-71.
Kearney, C. M., Korthagen, N. M., Plomp, S. G. M., Labberté, M. C., de Grauw, J. C., van Weeren, P. R., & Brama, P. A. J. (2020). Treatment effects of intra-articular triamcinolone acetonide in an equine model of recurrent joint inflammation. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Groen, W. M. G. A. C., Utomo, L., Castilho, M., Gawlitta, D., Malda, J., van Weeren, P. R., Levato, R., & Korthagen, N. M. (2020). Impact of endotoxins in gelatine hydrogels on chondrogenic differentiation and inflammatory cytokine secretion in vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(22), 1-17. [8571].
Serra Bragança, F. M., Broomé, S., Rhodin, M., Björnsdóttir, S., Gunnarsson, V., Voskamp, J. P., Persson-Sjodin, E., Back, W., Lindgren, G., Novoa-Bravo, M., Roepstorff, C., van der Zwaag, B. J., Van Weeren, P. R., & Hernlund, E. (2020). Improving gait classification in horses by using inertial measurement unit (IMU) generated data and machine learning. Scientific Reports, 10(1), [17785].
Piluso, S., Flores Gomez, D., Dokter, I., Moreira Texeira, L., Li, Y., Leijten, J., van Weeren, R., Vermonden, T., Karperien, M., & Malda, J. (2020). Rapid and cytocompatible cell-laden silk hydrogel formation via riboflavin-mediated crosslinking. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2020(8), 9566-9575.
Pluim, M., Martens, A., Vanderperren, K., van Weeren, R., Oosterlinck, M., Dewulf, J., Kichouh, M., Van Thielen, B., Koene, M. H. W., Luciani, A., Plancke, L., & Delesalle, C. (2020). High-Power Laser Therapy Improves Healing of the Equine Suspensory Branch in a Standardized Lesion Model. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7, [600].
Serra Bragança, F. M., Hernlund, E., Thomsen, M. H., Waldern, N. M., Rhodin, M., Byström, A., van Weeren, P. R., & Weishaupt, M. A. (2020). Adaptation strategies of horses with induced forelimb lameness walking on a treadmill. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Golafshan, N., Vorndran, E., Zaharievski, S., Brommer, H., Kadumudi, F. B., Dolatshahi-Pirouz, A., Gbureck, U., van Weeren, R., Castilho, M., & Malda, J. (2020). Tough magnesium phosphate-based 3D-printed implants induce bone regeneration in an equine defect model. Biomaterials, 261, [120302].
Moller, N. T., Mohammadi, A., Plomp, S., Beukers, M., Pouran, B., Mäkelä, J., Korhonen, R., Juha, T., Brommer, H., & van Weeren, R. (2020). Articular cartilage response to blunt vs sharp lesions in an in vivo equine carpal groove model. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 28(suppl. 1), S206-S207.
Mancini, I. A. D., Schmidt, S., Brommer, H., Pouran, B., Schäfer, S., Tessmar, J., Mensinga, A., van Rijen, M. H. P., Groll, J., Blunk, T., Levato, R., Malda, J., & van Weeren, P. R. (2020). A composite hydrogel-3D printed thermoplast osteochondral anchor as an example for a zonal approach to cartilage repair: in vivo performance in a long-term equine model. Biofabrication.
Brinkhof, S., Te Moller, N., Froeling, M., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Ito, K., & Klomp, D. (2020). T2* mapping in an equine articular groove model - visualizing changes in collagen orientation. Journal of Orthopaedic Research.
Bibikova, O. A., Mironovich, V., Usenov, I., Feliksberger, E., Bocharnikov, A., Surkova, A., Belikova, V., Nippolainen, E., Afara, I., Haas, J., Virtanen, V., Rieppo, L., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Pleyer, M., Koeth, J., Nägele, M., Töyräs, J., Mizaikoff, B., ... Artyushenko, V. G. (2020). Mid-infrared fiber spectroscopy for detection of cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis (Conference Presentation).
Groen, W. M., Levato, R., Malda, J., van Weeren, P. R., & Korthagen, N. M. (2020). In vitro response of mesenchymal stromal cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells to high- and low-endotoxin gelatine methacryloyl hydrogels. S523-S524.
Diloksumpan, P., Bolaños, R. V., Cokelaere, S., Pouran, B., de Grauw, J., van Rijen, M., van Weeren, R., Levato, R., & Malda, J. (2020). Orthotopic Bone Regeneration within 3D Printed Bioceramic Scaffolds with Region-Dependent Porosity Gradients in an Equine Model. Advanced healthcare materials, 9(10), 1-11. [e1901807].
Morgan, B., Bauza-Mayol, G., Gardner, O., Zhang, Y., Levato, R., Archer, C., van Weeren, R., Malda, J., Conlan, R. S., Francis, L., & Khan, I. (2020). BMP9 is a potent chondrogenic and morphogenic factor for articular cartilage-derived chondroprogenitors. Stem Cells and Development.
Bragança, F. M. S., Brommer, H., van den Belt, A. J. M., Maree, J. T. M., van Weeren, P. R., & van Oldruitenborgh-Oosterbaan, M. M. S. (2020). Subjective and objective evaluations of horses for fit-to-compete or unfit-to-compete judgement. Veterinary Journal, 257, [105454].
Byström, A., Clayton, H. M., Hernlund, E., Roepstorff, L., Rhodin, M., Bragança, F. S., Engell, M. T., van Weeren, R., Weishaupt, M. A., & Egenvall, A. (2020). Asymmetries of horses walking and trotting on treadmill with and without rider. Equine Veterinary Journal.
Fugazzola, M. C., & Weeren, P. R. (2020). Surgical osteochondral defect repair in the horse—a matter of form or function? Equine Veterinary Journal.
Bolaños, R. V., Castilho, M., de Grauw, J., Cokelaere, S., Plomp, S., Groll, J., van Weeren, P. R., Gbureck, U., & Malda, J. (2020). Long-Term in Vivo Performance of Low-Temperature 3D-Printed Bioceramics in an Equine Model. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 6(3), 1681-1689.
Hardeman, A. M., Byström, A., Roepstorff, L., Swagemakers, J. H., van Weeren, P. R., & Serra Bragança, F. M. (2020). Range of motion and between-measurement variation of spinal kinematics in sound horses at trot on the straight line and on the lunge. PLoS One, 15(2), [e0222822].
Diloksumpan, P., de Ruijter, M., Castilho, M., Gbureck, U., Vermonden, T., van Weeren, P. R., Malda, J., & Levato, R. (2020). Combining multi-scale 3D printing technologies to engineer reinforced hydrogel-ceramic interfaces. Biofabrication, 12(2), [025014].
Bragança, F. M. S., Roepstorff, C., Rhodin, M., Pfau, T., Weeren, P. R. V., & Roepstorff, L. (2020). Quantitative lameness assessment in the horse based on upper body movement symmetry: The effect of different filtering techniques on the quantification of motion symmetry. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 57, [101674].


Scholarly publications

Turunen, M., te Moller, N. C. R., Nippolainen, E., Mohammadi, A., Mäkelä , J. T. A., Afara, I. O., Koistinen, A. P., Brommer, H., & van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Compositional changes in subchondral bone and calcified cartilage in an equine cartilage defect model - a pilot study. Poster session presented at European Conference on Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (ECSBM), Dublin, Ireland.
van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Osteochondritis Dissecans. In J. Auer, J. S., J. Kümmerle, & T. Prange (Eds.), Equine Surgery (5 ed., pp. 1509-1527). Elsevier.
St. George, L., Spoormakers, T. J. P., Serra Braganca, F. M., van Weeren, P. R., & Hobbs, S. J. (2019). The use of surface electromyography for quantification of changes in biceps femoris and triceps brachii muscle activity during induced forelimb and hindlimb lameness. Equine veterinary journal. Supplement, 53(BEVA abstracts), 28. [48].
te Moller, N. C. R., Mohammadi, A., Mäkelä , J. T. A., Korhonen, R. K., Pouran, B., Beukers, M., Plomp, S. G. M., Brommer, H., & van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Progression of chondral lesions and signs of osteoarthritic changes in a long term equine carpal groove model. Poster session presented at Dutch Society for Matrix Biology (NVMB) Annual meeting, Lunteren, Netherlands.
Egenvall, A., Byström, A., Roepstorff, L., Rhodin, M., Weishaupt, M. A., Clayton, H. M., & van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Withers vertical movement asymmetry in dressage horses walking in different head-neck positions with and without riders. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 36, 72-83.
Serra Braganca, F. M., Hernlund, E., Halling‐Thomsen, M. H., Waldern, 2M. Rhodin, N. M., Byström, A., van Weeren, P. R., & Weishaupt, M. A. (2019). Adaptation strategies of horses with induced forelimb lameness walking on a treadmill.
Gómez Álvarez, C. B., & van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Practical uses of quantitative gait analysis in horses. Equine Veterinary Journal, 51(6), 811-812.
van Weeren, P. R., & Gómez Álvarez, C. B. (2019). Equine gait analysis: The slow start, the recent breakthroughs and the sky as the limit? Equine Veterinary Journal, 51(6), 809-810.
Serra Braganca, F. M., Hernlund, E. L., Thomsen, M. H., Waldern, N. M., Rhodin, M., Byström, A., van Weeren, P. R., & Weishaupt, M. (2019). Adaptation strategies of horses with induced forelimb lameness walking on a treadmill. In Clinical Research Abstracts of the British Equine Veterinary Association: Congress 2019, Birmingham, UK, 11‐14 September 2019 [17] (Clinical research abstracts of the British Equine Veterinary; Vol. 51, No. S53).
Mancini, I. A. D., Rieppo, L., Pouran, B., Afara, I. O., Braganca, F. M. S., van Rijen, M. H. P., Kik, M., Weinans, H., Toyras, J., van Weeren, P. R., & Malda, J. (2019). Effects of body mass on microstructural features of the osteochondral unit: A comparative analysis of 37 mammalian species. Bone, 127, 664-673.
Malda, J., Groll, J., & van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Rethinking articular cartilage regeneration based on a 250-year-old statement. Nature reviews. Rheumatology, 15, 571-572.
van Weeren, P. R. (2019). Letter to the Editor: On the origin of lameness – do opinions differ less than it might appear at first glance? Equine Veterinary Journal, 51(4), 557-558.
Korthagen, N. M., Brommer, H., Hermsen, G., Plomp, S. G. M., Melsom, G., Coeleveld, K., Mastbergen, S. C., Weinans, H., van Buul, W., & van Weeren, P. R. (2019). A short-term evaluation of a thermoplastic polyurethane implant for osteochondral defect repair in an equine model. Veterinary Journal, 251, [105340].
Sarin, J. K., Nykänen, O., Tiitu, V., Mancini, I. A. D., Brommer, H., Visser, J., Malda, J., van Weeren, P. R., Afara, I. O., & Töyräs, J. (2019). Arthroscopic Determination of Cartilage Proteoglycan Content and Collagen Network Structure with Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 47(8), 1815-1826.
Nykänen, O., Sarin, J. K., Ketola, J. H., Leskinen, H., Te Moller, N. C. R., Tiitu, V., Mancini, I. A. D., Visser, J., Brommer, H., René van Weeren, P., Malda, J., Töyräs, J., & Nissi, M. J. (2019). T2* and quantitative susceptibility mapping in an equine model of post-traumatic osteoarthritis: assessment of mechanical and structural properties of articular cartilage. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage.
Clayton, H. M., Dyson, S., Harris, P., van Weeren, R., & Bondi, A. (2019). Science-in-brief: Horse, rider, saddlery interactions: Welfare and performance. Equine Veterinary Journal, 51(3), 280-282.
Korthagen, N. M., de Visser, H. M., Geusebroek, G., Storm, G., Dupuis, N., Plomp, S. G., Warmink, K., Eijkelkamp, N., Tryfonidou, M., van Weeren, P. R., & Weinans, H. (2019). Intra-articular treatment with triamcinolone acetonide-loaded liposomes in the rat high-fat diet groove model. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 27(Supplement 1), S373-S374.
Piluso, S., Li, Y., Abinzano, F., Levato, R., Moreira Teixeira, L., Karperien, M., Leijten, J., van Weeren, R., & Malda, J. (2019). Mimicking the Articular Joint with In Vitro Models. Trends in Biotechnology, 37(10), 1063-1077.
Bibikova, O., Nippolainen, E., Afara, I., Haas, J., Virtanen, V., Rieppo, L., Adomaviciute, S., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Melenteva, A., Belikova, V., Zabarylo, U., Minet, O., Töyräs, J., Sablinskas, V., Mizaikoff, B., & Artyushenko, V. (2019). Multi-spectral fiber spectroscopy methods as solutions for label-free medical diagnostics (Conference Presentation).


Scholarly publications

Serra Braganca, F. M., Roepstorff, C., van Weeren, P. R., & Weishaupt, M. (2018). The effect of trotting speed on the kinematics of head, withers and pelvis. In 10th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology (pp. S53). (Comparative Exercise Physiology; Vol. 14, No. S1). Wageningen Academic Publisher.
Serra Braganca, F. M., Tijssen, M., Gunnarsson, V., Björnsdóttir, S., Persson Sjödin, E., van Weeren, P. R., voskamp, J. P., Back, W., & Rhodin, M. (2018). The use of an artificial neural network to classify gait in Icelandic horses. In 10th International Conference on Equine Exercise Physiology
Sarin, J. K., te Moller, N., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Mancini, I., Malda, J., Afara, I. O., & Töyräs, J. (2018). Spectroscopic Evaluation of Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis in Shetland Ponies.
van Weeren, R. (2018). Kinematics. In F. M. D. Henson (Ed.), Equine Neck and Back Pathology: Diagnosis and Treatment (2 ed., pp. 49-71). Wiley-Blackwell.
Roepstorff, L., Egenvall, A., Van Weeren, P. R., Weishaupt, M. A., Rhodin, M., Hernlund, E., & Byström, A. (2018). Effect of different head and neck positions on kinematics of elite dressage horses ridden at walk on treadmill. Comparative Exercise Physiology, 14(2), 69-78.


Scholarly publications

Webb, W. R., Levato, R., van Weeren, P. R., Malda, J., & Khan, I. M. (2017). The potential use of microcarriers as a vehicle to deliver and differentiate chondroprogenitors. International Journal of Experimental Pathology, 98(1), A20-A21.


Scholarly publications

te Moller, N. C. R., Brommer, H., Liukkonen, J., Viren, T., Timonen, M., Puhakka, P. H., Jurvelin, J. S., van Weeren, P. R., & Töyräs, J. (2013). Arthroscopic optical coherence tomography provides detailed information on articular cartilage lesions in horses. The Veterinary Journal, 197, 589-595.


Scholarly publications

Kulmala, K. A. M., Pulkkinen, H. J., Rieppo, L., Tiitu, V., Kiviranta, I., Brünott, A., Brommer, H., van Weeren, R., Brama, P. A. J., Mikkola, M. T., Korhonen, R. K., Jurvelin, J. S., & Töyräs, J. (2012). Contrast-Enhanced Micro-Computed Tomography in Evaluation of Spontaneous Repair of Equine Cartilage. Cartilage, 3(3), 235-244.


Scholarly publications

Loomans, J. B. A., van Weeren, P. R., & Barneveld, A. (2009). Zur Lage der Pferdepraxis. Pferdeheilkunde, 25(1), 22-27.